// Underscore.js 1.8.3 // http://underscorejs.org // (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors // Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. (function(){function n(n){function t(t,r,e,u,i,o){for(;i>=0&&o>i;i+=n){var a=u?u[i]:i;e=r(e,t[a],a,t)}return e}return function(r,e,u,i){e=b(e,i,4);var o=!k(r)&&m.keys(r),a=(o||r).length,c=n>0?0:a-1;return arguments.length<3&&(u=r[o?o[c]:c],c+=n),t(r,e,u,o,c,a)}}function t(n){return function(t,r,e){r=x(r,e);for(var u=O(t),i=n>0?0:u-1;i>=0&&u>i;i+=n)if(r(t[i],i,t))return i;return-1}}function r(n,t,r){return function(e,u,i){var o=0,a=O(e);if("number"==typeof i)n>0?o=i>=0?i:Math.max(i+a,o):a=i>=0?Math.min(i+1,a):i+a+1;else if(r&&i&&a)return i=r(e,u),e[i]===u?i:-1;if(u!==u)return i=t(l.call(e,o,a),m.isNaN),i>=0?i+o:-1;for(i=n>0?o:a-1;i>=0&&a>i;i+=n)if(e[i]===u)return i;return-1}}function e(n,t){var r=I.length,e=n.constructor,u=m.isFunction(e)&&e.prototype||a,i="constructor";for(m.has(n,i)&&!m.contains(t,i)&&t.push(i);r--;)i=I[r],i in n&&n[i]!==u[i]&&!m.contains(t,i)&&t.push(i)}var u=this,i=u._,o=Array.prototype,a=Object.prototype,c=Function.prototype,f=o.push,l=o.slice,s=a.toString,p=a.hasOwnProperty,h=Array.isArray,v=Object.keys,g=c.bind,y=Object.create,d=function(){},m=function(n){return n instanceof m?n:this instanceof m?void(this._wrapped=n):new m(n)};"undefined"!=typeof exports?("undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(exports=module.exports=m),exports._=m):u._=m,m.VERSION="1.8.3";var b=function(n,t,r){if(t===void 0)return n;switch(null==r?3:r){case 1:return function(r){return n.call(t,r)};case 2:return function(r,e){return n.call(t,r,e)};case 3:return function(r,e,u){return n.call(t,r,e,u)};case 4:return function(r,e,u,i){return n.call(t,r,e,u,i)}}return function(){return n.apply(t,arguments)}},x=function(n,t,r){return null==n?m.identity:m.isFunction(n)?b(n,t,r):m.isObject(n)?m.matcher(n):m.property(n)};m.iteratee=function(n,t){return x(n,t,1/0)};var _=function(n,t){return function(r){var e=arguments.length;if(2>e||null==r)return r;for(var u=1;e>u;u++)for(var i=arguments[u],o=n(i),a=o.length,c=0;a>c;c++){var f=o[c];t&&r[f]!==void 0||(r[f]=i[f])}return r}},j=function(n){if(!m.isObject(n))return{};if(y)return y(n);d.prototype=n;var t=new d;return d.prototype=null,t},w=function(n){return function(t){return null==t?void 0:t[n]}},A=Math.pow(2,53)-1,O=w("length"),k=function(n){var t=O(n);return"number"==typeof t&&t>=0&&A>=t};m.each=m.forEach=function(n,t,r){t=b(t,r);var e,u;if(k(n))for(e=0,u=n.length;u>e;e++)t(n[e],e,n);else{var i=m.keys(n);for(e=0,u=i.length;u>e;e++)t(n[i[e]],i[e],n)}return n},m.map=m.collect=function(n,t,r){t=x(t,r);for(var e=!k(n)&&m.keys(n),u=(e||n).length,i=Array(u),o=0;u>o;o++){var a=e?e[o]:o;i[o]=t(n[a],a,n)}return i},m.reduce=m.foldl=m.inject=n(1),m.reduceRight=m.foldr=n(-1),m.find=m.detect=function(n,t,r){var e;return e=k(n)?m.findIndex(n,t,r):m.findKey(n,t,r),e!==void 0&&e!==-1?n[e]:void 0},m.filter=m.select=function(n,t,r){var e=[];return t=x(t,r),m.each(n,function(n,r,u){t(n,r,u)&&e.push(n)}),e},m.reject=function(n,t,r){return m.filter(n,m.negate(x(t)),r)},m.every=m.all=function(n,t,r){t=x(t,r);for(var e=!k(n)&&m.keys(n),u=(e||n).length,i=0;u>i;i++){var o=e?e[i]:i;if(!t(n[o],o,n))return!1}return!0},m.some=m.any=function(n,t,r){t=x(t,r);for(var e=!k(n)&&m.keys(n),u=(e||n).length,i=0;u>i;i++){var o=e?e[i]:i;if(t(n[o],o,n))return!0}return!1},m.contains=m.includes=m.include=function(n,t,r,e){return k(n)||(n=m.values(n)),("number"!=typeof r||e)&&(r=0),m.indexOf(n,t,r)>=0},m.invoke=function(n,t){var r=l.call(arguments,2),e=m.isFunction(t);return m.map(n,function(n){var u=e?t:n[t];return null==u?u:u.apply(n,r)})},m.pluck=function(n,t){return m.map(n,m.property(t))},m.where=function(n,t){return m.filter(n,m.matcher(t))},m.findWhere=function(n,t){return m.find(n,m.matcher(t))},m.max=function(n,t,r){var e,u,i=-1/0,o=-1/0;if(null==t&&null!=n){n=k(n)?n:m.values(n);for(var a=0,c=n.length;c>a;a++)e=n[a],e>i&&(i=e)}else t=x(t,r),m.each(n,function(n,r,e){u=t(n,r,e),(u>o||u===-1/0&&i===-1/0)&&(i=n,o=u)});return i},m.min=function(n,t,r){var e,u,i=1/0,o=1/0;if(null==t&&null!=n){n=k(n)?n:m.values(n);for(var a=0,c=n.length;c>a;a++)e=n[a],i>e&&(i=e)}else t=x(t,r),m.each(n,function(n,r,e){u=t(n,r,e),(o>u||1/0===u&&1/0===i)&&(i=n,o=u)});return i},m.shuffle=function(n){for(var t,r=k(n)?n:m.values(n),e=r.length,u=Array(e),i=0;e>i;i++)t=m.random(0,i),t!==i&&(u[i]=u[t]),u[t]=r[i];return u},m.sample=function(n,t,r){return null==t||r?(k(n)||(n=m.values(n)),n[m.random(n.length-1)]):m.shuffle(n).slice(0,Math.max(0,t))},m.sortBy=function(n,t,r){return t=x(t,r),m.pluck(m.map(n,function(n,r,e){return{value:n,index:r,criteria:t(n,r,e)}}).sort(function(n,t){var r=n.criteria,e=t.criteria;if(r!==e){if(r>e||r===void 0)return 1;if(e>r||e===void 0)return-1}return n.index-t.index}),"value")};var F=function(n){return function(t,r,e){var u={};return r=x(r,e),m.each(t,function(e,i){var o=r(e,i,t);n(u,e,o)}),u}};m.groupBy=F(function(n,t,r){m.has(n,r)?n[r].push(t):n[r]=[t]}),m.indexBy=F(function(n,t,r){n[r]=t}),m.countBy=F(function(n,t,r){m.has(n,r)?n[r]++:n[r]=1}),m.toArray=function(n){return n?m.isArray(n)?l.call(n):k(n)?m.map(n,m.identity):m.values(n):[]},m.size=function(n){return null==n?0:k(n)?n.length:m.keys(n).length},m.partition=function(n,t,r){t=x(t,r);var e=[],u=[];return m.each(n,function(n,r,i){(t(n,r,i)?e:u).push(n)}),[e,u]},m.first=m.head=m.take=function(n,t,r){return null==n?void 0:null==t||r?n[0]:m.initial(n,n.length-t)},m.initial=function(n,t,r){return l.call(n,0,Math.max(0,n.length-(null==t||r?1:t)))},m.last=function(n,t,r){return null==n?void 0:null==t||r?n[n.length-1]:m.rest(n,Math.max(0,n.length-t))},m.rest=m.tail=m.drop=function(n,t,r){return l.call(n,null==t||r?1:t)},m.compact=function(n){return m.filter(n,m.identity)};var S=function(n,t,r,e){for(var u=[],i=0,o=e||0,a=O(n);a>o;o++){var c=n[o];if(k(c)&&(m.isArray(c)||m.isArguments(c))){t||(c=S(c,t,r));var f=0,l=c.length;for(u.length+=l;l>f;)u[i++]=c[f++]}else r||(u[i++]=c)}return u};m.flatten=function(n,t){return S(n,t,!1)},m.without=function(n){return m.difference(n,l.call(arguments,1))},m.uniq=m.unique=function(n,t,r,e){m.isBoolean(t)||(e=r,r=t,t=!1),null!=r&&(r=x(r,e));for(var u=[],i=[],o=0,a=O(n);a>o;o++){var c=n[o],f=r?r(c,o,n):c;t?(o&&i===f||u.push(c),i=f):r?m.contains(i,f)||(i.push(f),u.push(c)):m.contains(u,c)||u.push(c)}return u},m.union=function(){return m.uniq(S(arguments,!0,!0))},m.intersection=function(n){for(var t=[],r=arguments.length,e=0,u=O(n);u>e;e++){var i=n[e];if(!m.contains(t,i)){for(var o=1;r>o&&m.contains(arguments[o],i);o++);o===r&&t.push(i)}}return t},m.difference=function(n){var t=S(arguments,!0,!0,1);return m.filter(n,function(n){return!m.contains(t,n)})},m.zip=function(){return m.unzip(arguments)},m.unzip=function(n){for(var t=n&&m.max(n,O).length||0,r=Array(t),e=0;t>e;e++)r[e]=m.pluck(n,e);return r},m.object=function(n,t){for(var r={},e=0,u=O(n);u>e;e++)t?r[n[e]]=t[e]:r[n[e][0]]=n[e][1];return r},m.findIndex=t(1),m.findLastIndex=t(-1),m.sortedIndex=function(n,t,r,e){r=x(r,e,1);for(var u=r(t),i=0,o=O(n);o>i;){var a=Math.floor((i+o)/2);r(n[a])i;i++,n+=r)u[i]=n;return u};var E=function(n,t,r,e,u){if(!(e instanceof t))return n.apply(r,u);var i=j(n.prototype),o=n.apply(i,u);return m.isObject(o)?o:i};m.bind=function(n,t){if(g&&n.bind===g)return g.apply(n,l.call(arguments,1));if(!m.isFunction(n))throw new TypeError("Bind must be called on a function");var r=l.call(arguments,2),e=function(){return E(n,e,t,this,r.concat(l.call(arguments)))};return e},m.partial=function(n){var t=l.call(arguments,1),r=function(){for(var e=0,u=t.length,i=Array(u),o=0;u>o;o++)i[o]=t[o]===m?arguments[e++]:t[o];for(;e=e)throw new Error("bindAll must be passed function names");for(t=1;e>t;t++)r=arguments[t],n[r]=m.bind(n[r],n);return n},m.memoize=function(n,t){var r=function(e){var u=r.cache,i=""+(t?t.apply(this,arguments):e);return m.has(u,i)||(u[i]=n.apply(this,arguments)),u[i]};return r.cache={},r},m.delay=function(n,t){var r=l.call(arguments,2);return setTimeout(function(){return n.apply(null,r)},t)},m.defer=m.partial(m.delay,m,1),m.throttle=function(n,t,r){var e,u,i,o=null,a=0;r||(r={});var c=function(){a=r.leading===!1?0:m.now(),o=null,i=n.apply(e,u),o||(e=u=null)};return function(){var f=m.now();a||r.leading!==!1||(a=f);var l=t-(f-a);return e=this,u=arguments,0>=l||l>t?(o&&(clearTimeout(o),o=null),a=f,i=n.apply(e,u),o||(e=u=null)):o||r.trailing===!1||(o=setTimeout(c,l)),i}},m.debounce=function(n,t,r){var e,u,i,o,a,c=function(){var f=m.now()-o;t>f&&f>=0?e=setTimeout(c,t-f):(e=null,r||(a=n.apply(i,u),e||(i=u=null)))};return function(){i=this,u=arguments,o=m.now();var f=r&&!e;return e||(e=setTimeout(c,t)),f&&(a=n.apply(i,u),i=u=null),a}},m.wrap=function(n,t){return m.partial(t,n)},m.negate=function(n){return function(){return!n.apply(this,arguments)}},m.compose=function(){var n=arguments,t=n.length-1;return function(){for(var r=t,e=n[t].apply(this,arguments);r--;)e=n[r].call(this,e);return e}},m.after=function(n,t){return function(){return--n<1?t.apply(this,arguments):void 0}},m.before=function(n,t){var r;return function(){return--n>0&&(r=t.apply(this,arguments)),1>=n&&(t=null),r}},m.once=m.partial(m.before,2);var M=!{toString:null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),I=["valueOf","isPrototypeOf","toString","propertyIsEnumerable","hasOwnProperty","toLocaleString"];m.keys=function(n){if(!m.isObject(n))return[];if(v)return v(n);var t=[];for(var r in n)m.has(n,r)&&t.push(r);return M&&e(n,t),t},m.allKeys=function(n){if(!m.isObject(n))return[];var t=[];for(var r in n)t.push(r);return M&&e(n,t),t},m.values=function(n){for(var t=m.keys(n),r=t.length,e=Array(r),u=0;r>u;u++)e[u]=n[t[u]];return e},m.mapObject=function(n,t,r){t=x(t,r);for(var e,u=m.keys(n),i=u.length,o={},a=0;i>a;a++)e=u[a],o[e]=t(n[e],e,n);return o},m.pairs=function(n){for(var t=m.keys(n),r=t.length,e=Array(r),u=0;r>u;u++)e[u]=[t[u],n[t[u]]];return e},m.invert=function(n){for(var t={},r=m.keys(n),e=0,u=r.length;u>e;e++)t[n[r[e]]]=r[e];return t},m.functions=m.methods=function(n){var t=[];for(var r in n)m.isFunction(n[r])&&t.push(r);return t.sort()},m.extend=_(m.allKeys),m.extendOwn=m.assign=_(m.keys),m.findKey=function(n,t,r){t=x(t,r);for(var e,u=m.keys(n),i=0,o=u.length;o>i;i++)if(e=u[i],t(n[e],e,n))return e},m.pick=function(n,t,r){var e,u,i={},o=n;if(null==o)return i;m.isFunction(t)?(u=m.allKeys(o),e=b(t,r)):(u=S(arguments,!1,!1,1),e=function(n,t,r){return t in r},o=Object(o));for(var a=0,c=u.length;c>a;a++){var f=u[a],l=o[f];e(l,f,o)&&(i[f]=l)}return i},m.omit=function(n,t,r){if(m.isFunction(t))t=m.negate(t);else{var e=m.map(S(arguments,!1,!1,1),String);t=function(n,t){return!m.contains(e,t)}}return m.pick(n,t,r)},m.defaults=_(m.allKeys,!0),m.create=function(n,t){var r=j(n);return t&&m.extendOwn(r,t),r},m.clone=function(n){return m.isObject(n)?m.isArray(n)?n.slice():m.extend({},n):n},m.tap=function(n,t){return t(n),n},m.isMatch=function(n,t){var r=m.keys(t),e=r.length;if(null==n)return!e;for(var u=Object(n),i=0;e>i;i++){var o=r[i];if(t[o]!==u[o]||!(o in u))return!1}return!0};var N=function(n,t,r,e){if(n===t)return 0!==n||1/n===1/t;if(null==n||null==t)return n===t;n instanceof m&&(n=n._wrapped),t instanceof m&&(t=t._wrapped);var u=s.call(n);if(u!==s.call(t))return!1;switch(u){case"[object RegExp]":case"[object String]":return""+n==""+t;case"[object Number]":return+n!==+n?+t!==+t:0===+n?1/+n===1/t:+n===+t;case"[object Date]":case"[object Boolean]":return+n===+t}var i="[object Array]"===u;if(!i){if("object"!=typeof n||"object"!=typeof t)return!1;var o=n.constructor,a=t.constructor;if(o!==a&&!(m.isFunction(o)&&o instanceof o&&m.isFunction(a)&&a instanceof a)&&"constructor"in n&&"constructor"in t)return!1}r=r||[],e=e||[];for(var c=r.length;c--;)if(r[c]===n)return e[c]===t;if(r.push(n),e.push(t),i){if(c=n.length,c!==t.length)return!1;for(;c--;)if(!N(n[c],t[c],r,e))return!1}else{var f,l=m.keys(n);if(c=l.length,m.keys(t).length!==c)return!1;for(;c--;)if(f=l[c],!m.has(t,f)||!N(n[f],t[f],r,e))return!1}return r.pop(),e.pop(),!0};m.isEqual=function(n,t){return N(n,t)},m.isEmpty=function(n){return null==n?!0:k(n)&&(m.isArray(n)||m.isString(n)||m.isArguments(n))?0===n.length:0===m.keys(n).length},m.isElement=function(n){return!(!n||1!==n.nodeType)},m.isArray=h||function(n){return"[object Array]"===s.call(n)},m.isObject=function(n){var t=typeof n;return"function"===t||"object"===t&&!!n},m.each(["Arguments","Function","String","Number","Date","RegExp","Error"],function(n){m["is"+n]=function(t){return s.call(t)==="[object "+n+"]"}}),m.isArguments(arguments)||(m.isArguments=function(n){return m.has(n,"callee")}),"function"!=typeof/./&&"object"!=typeof Int8Array&&(m.isFunction=function(n){return"function"==typeof n||!1}),m.isFinite=function(n){return isFinite(n)&&!isNaN(parseFloat(n))},m.isNaN=function(n){return m.isNumber(n)&&n!==+n},m.isBoolean=function(n){return n===!0||n===!1||"[object Boolean]"===s.call(n)},m.isNull=function(n){return null===n},m.isUndefined=function(n){return n===void 0},m.has=function(n,t){return null!=n&&p.call(n,t)},m.noConflict=function(){return u._=i,this},m.identity=function(n){return n},m.constant=function(n){return function(){return n}},m.noop=function(){},m.property=w,m.propertyOf=function(n){return null==n?function(){}:function(t){return n[t]}},m.matcher=m.matches=function(n){return n=m.extendOwn({},n),function(t){return m.isMatch(t,n)}},m.times=function(n,t,r){var e=Array(Math.max(0,n));t=b(t,r,1);for(var u=0;n>u;u++)e[u]=t(u);return e},m.random=function(n,t){return null==t&&(t=n,n=0),n+Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-n+1))},m.now=Date.now||function(){return(new Date).getTime()};var B={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'","`":"`"},T=m.invert(B),R=function(n){var t=function(t){return n[t]},r="(?:"+m.keys(n).join("|")+")",e=RegExp(r),u=RegExp(r,"g");return function(n){return n=null==n?"":""+n,e.test(n)?n.replace(u,t):n}};m.escape=R(B),m.unescape=R(T),m.result=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?void 0:n[t];return e===void 0&&(e=r),m.isFunction(e)?e.call(n):e};var q=0;m.uniqueId=function(n){var t=++q+"";return n?n+t:t},m.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g};var K=/(.)^/,z={"'":"'","\\":"\\","\r":"r","\n":"n","\u2028":"u2028","\u2029":"u2029"},D=/\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g,L=function(n){return"\\"+z[n]};m.template=function(n,t,r){!t&&r&&(t=r),t=m.defaults({},t,m.templateSettings);var e=RegExp([(t.escape||K).source,(t.interpolate||K).source,(t.evaluate||K).source].join("|")+"|$","g"),u=0,i="__p+='";n.replace(e,function(t,r,e,o,a){return i+=n.slice(u,a).replace(D,L),u=a+t.length,r?i+="'+\n((__t=("+r+"))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'":e?i+="'+\n((__t=("+e+"))==null?'':__t)+\n'":o&&(i+="';\n"+o+"\n__p+='"),t}),i+="';\n",t.variable||(i="with(obj||{}){\n"+i+"}\n"),i="var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join,"+"print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n"+i+"return __p;\n";try{var o=new Function(t.variable||"obj","_",i)}catch(a){throw a.source=i,a}var c=function(n){return o.call(this,n,m)},f=t.variable||"obj";return c.source="function("+f+"){\n"+i+"}",c},m.chain=function(n){var t=m(n);return t._chain=!0,t};var P=function(n,t){return n._chain?m(t).chain():t};m.mixin=function(n){m.each(m.functions(n),function(t){var r=m[t]=n[t];m.prototype[t]=function(){var n=[this._wrapped];return f.apply(n,arguments),P(this,r.apply(m,n))}})},m.mixin(m),m.each(["pop","push","reverse","shift","sort","splice","unshift"],function(n){var t=o[n];m.prototype[n]=function(){var r=this._wrapped;return 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//! moment.js //! version : 2.18.1 //! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors //! license : MIT //! momentjs.com !function (a, b) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = b() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(b) : a.moment = b() }(this, function () { "use strict"; function a() { return sd.apply(null, arguments) } function b(a) { sd = a } function c(a) { return a instanceof Array || "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) } function d(a) { return null != a && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) } function e(a) { var b; for (b in a) return !1; return !0 } function f(a) { return void 0 === a } function g(a) { return "number" == typeof a || "[object Number]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) } function h(a) { return a instanceof Date || "[object Date]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) } function i(a, b) { var c, d = []; for (c = 0; c < a.length; ++c) d.push(b(a[c], c)); return d } function j(a, b) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) } function k(a, b) { for (var c in b) j(b, c) && (a[c] = b[c]); return j(b, "toString") && (a.toString = b.toString), j(b, "valueOf") && (a.valueOf = b.valueOf), a } function l(a, b, c, d) { return sb(a, b, c, d, !0).utc() } function m() { return { empty: !1, unusedTokens: [], unusedInput: [], overflow: -2, charsLeftOver: 0, nullInput: !1, invalidMonth: null, invalidFormat: !1, userInvalidated: !1, iso: !1, parsedDateParts: [], meridiem: null, rfc2822: !1, weekdayMismatch: !1 } } function n(a) { return null == a._pf && (a._pf = m()), a._pf } function o(a) { if (null == a._isValid) { var b = n(a), c = ud.call(b.parsedDateParts, function (a) { return null != a }), d = !isNaN(a._d.getTime()) && b.overflow < 0 && !b.empty && !b.invalidMonth && !b.invalidWeekday && !b.nullInput && !b.invalidFormat && !b.userInvalidated && (!b.meridiem || b.meridiem && c); if (a._strict && (d = d && 0 === b.charsLeftOver && 0 === b.unusedTokens.length && void 0 === b.bigHour), null != Object.isFrozen && Object.isFrozen(a)) return d; a._isValid = d } return a._isValid } function p(a) { var b = l(NaN); return null != a ? k(n(b), a) : n(b).userInvalidated = !0, b } function q(a, b) { var c, d, e; if (f(b._isAMomentObject) || (a._isAMomentObject = b._isAMomentObject), f(b._i) || (a._i = b._i), f(b._f) || (a._f = b._f), f(b._l) || (a._l = b._l), f(b._strict) || (a._strict = b._strict), f(b._tzm) || (a._tzm = b._tzm), f(b._isUTC) || (a._isUTC = b._isUTC), f(b._offset) || (a._offset = b._offset), f(b._pf) || (a._pf = n(b)), f(b._locale) || (a._locale = b._locale), vd.length > 0) for (c = 0; c < vd.length; c++) d = vd[c], e = b[d], f(e) || (a[d] = e); return a } function r(b) { q(this, b), this._d = new Date(null != b._d ? b._d.getTime() : NaN), this.isValid() || (this._d = new Date(NaN)), wd === !1 && (wd = !0, a.updateOffset(this), wd = !1) } function s(a) { return a instanceof r || null != a && null != a._isAMomentObject } function t(a) { return a < 0 ? Math.ceil(a) || 0 : Math.floor(a) } function u(a) { var b = +a, c = 0; return 0 !== b && isFinite(b) && (c = t(b)), c } function v(a, b, c) { var d, e = Math.min(a.length, b.length), f = Math.abs(a.length - b.length), g = 0; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) (c && a[d] !== b[d] || !c && u(a[d]) !== u(b[d])) && g++; return g + f } function w(b) { a.suppressDeprecationWarnings === !1 && "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn && console.warn("Deprecation warning: " + b) } function x(b, c) { var d = !0; return k(function () { if (null != a.deprecationHandler && a.deprecationHandler(null, b), d) { for (var e, f = [], g = 0; g < arguments.length; g++) { if (e = "", "object" == typeof arguments[g]) { e += "\n[" + g + "] "; for (var h in arguments[0]) e += h + ": " + arguments[0][h] + ", "; e = e.slice(0, -2) } else e = arguments[g]; f.push(e) } w(b + "\nArguments: " + Array.prototype.slice.call(f).join("") + "\n" + (new Error).stack), d = !1 } return c.apply(this, arguments) }, c) } function y(b, c) { null != a.deprecationHandler && a.deprecationHandler(b, c), xd[b] || (w(c), xd[b] = !0) } function z(a) { return a instanceof Function || "[object Function]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) } function A(a) { var b, c; for (c in a) b = a[c], z(b) ? this[c] = b : this["_" + c] = b; this._config = a, this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp((this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) + "|" + /\d{1,2}/.source) } function B(a, b) { var c, e = k({}, a); for (c in b) j(b, c) && (d(a[c]) && d(b[c]) ? (e[c] = {}, k(e[c], a[c]), k(e[c], b[c])) : null != b[c] ? e[c] = b[c] : delete e[c]); for (c in a) j(a, c) && !j(b, c) && d(a[c]) && (e[c] = k({}, e[c])); return e } function C(a) { null != a && this.set(a) } function D(a, b, c) { var d = this._calendar[a] || this._calendar.sameElse; return z(d) ? d.call(b, c) : d } function E(a) { var b = this._longDateFormat[a], c = this._longDateFormat[a.toUpperCase()]; return b || !c ? b : (this._longDateFormat[a] = c.replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (a) { return a.slice(1) }), this._longDateFormat[a]) } function F() { return this._invalidDate } function G(a) { return this._ordinal.replace("%d", a) } function H(a, b, c, d) { var e = this._relativeTime[c]; return z(e) ? e(a, b, c, d) : e.replace(/%d/i, a) } function I(a, b) { var c = this._relativeTime[a > 0 ? "future" : "past"]; return z(c) ? c(b) : c.replace(/%s/i, b) } function J(a, b) { var c = a.toLowerCase(); Hd[c] = Hd[c + "s"] = Hd[b] = a } function K(a) { return "string" == typeof a ? Hd[a] || Hd[a.toLowerCase()] : void 0 } function L(a) { var b, c, d = {}; for (c in a) j(a, c) && (b = K(c), b && (d[b] = a[c])); return d } function M(a, b) { Id[a] = b } function N(a) { var b = []; for (var c in a) b.push({ unit: c, priority: Id[c] }); return b.sort(function (a, b) { return a.priority - b.priority }), b } function O(b, c) { return function (d) { return null != d ? (Q(this, b, d), a.updateOffset(this, c), this) : P(this, b) } } function P(a, b) { return a.isValid() ? a._d["get" + (a._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + b]() : NaN } function Q(a, b, c) { a.isValid() && a._d["set" + (a._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + b](c) } function R(a) { return a = K(a), z(this[a]) ? this[a]() : this } function S(a, b) { if ("object" == typeof a) { a = L(a); for (var c = N(a), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this[c[d].unit](a[c[d].unit]) } else if (a = K(a), z(this[a])) return this[a](b); return this } function T(a, b, c) { var d = "" + Math.abs(a), e = b - d.length, f = a >= 0; return (f ? c ? "+" : "" : "-") + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, e)).toString().substr(1) + d } function U(a, b, c, d) { var e = d; "string" == typeof d && (e = function () { return this[d]() }), a && (Md[a] = e), b && (Md[b[0]] = function () { return T(e.apply(this, arguments), b[1], b[2]) }), c && (Md[c] = function () { return this.localeData().ordinal(e.apply(this, arguments), a) }) } function V(a) { return a.match(/\[[\s\S]/) ? a.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "") : a.replace(/\\/g, "") } function W(a) { var b, c, d = a.match(Jd); for (b = 0, c = d.length; b < c; b++) Md[d[b]] ? d[b] = Md[d[b]] : d[b] = V(d[b]); return function (b) { var e, f = ""; for (e = 0; e < c; e++) f += z(d[e]) ? d[e].call(b, a) : d[e]; return f } } function X(a, b) { return a.isValid() ? (b = Y(b, a.localeData()), Ld[b] = Ld[b] || W(b), Ld[b](a)) : a.localeData().invalidDate() } function Y(a, b) { function c(a) { return b.longDateFormat(a) || a } var d = 5; for (Kd.lastIndex = 0; d >= 0 && Kd.test(a) ;) a = a.replace(Kd, c), Kd.lastIndex = 0, d -= 1; return a } function Z(a, b, c) { ce[a] = z(b) ? b : function (a, d) { return a && c ? c : b } } function $(a, b) { return j(ce, a) ? ce[a](b._strict, b._locale) : new RegExp(_(a)) } function _(a) { return aa(a.replace("\\", "").replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function (a, b, c, d, e) { return b || c || d || e })) } function aa(a) { return a.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&") } function ba(a, b) { var c, d = b; for ("string" == typeof a && (a = [a]), g(b) && (d = function (a, c) { c[b] = u(a) }), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) de[a[c]] = d } function ca(a, b) { ba(a, function (a, c, d, e) { d._w = d._w || {}, b(a, d._w, d, e) }) } function da(a, b, c) { null != b && j(de, a) && de[a](b, c._a, c, a) } function ea(a, b) { return new Date(Date.UTC(a, b + 1, 0)).getUTCDate() } function fa(a, b) { return a ? c(this._months) ? this._months[a.month()] : this._months[(this._months.isFormat || oe).test(b) ? "format" : "standalone"][a.month()] : c(this._months) ? this._months : this._months.standalone } function ga(a, b) { return a ? c(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[a.month()] : this._monthsShort[oe.test(b) ? "format" : "standalone"][a.month()] : c(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort : this._monthsShort.standalone } function ha(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g = a.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this._monthsParse) for (this._monthsParse = [], this._longMonthsParse = [], this._shortMonthsParse = [], d = 0; d < 12; ++d) f = l([2e3, d]), this._shortMonthsParse[d] = this.monthsShort(f, "").toLocaleLowerCase(), this._longMonthsParse[d] = this.months(f, "").toLocaleLowerCase(); return c ? "MMM" === b ? (e = ne.call(this._shortMonthsParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null) : (e = ne.call(this._longMonthsParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null) : "MMM" === b ? (e = ne.call(this._shortMonthsParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._longMonthsParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null)) : (e = ne.call(this._longMonthsParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._shortMonthsParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null)) } function ia(a, b, c) { var d, e, f; if (this._monthsParseExact) return ha.call(this, a, b, c); for (this._monthsParse || (this._monthsParse = [], this._longMonthsParse = [], this._shortMonthsParse = []), d = 0; d < 12; d++) { if (e = l([2e3, d]), c && !this._longMonthsParse[d] && (this._longMonthsParse[d] = new RegExp("^" + this.months(e, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i"), this._shortMonthsParse[d] = new RegExp("^" + this.monthsShort(e, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i")), c || this._monthsParse[d] || (f = "^" + this.months(e, "") + "|^" + this.monthsShort(e, ""), this._monthsParse[d] = new RegExp(f.replace(".", ""), "i")), c && "MMMM" === b && this._longMonthsParse[d].test(a)) return d; if (c && "MMM" === b && this._shortMonthsParse[d].test(a)) return d; if (!c && this._monthsParse[d].test(a)) return d } } function ja(a, b) { var c; if (!a.isValid()) return a; if ("string" == typeof b) if (/^\d+$/.test(b)) b = u(b); else if (b = a.localeData().monthsParse(b), !g(b)) return a; return c = Math.min(a.date(), ea(a.year(), b)), a._d["set" + (a._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + "Month"](b, c), a } function ka(b) { return null != b ? (ja(this, b), a.updateOffset(this, !0), this) : P(this, "Month") } function la() { return ea(this.year(), this.month()) } function ma(a) { return this._monthsParseExact ? (j(this, "_monthsRegex") || oa.call(this), a ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex) : (j(this, "_monthsShortRegex") || (this._monthsShortRegex = re), this._monthsShortStrictRegex && a ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex) } function na(a) { return this._monthsParseExact ? (j(this, "_monthsRegex") || oa.call(this), a ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex) : (j(this, "_monthsRegex") || (this._monthsRegex = se), this._monthsStrictRegex && a ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex) } function oa() { function a(a, b) { return b.length - a.length } var b, c, d = [], e = [], f = []; for (b = 0; b < 12; b++) c = l([2e3, b]), d.push(this.monthsShort(c, "")), e.push(this.months(c, "")), f.push(this.months(c, "")), f.push(this.monthsShort(c, "")); for (d.sort(a), e.sort(a), f.sort(a), b = 0; b < 12; b++) d[b] = aa(d[b]), e[b] = aa(e[b]); for (b = 0; b < 24; b++) f[b] = aa(f[b]); this._monthsRegex = new RegExp("^(" + f.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex, this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + e.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + d.join("|") + ")", "i") } function pa(a) { return qa(a) ? 366 : 365 } function qa(a) { return a % 4 === 0 && a % 100 !== 0 || a % 400 === 0 } function ra() { return qa(this.year()) } function sa(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = new Date(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); return a < 100 && a >= 0 && isFinite(h.getFullYear()) && h.setFullYear(a), h } function ta(a) { var b = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments)); return a < 100 && a >= 0 && isFinite(b.getUTCFullYear()) && b.setUTCFullYear(a), b } function ua(a, b, c) { var d = 7 + b - c, e = (7 + ta(a, 0, d).getUTCDay() - b) % 7; return -e + d - 1 } function va(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, h = (7 + c - d) % 7, i = ua(a, d, e), j = 1 + 7 * (b - 1) + h + i; return j <= 0 ? (f = a - 1, g = pa(f) + j) : j > pa(a) ? (f = a + 1, g = j - pa(a)) : (f = a, g = j), { year: f, dayOfYear: g } } function wa(a, b, c) { var d, e, f = ua(a.year(), b, c), g = Math.floor((a.dayOfYear() - f - 1) / 7) + 1; return g < 1 ? (e = a.year() - 1, d = g + xa(e, b, c)) : g > xa(a.year(), b, c) ? (d = g - xa(a.year(), b, c), e = a.year() + 1) : (e = a.year(), d = g), { week: d, year: e } } function xa(a, b, c) { var d = ua(a, b, c), e = ua(a + 1, b, c); return (pa(a) - d + e) / 7 } function ya(a) { return wa(a, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week } function za() { return this._week.dow } function Aa() { return this._week.doy } function Ba(a) { var b = this.localeData().week(this); return null == a ? b : this.add(7 * (a - b), "d") } function Ca(a) { var b = wa(this, 1, 4).week; return null == a ? b : this.add(7 * (a - b), "d") } function Da(a, b) { return "string" != typeof a ? a : isNaN(a) ? (a = b.weekdaysParse(a), "number" == typeof a ? a : null) : parseInt(a, 10) } function Ea(a, b) { return "string" == typeof a ? b.weekdaysParse(a) % 7 || 7 : isNaN(a) ? null : a } function Fa(a, b) { return a ? c(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays[a.day()] : this._weekdays[this._weekdays.isFormat.test(b) ? "format" : "standalone"][a.day()] : c(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays : this._weekdays.standalone } function Ga(a) { return a ? this._weekdaysShort[a.day()] : this._weekdaysShort } function Ha(a) { return a ? this._weekdaysMin[a.day()] : this._weekdaysMin } function Ia(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g = a.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this._weekdaysParse) for (this._weekdaysParse = [], this._shortWeekdaysParse = [], this._minWeekdaysParse = [], d = 0; d < 7; ++d) f = l([2e3, 1]).day(d), this._minWeekdaysParse[d] = this.weekdaysMin(f, "").toLocaleLowerCase(), this._shortWeekdaysParse[d] = this.weekdaysShort(f, "").toLocaleLowerCase(), this._weekdaysParse[d] = this.weekdays(f, "").toLocaleLowerCase(); return c ? "dddd" === b ? (e = ne.call(this._weekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null) : "ddd" === b ? (e = ne.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null) : (e = ne.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null) : "dddd" === b ? (e = ne.call(this._weekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null))) : "ddd" === b ? (e = ne.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._weekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null))) : (e = ne.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._weekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : (e = ne.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, g), e !== -1 ? e : null))) } function Ja(a, b, c) { var d, e, f; if (this._weekdaysParseExact) return Ia.call(this, a, b, c); for (this._weekdaysParse || (this._weekdaysParse = [], this._minWeekdaysParse = [], this._shortWeekdaysParse = [], this._fullWeekdaysParse = []), d = 0; d < 7; d++) { if (e = l([2e3, 1]).day(d), c && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[d] && (this._fullWeekdaysParse[d] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdays(e, "").replace(".", ".?") + "$", "i"), this._shortWeekdaysParse[d] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdaysShort(e, "").replace(".", ".?") + "$", "i"), this._minWeekdaysParse[d] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdaysMin(e, "").replace(".", ".?") + "$", "i")), this._weekdaysParse[d] || (f = "^" + this.weekdays(e, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysShort(e, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysMin(e, ""), this._weekdaysParse[d] = new RegExp(f.replace(".", ""), "i")), c && "dddd" === b && this._fullWeekdaysParse[d].test(a)) return d; if (c && "ddd" === b && this._shortWeekdaysParse[d].test(a)) return d; if (c && "dd" === b && this._minWeekdaysParse[d].test(a)) return d; if (!c && this._weekdaysParse[d].test(a)) return d } } function Ka(a) { if (!this.isValid()) return null != a ? this : NaN; var b = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay(); return null != a ? (a = Da(a, this.localeData()), this.add(a - b, "d")) : b } function La(a) { if (!this.isValid()) return null != a ? this : NaN; var b = (this.day() + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7; return null == a ? b : this.add(a - b, "d") } function Ma(a) { if (!this.isValid()) return null != a ? this : NaN; if (null != a) { var b = Ea(a, this.localeData()); return this.day(this.day() % 7 ? b : b - 7) } return this.day() || 7 } function Na(a) { return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (j(this, "_weekdaysRegex") || Qa.call(this), a ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex) : (j(this, "_weekdaysRegex") || (this._weekdaysRegex = ye), this._weekdaysStrictRegex && a ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex) } function Oa(a) { return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (j(this, "_weekdaysRegex") || Qa.call(this), a ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex) : (j(this, "_weekdaysShortRegex") || (this._weekdaysShortRegex = ze), this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && a ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex) } function Pa(a) { return this._weekdaysParseExact ? (j(this, "_weekdaysRegex") || Qa.call(this), a ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex) : (j(this, "_weekdaysMinRegex") || (this._weekdaysMinRegex = Ae), this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && a ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex) } function Qa() { function a(a, b) { return b.length - a.length } var b, c, d, e, f, g = [], h = [], i = [], j = []; for (b = 0; b < 7; b++) c = l([2e3, 1]).day(b), d = this.weekdaysMin(c, ""), e = this.weekdaysShort(c, ""), f = this.weekdays(c, ""), g.push(d), h.push(e), i.push(f), j.push(d), j.push(e), j.push(f); for (g.sort(a), h.sort(a), i.sort(a), j.sort(a), b = 0; b < 7; b++) h[b] = aa(h[b]), i[b] = aa(i[b]), j[b] = aa(j[b]); this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp("^(" + j.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex, this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex, this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + i.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + h.join("|") + ")", "i"), this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + g.join("|") + ")", "i") } function Ra() { return this.hours() % 12 || 12 } function Sa() { return this.hours() || 24 } function Ta(a, b) { U(a, 0, 0, function () { return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), b) }) } function Ua(a, b) { return b._meridiemParse } function Va(a) { return "p" === (a + "").toLowerCase().charAt(0) } function Wa(a, b, c) { return a > 11 ? c ? "pm" : "PM" : c ? "am" : "AM" } function Xa(a) { return a ? a.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-") : a } function Ya(a) { for (var b, c, d, e, f = 0; f < a.length;) { for (e = Xa(a[f]).split("-"), b = e.length, c = Xa(a[f + 1]), c = c ? c.split("-") : null; b > 0;) { if (d = Za(e.slice(0, b).join("-"))) return d; if (c && c.length >= b && v(e, c, !0) >= b - 1) break; b-- } f++ } return null } function Za(a) { var b = null; if (!Fe[a] && "undefined" != typeof module && module && module.exports) try { b = Be._abbr, require("./locale/" + a), $a(b) } catch (a) { } return Fe[a] } function $a(a, b) { var c; return a && (c = f(b) ? bb(a) : _a(a, b), c && (Be = c)), Be._abbr } function _a(a, b) { if (null !== b) { var c = Ee; if (b.abbr = a, null != Fe[a]) y("defineLocaleOverride", "use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/define-locale/ for more info."), c = Fe[a]._config; else if (null != b.parentLocale) { if (null == Fe[b.parentLocale]) return Ge[b.parentLocale] || (Ge[b.parentLocale] = []), Ge[b.parentLocale].push({ name: a, config: b }), null; c = Fe[b.parentLocale]._config } return Fe[a] = new C(B(c, b)), Ge[a] && Ge[a].forEach(function (a) { _a(a.name, a.config) }), $a(a), Fe[a] } return delete Fe[a], null } function ab(a, b) { if (null != b) { var c, d = Ee; null != Fe[a] && (d = Fe[a]._config), b = B(d, b), c = new C(b), c.parentLocale = Fe[a], Fe[a] = c, $a(a) } else null != Fe[a] && (null != Fe[a].parentLocale ? Fe[a] = Fe[a].parentLocale : null != Fe[a] && delete Fe[a]); return Fe[a] } function bb(a) { var b; if (a && a._locale && a._locale._abbr && (a = a._locale._abbr), !a) return Be; if (!c(a)) { if (b = Za(a)) return b; a = [a] } return Ya(a) } function cb() { return Ad(Fe) } function db(a) { var b, c = a._a; return c && n(a).overflow === -2 && (b = c[fe] < 0 || c[fe] > 11 ? fe : c[ge] < 1 || c[ge] > ea(c[ee], c[fe]) ? ge : c[he] < 0 || c[he] > 24 || 24 === c[he] && (0 !== c[ie] || 0 !== c[je] || 0 !== c[ke]) ? he : c[ie] < 0 || c[ie] > 59 ? ie : c[je] < 0 || c[je] > 59 ? je : c[ke] < 0 || c[ke] > 999 ? ke : -1, n(a)._overflowDayOfYear && (b < ee || b > ge) && (b = ge), n(a)._overflowWeeks && b === -1 && (b = le), n(a)._overflowWeekday && b === -1 && (b = me), n(a).overflow = b), a } function eb(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = a._i, i = He.exec(h) || Ie.exec(h); if (i) { for (n(a).iso = !0, b = 0, c = Ke.length; b < c; b++) if (Ke[b][1].exec(i[1])) { e = Ke[b][0], d = Ke[b][2] !== !1; break } if (null == e) return void (a._isValid = !1); if (i[3]) { for (b = 0, c = Le.length; b < c; b++) if (Le[b][1].exec(i[3])) { f = (i[2] || " ") + Le[b][0]; break } if (null == f) return void (a._isValid = !1) } if (!d && null != f) return void (a._isValid = !1); if (i[4]) { if (!Je.exec(i[4])) return void (a._isValid = !1); g = "Z" } a._f = e + (f || "") + (g || ""), lb(a) } else a._isValid = !1 } function fb(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = { " GMT": " +0000", " EDT": " -0400", " EST": " -0500", " CDT": " -0500", " CST": " -0600", " MDT": " -0600", " MST": " -0700", " PDT": " -0700", " PST": " -0800" }, k = "YXWVUTSRQPONZABCDEFGHIKLM"; if (b = a._i.replace(/\([^\)]*\)|[\n\t]/g, " ").replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""), c = Ne.exec(b)) { if (d = c[1] ? "ddd" + (5 === c[1].length ? ", " : " ") : "", e = "D MMM " + (c[2].length > 10 ? "YYYY " : "YY "), f = "HH:mm" + (c[4] ? ":ss" : ""), c[1]) { var l = new Date(c[2]), m = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"][l.getDay()]; if (c[1].substr(0, 3) !== m) return n(a).weekdayMismatch = !0, void (a._isValid = !1) } switch (c[5].length) { case 2: 0 === i ? h = " +0000" : (i = k.indexOf(c[5][1].toUpperCase()) - 12, h = (i < 0 ? " -" : " +") + ("" + i).replace(/^-?/, "0").match(/..$/)[0] + "00"); break; case 4: h = j[c[5]]; break; default: h = j[" GMT"] } c[5] = h, a._i = c.splice(1).join(""), g = " ZZ", a._f = d + e + f + g, lb(a), n(a).rfc2822 = !0 } else a._isValid = !1 } function gb(b) { var c = Me.exec(b._i); return null !== c ? void (b._d = new Date(+c[1])) : (eb(b), void (b._isValid === !1 && (delete b._isValid, fb(b), b._isValid === !1 && (delete b._isValid, a.createFromInputFallback(b))))) } function hb(a, b, c) { return null != a ? a : null != b ? b : c } function ib(b) { var c = new Date(a.now()); return b._useUTC ? [c.getUTCFullYear(), c.getUTCMonth(), c.getUTCDate()] : [c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth(), c.getDate()] } function jb(a) { var b, c, d, e, f = []; if (!a._d) { for (d = ib(a), a._w && null == a._a[ge] && null == a._a[fe] && kb(a), null != a._dayOfYear && (e = hb(a._a[ee], d[ee]), (a._dayOfYear > pa(e) || 0 === a._dayOfYear) && (n(a)._overflowDayOfYear = !0), c = ta(e, 0, a._dayOfYear), a._a[fe] = c.getUTCMonth(), a._a[ge] = c.getUTCDate()), b = 0; b < 3 && null == a._a[b]; ++b) a._a[b] = f[b] = d[b]; for (; b < 7; b++) a._a[b] = f[b] = null == a._a[b] ? 2 === b ? 1 : 0 : a._a[b]; 24 === a._a[he] && 0 === a._a[ie] && 0 === a._a[je] && 0 === a._a[ke] && (a._nextDay = !0, a._a[he] = 0), a._d = (a._useUTC ? ta : sa).apply(null, f), null != a._tzm && a._d.setUTCMinutes(a._d.getUTCMinutes() - a._tzm), a._nextDay && (a._a[he] = 24) } } function kb(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i; if (b = a._w, null != b.GG || null != b.W || null != b.E) f = 1, g = 4, c = hb(b.GG, a._a[ee], wa(tb(), 1, 4).year), d = hb(b.W, 1), e = hb(b.E, 1), (e < 1 || e > 7) && (i = !0); else { f = a._locale._week.dow, g = a._locale._week.doy; var j = wa(tb(), f, g); c = hb(b.gg, a._a[ee], j.year), d = hb(b.w, j.week), null != b.d ? (e = b.d, (e < 0 || e > 6) && (i = !0)) : null != b.e ? (e = b.e + f, (b.e < 0 || b.e > 6) && (i = !0)) : e = f } d < 1 || d > xa(c, f, g) ? n(a)._overflowWeeks = !0 : null != i ? n(a)._overflowWeekday = !0 : (h = va(c, d, e, f, g), a._a[ee] = h.year, a._dayOfYear = h.dayOfYear) } function lb(b) { if (b._f === a.ISO_8601) return void eb(b); if (b._f === a.RFC_2822) return void fb(b); b._a = [], n(b).empty = !0; var c, d, e, f, g, h = "" + b._i, i = h.length, j = 0; for (e = Y(b._f, b._locale).match(Jd) || [], c = 0; c < e.length; c++) f = e[c], d = (h.match($(f, b)) || [])[0], d && (g = h.substr(0, h.indexOf(d)), g.length > 0 && n(b).unusedInput.push(g), h = h.slice(h.indexOf(d) + d.length), j += d.length), Md[f] ? (d ? n(b).empty = !1 : n(b).unusedTokens.push(f), da(f, d, b)) : b._strict && !d && n(b).unusedTokens.push(f); n(b).charsLeftOver = i - j, h.length > 0 && n(b).unusedInput.push(h), b._a[he] <= 12 && n(b).bigHour === !0 && b._a[he] > 0 && (n(b).bigHour = void 0), n(b).parsedDateParts = b._a.slice(0), n(b).meridiem = b._meridiem, b._a[he] = mb(b._locale, b._a[he], b._meridiem), jb(b), db(b) } function mb(a, b, c) { var d; return null == c ? b : null != a.meridiemHour ? a.meridiemHour(b, c) : null != a.isPM ? (d = a.isPM(c), d && b < 12 && (b += 12), d || 12 !== b || (b = 0), b) : b } function nb(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; if (0 === a._f.length) return n(a).invalidFormat = !0, void (a._d = new Date(NaN)); for (e = 0; e < a._f.length; e++) f = 0, b = q({}, a), null != a._useUTC && (b._useUTC = a._useUTC), b._f = a._f[e], lb(b), o(b) && (f += n(b).charsLeftOver, f += 10 * n(b).unusedTokens.length, n(b).score = f, (null == d || f < d) && (d = f, c = b)); k(a, c || b) } function ob(a) { if (!a._d) { var b = L(a._i); a._a = i([b.year, b.month, b.day || b.date, b.hour, b.minute, b.second, b.millisecond], function (a) { return a && parseInt(a, 10) }), jb(a) } } function pb(a) { var b = new r(db(qb(a))); return b._nextDay && (b.add(1, "d"), b._nextDay = void 0), b } function qb(a) { var b = a._i, d = a._f; return a._locale = a._locale || bb(a._l), null === b || void 0 === d && "" === b ? p({ nullInput: !0 }) : ("string" == typeof b && (a._i = b = a._locale.preparse(b)), s(b) ? new r(db(b)) : (h(b) ? a._d = b : c(d) ? nb(a) : d ? lb(a) : rb(a), o(a) || (a._d = null), a)) } function rb(b) { var e = b._i; f(e) ? b._d = new Date(a.now()) : h(e) ? b._d = new Date(e.valueOf()) : "string" == typeof e ? gb(b) : c(e) ? (b._a = i(e.slice(0), function (a) { return parseInt(a, 10) }), jb(b)) : d(e) ? ob(b) : g(e) ? b._d = new Date(e) : a.createFromInputFallback(b) } function sb(a, b, f, g, h) { var i = {}; return f !== !0 && f !== !1 || (g = f, f = void 0), (d(a) && e(a) || c(a) && 0 === a.length) && (a = void 0), i._isAMomentObject = !0, i._useUTC = i._isUTC = h, i._l = f, i._i = a, i._f = b, i._strict = g, pb(i) } function tb(a, b, c, d) { return sb(a, b, c, d, !1) } function ub(a, b) { var d, e; if (1 === b.length && c(b[0]) && (b = b[0]), !b.length) return tb(); for (d = b[0], e = 1; e < b.length; ++e) b[e].isValid() && !b[e][a](d) || (d = b[e]); return d } function vb() { var a = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); return ub("isBefore", a) } function wb() { var a = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); return ub("isAfter", a) } function xb(a) { for (var b in a) if (Re.indexOf(b) === -1 || null != a[b] && isNaN(a[b])) return !1; for (var c = !1, d = 0; d < Re.length; ++d) if (a[Re[d]]) { if (c) return !1; parseFloat(a[Re[d]]) !== u(a[Re[d]]) && (c = !0) } return !0 } function yb() { return this._isValid } function zb() { return Sb(NaN) } function Ab(a) { var b = L(a), c = b.year || 0, d = b.quarter || 0, e = b.month || 0, f = b.week || 0, g = b.day || 0, h = b.hour || 0, i = b.minute || 0, j = b.second || 0, k = b.millisecond || 0; this._isValid = xb(b), this._milliseconds = +k + 1e3 * j + 6e4 * i + 1e3 * h * 60 * 60, this._days = +g + 7 * f, this._months = +e + 3 * d + 12 * c, this._data = {}, this._locale = bb(), this._bubble() } function Bb(a) { return a instanceof Ab } function Cb(a) { return a < 0 ? Math.round(-1 * a) * -1 : Math.round(a) } function Db(a, b) { U(a, 0, 0, function () { var a = this.utcOffset(), c = "+"; return a < 0 && (a = -a, c = "-"), c + T(~~(a / 60), 2) + b + T(~~a % 60, 2) }) } function Eb(a, b) { var c = (b || "").match(a); if (null === c) return null; var d = c[c.length - 1] || [], e = (d + "").match(Se) || ["-", 0, 0], f = +(60 * e[1]) + u(e[2]); return 0 === f ? 0 : "+" === e[0] ? f : -f } function Fb(b, c) { var d, e; return c._isUTC ? (d = c.clone(), e = (s(b) || h(b) ? b.valueOf() : tb(b).valueOf()) - d.valueOf(), d._d.setTime(d._d.valueOf() + e), a.updateOffset(d, !1), d) : tb(b).local() } function Gb(a) { return 15 * -Math.round(a._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) } function Hb(b, c, d) { var e, f = this._offset || 0; if (!this.isValid()) return null != b ? this : NaN; if (null != b) { if ("string" == typeof b) { if (b = Eb(_d, b), null === b) return this } else Math.abs(b) < 16 && !d && (b = 60 * b); return !this._isUTC && c && (e = Gb(this)), this._offset = b, this._isUTC = !0, null != e && this.add(e, "m"), f !== b && (!c || this._changeInProgress ? Xb(this, Sb(b - f, "m"), 1, !1) : this._changeInProgress || (this._changeInProgress = !0, a.updateOffset(this, !0), this._changeInProgress = null)), this } return this._isUTC ? f : Gb(this) } function Ib(a, b) { return null != a ? ("string" != typeof a && (a = -a), this.utcOffset(a, b), this) : -this.utcOffset() } function Jb(a) { return this.utcOffset(0, a) } function Kb(a) { return this._isUTC && (this.utcOffset(0, a), this._isUTC = !1, a && this.subtract(Gb(this), "m")), this } function Lb() { if (null != this._tzm) this.utcOffset(this._tzm, !1, !0); else if ("string" == typeof this._i) { var a = Eb($d, this._i); null != a ? this.utcOffset(a) : this.utcOffset(0, !0) } return this } function Mb(a) { return !!this.isValid() && (a = a ? tb(a).utcOffset() : 0, (this.utcOffset() - a) % 60 === 0) } function Nb() { return this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() || this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset() } function Ob() { if (!f(this._isDSTShifted)) return this._isDSTShifted; var a = {}; if (q(a, this), a = qb(a), a._a) { var b = a._isUTC ? l(a._a) : tb(a._a); this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() && v(a._a, b.toArray()) > 0 } else this._isDSTShifted = !1; return this._isDSTShifted } function Pb() { return !!this.isValid() && !this._isUTC } function Qb() { return !!this.isValid() && this._isUTC } function Rb() { return !!this.isValid() && (this._isUTC && 0 === this._offset) } function Sb(a, b) { var c, d, e, f = a, h = null; return Bb(a) ? f = { ms: a._milliseconds, d: a._days, M: a._months } : g(a) ? (f = {}, b ? f[b] = a : f.milliseconds = a) : (h = Te.exec(a)) ? (c = "-" === h[1] ? -1 : 1, f = { y: 0, d: u(h[ge]) * c, h: u(h[he]) * c, m: u(h[ie]) * c, s: u(h[je]) * c, ms: u(Cb(1e3 * h[ke])) * c }) : (h = Ue.exec(a)) ? (c = "-" === h[1] ? -1 : 1, f = { y: Tb(h[2], c), M: Tb(h[3], c), w: Tb(h[4], c), d: Tb(h[5], c), h: Tb(h[6], c), m: Tb(h[7], c), s: Tb(h[8], c) }) : null == f ? f = {} : "object" == typeof f && ("from" in f || "to" in f) && (e = Vb(tb(f.from), tb(f.to)), f = {}, f.ms = e.milliseconds, f.M = e.months), d = new Ab(f), Bb(a) && j(a, "_locale") && (d._locale = a._locale), d } function Tb(a, b) { var c = a && parseFloat(a.replace(",", ".")); return (isNaN(c) ? 0 : c) * b } function Ub(a, b) { var c = { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 }; return c.months = b.month() - a.month() + 12 * (b.year() - a.year()), a.clone().add(c.months, "M").isAfter(b) && --c.months, c.milliseconds = +b - +a.clone().add(c.months, "M"), c } function Vb(a, b) { var c; return a.isValid() && b.isValid() ? (b = Fb(b, a), a.isBefore(b) ? c = Ub(a, b) : (c = Ub(b, a), c.milliseconds = -c.milliseconds, c.months = -c.months), c) : { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 } } function Wb(a, b) { return function (c, d) { var e, f; return null === d || isNaN(+d) || (y(b, "moment()." + b + "(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()." + b + "(number, period). See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/add-inverted-param/ for more info."), f = c, c = d, d = f), c = "string" == typeof c ? +c : c, e = Sb(c, d), Xb(this, e, a), this } } function Xb(b, c, d, e) { var f = c._milliseconds, g = Cb(c._days), h = Cb(c._months); b.isValid() && (e = null == e || e, f && b._d.setTime(b._d.valueOf() + f * d), g && Q(b, "Date", P(b, "Date") + g * d), h && ja(b, P(b, "Month") + h * d), e && a.updateOffset(b, g || h)) } function Yb(a, b) { var c = a.diff(b, "days", !0); return c < -6 ? "sameElse" : c < -1 ? "lastWeek" : c < 0 ? "lastDay" : c < 1 ? "sameDay" : c < 2 ? "nextDay" : c < 7 ? "nextWeek" : "sameElse" } function Zb(b, c) { var d = b || tb(), e = Fb(d, this).startOf("day"), f = a.calendarFormat(this, e) || "sameElse", g = c && (z(c[f]) ? c[f].call(this, d) : c[f]); return this.format(g || this.localeData().calendar(f, this, tb(d))) } function $b() { return new r(this) } function _b(a, b) { var c = s(a) ? a : tb(a); return !(!this.isValid() || !c.isValid()) && (b = K(f(b) ? "millisecond" : b), "millisecond" === b ? this.valueOf() > c.valueOf() : c.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(b).valueOf()) } function ac(a, b) { var c = s(a) ? a : tb(a); return !(!this.isValid() || !c.isValid()) && (b = K(f(b) ? "millisecond" : b), "millisecond" === b ? this.valueOf() < c.valueOf() : this.clone().endOf(b).valueOf() < c.valueOf()) } function bc(a, b, c, d) { return d = d || "()", ("(" === d[0] ? this.isAfter(a, c) : !this.isBefore(a, c)) && (")" === d[1] ? this.isBefore(b, c) : !this.isAfter(b, c)) } function cc(a, b) { var c, d = s(a) ? a : tb(a); return !(!this.isValid() || !d.isValid()) && (b = K(b || "millisecond"), "millisecond" === b ? this.valueOf() === d.valueOf() : (c = d.valueOf(), this.clone().startOf(b).valueOf() <= c && c <= this.clone().endOf(b).valueOf())) } function dc(a, b) { return this.isSame(a, b) || this.isAfter(a, b) } function ec(a, b) { return this.isSame(a, b) || this.isBefore(a, b) } function fc(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g; return this.isValid() ? (d = Fb(a, this), d.isValid() ? (e = 6e4 * (d.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()), b = K(b), "year" === b || "month" === b || "quarter" === b ? (g = gc(this, d), "quarter" === b ? g /= 3 : "year" === b && (g /= 12)) : (f = this - d, g = "second" === b ? f / 1e3 : "minute" === b ? f / 6e4 : "hour" === b ? f / 36e5 : "day" === b ? (f - e) / 864e5 : "week" === b ? (f - e) / 6048e5 : f), c ? g : t(g)) : NaN) : NaN } function gc(a, b) { var c, d, e = 12 * (b.year() - a.year()) + (b.month() - a.month()), f = a.clone().add(e, "months"); return b - f < 0 ? (c = a.clone().add(e - 1, "months"), d = (b - f) / (f - c)) : (c = a.clone().add(e + 1, "months"), d = (b - f) / (c - f)), -(e + d) || 0 } function hc() { return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ") } function ic() { if (!this.isValid()) return null; var a = this.clone().utc(); return a.year() < 0 || a.year() > 9999 ? X(a, "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]") : z(Date.prototype.toISOString) ? this.toDate().toISOString() : X(a, "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]") } function jc() { if (!this.isValid()) return "moment.invalid(/* " + this._i + " */)"; var a = "moment", b = ""; this.isLocal() || (a = 0 === this.utcOffset() ? "moment.utc" : "moment.parseZone", b = "Z"); var c = "[" + a + '("]', d = 0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? "YYYY" : "YYYYYY", e = "-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS", f = b + '[")]'; return this.format(c + d + e + f) } function kc(b) { b || (b = this.isUtc() ? a.defaultFormatUtc : a.defaultFormat); var c = X(this, b); return this.localeData().postformat(c) } function lc(a, b) { return this.isValid() && (s(a) && a.isValid() || tb(a).isValid()) ? Sb({ to: this, from: a }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!b) : this.localeData().invalidDate() } function mc(a) { return this.from(tb(), a) } function nc(a, b) { return this.isValid() && (s(a) && a.isValid() || tb(a).isValid()) ? Sb({ from: this, to: a }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!b) : this.localeData().invalidDate() } function oc(a) { return this.to(tb(), a) } function pc(a) { var b; return void 0 === a ? this._locale._abbr : (b = bb(a), null != b && (this._locale = b), this) } function qc() { return this._locale } function rc(a) { switch (a = K(a)) { case "year": this.month(0); case "quarter": case "month": this.date(1); case "week": case "isoWeek": case "day": case "date": this.hours(0); case "hour": this.minutes(0); case "minute": this.seconds(0); case "second": this.milliseconds(0) } return "week" === a && this.weekday(0), "isoWeek" === a && this.isoWeekday(1), "quarter" === a && this.month(3 * Math.floor(this.month() / 3)), this } function sc(a) { return a = K(a), void 0 === a || "millisecond" === a ? this : ("date" === a && (a = "day"), this.startOf(a).add(1, "isoWeek" === a ? "week" : a).subtract(1, "ms")) } function tc() { return this._d.valueOf() - 6e4 * (this._offset || 0) } function uc() { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3) } function vc() { return new Date(this.valueOf()) } function wc() { var a = this; return [a.year(), a.month(), a.date(), a.hour(), a.minute(), a.second(), a.millisecond()] } function xc() { var a = this; return { years: a.year(), months: a.month(), date: a.date(), hours: a.hours(), minutes: a.minutes(), seconds: a.seconds(), milliseconds: a.milliseconds() } } function yc() { return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null } function zc() { return o(this) } function Ac() { return k({}, n(this)) } function Bc() { return n(this).overflow } function Cc() { return { input: this._i, format: this._f, locale: this._locale, isUTC: this._isUTC, strict: this._strict } } function Dc(a, b) { U(0, [a, a.length], 0, b) } function Ec(a) { return Ic.call(this, a, this.week(), this.weekday(), this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy) } function Fc(a) { return Ic.call(this, a, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4) } function Gc() { return xa(this.year(), 1, 4) } function Hc() { var a = this.localeData()._week; return xa(this.year(), a.dow, a.doy) } function Ic(a, b, c, d, e) { var f; return null == a ? wa(this, d, e).year : (f = xa(a, d, e), b > f && (b = f), Jc.call(this, a, b, c, d, e)) } function Jc(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = va(a, b, c, d, e), g = ta(f.year, 0, f.dayOfYear); return this.year(g.getUTCFullYear()), this.month(g.getUTCMonth()), this.date(g.getUTCDate()), this } function Kc(a) { return null == a ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month(3 * (a - 1) + this.month() % 3) } function Lc(a) { var b = Math.round((this.clone().startOf("day") - this.clone().startOf("year")) / 864e5) + 1; return null == a ? b : this.add(a - b, "d") } function Mc(a, b) { b[ke] = u(1e3 * ("0." + a)) } function Nc() { return this._isUTC ? "UTC" : "" } function Oc() { return this._isUTC ? "Coordinated Universal Time" : "" } function Pc(a) { return tb(1e3 * a) } function Qc() { return tb.apply(null, arguments).parseZone() } function Rc(a) { return a } function Sc(a, b, c, d) { var e = bb(), f = l().set(d, b); return e[c](f, a) } function Tc(a, b, c) { if (g(a) && (b = a, a = void 0), a = a || "", null != b) return Sc(a, b, c, "month"); var d, e = []; for (d = 0; d < 12; d++) e[d] = Sc(a, d, c, "month"); return e } function Uc(a, b, c, d) { "boolean" == typeof a ? (g(b) && (c = b, b = void 0), b = b || "") : (b = a, c = b, a = !1, g(b) && (c = b, b = void 0), b = b || ""); var e = bb(), f = a ? e._week.dow : 0; if (null != c) return Sc(b, (c + f) % 7, d, "day"); var h, i = []; for (h = 0; h < 7; h++) i[h] = Sc(b, (h + f) % 7, d, "day"); return i } function Vc(a, b) { return Tc(a, b, "months") } function Wc(a, b) { return Tc(a, b, "monthsShort") } function Xc(a, b, c) { return Uc(a, b, c, "weekdays") } function Yc(a, b, c) { return Uc(a, b, c, "weekdaysShort") } function Zc(a, b, c) { return Uc(a, b, c, "weekdaysMin") } function $c() { var a = this._data; return this._milliseconds = df(this._milliseconds), this._days = df(this._days), this._months = df(this._months), a.milliseconds = df(a.milliseconds), a.seconds = df(a.seconds), a.minutes = df(a.minutes), a.hours = df(a.hours), a.months = df(a.months), a.years = df(a.years), this } function _c(a, b, c, d) { var e = Sb(b, c); return a._milliseconds += d * e._milliseconds, a._days += d * e._days, a._months += d * e._months, a._bubble() } function ad(a, b) { return _c(this, a, b, 1) } function bd(a, b) { return _c(this, a, b, -1) } function cd(a) { return a < 0 ? Math.floor(a) : Math.ceil(a) } function dd() { var a, b, c, d, e, f = this._milliseconds, g = this._days, h = this._months, i = this._data; return f >= 0 && g >= 0 && h >= 0 || f <= 0 && g <= 0 && h <= 0 || (f += 864e5 * cd(fd(h) + g), g = 0, h = 0), i.milliseconds = f % 1e3, a = t(f / 1e3), i.seconds = a % 60, b = t(a / 60), i.minutes = b % 60, c = t(b / 60), i.hours = c % 24, g += t(c / 24), e = t(ed(g)), h += e, g -= cd(fd(e)), d = t(h / 12), h %= 12, i.days = g, i.months = h, i.years = d, this } function ed(a) { return 4800 * a / 146097 } function fd(a) { return 146097 * a / 4800 } function gd(a) { if (!this.isValid()) return NaN; var b, c, d = this._milliseconds; if (a = K(a), "month" === a || "year" === a) return b = this._days + d / 864e5, c = this._months + ed(b), "month" === a ? c : c / 12; switch (b = this._days + Math.round(fd(this._months)), a) { case "week": return b / 7 + d / 6048e5; case "day": return b + d / 864e5; case "hour": return 24 * b + d / 36e5; case "minute": return 1440 * b + d / 6e4; case "second": return 86400 * b + d / 1e3; case "millisecond": return Math.floor(864e5 * b) + d; default: throw new Error("Unknown unit " + a) } } function hd() { return this.isValid() ? this._milliseconds + 864e5 * this._days + this._months % 12 * 2592e6 + 31536e6 * u(this._months / 12) : NaN } function id(a) { return function () { return this.as(a) } } function jd(a) { return a = K(a), this.isValid() ? this[a + "s"]() : NaN } function kd(a) { return function () { return this.isValid() ? this._data[a] : NaN } } function ld() { return t(this.days() / 7) } function md(a, b, c, d, e) { return e.relativeTime(b || 1, !!c, a, d) } function nd(a, b, c) { var d = Sb(a).abs(), e = uf(d.as("s")), f = uf(d.as("m")), g = uf(d.as("h")), h = uf(d.as("d")), i = uf(d.as("M")), j = uf(d.as("y")), k = e <= vf.ss && ["s", e] || e < vf.s && ["ss", e] || f <= 1 && ["m"] || f < vf.m && ["mm", f] || g <= 1 && ["h"] || g < vf.h && ["hh", g] || h <= 1 && ["d"] || h < vf.d && ["dd", h] || i <= 1 && ["M"] || i < vf.M && ["MM", i] || j <= 1 && ["y"] || ["yy", j]; return k[2] = b, k[3] = +a > 0, k[4] = c, md.apply(null, k) } function od(a) { return void 0 === a ? uf : "function" == typeof a && (uf = a, !0) } function pd(a, b) { return void 0 !== vf[a] && (void 0 === b ? vf[a] : (vf[a] = b, "s" === a && (vf.ss = b - 1), !0)) } function qd(a) { if (!this.isValid()) return this.localeData().invalidDate(); var b = this.localeData(), c = nd(this, !a, b); return a && (c = b.pastFuture(+this, c)), b.postformat(c) } function rd() { if (!this.isValid()) return this.localeData().invalidDate(); var a, b, c, d = wf(this._milliseconds) / 1e3, e = wf(this._days), f = wf(this._months); a = t(d / 60), b = t(a / 60), d %= 60, a %= 60, c = t(f / 12), f %= 12; var g = c, h = f, i = e, j = b, k = a, l = d, m = this.asSeconds(); return m ? (m < 0 ? "-" : "") + "P" + (g ? g + "Y" : "") + (h ? h + "M" : "") + (i ? i + "D" : "") + (j || k || l ? "T" : "") + (j ? j + "H" : "") + (k ? k + "M" : "") + (l ? l + "S" : "") : "P0D" } var sd, td; td = Array.prototype.some ? Array.prototype.some : function (a) { for (var b = Object(this), c = b.length >>> 0, d = 0; d < c; d++) if (d in b && a.call(this, b[d], d, b)) return !0; return !1 }; var ud = td, vd = a.momentProperties = [], wd = !1, xd = {}; a.suppressDeprecationWarnings = !1, a.deprecationHandler = null; var yd; yd = Object.keys ? Object.keys : function (a) { var b, c = []; for (b in a) j(a, b) && c.push(b); return c }; var zd, Ad = yd, Bd = { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }, Cd = { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" }, Dd = "Invalid date", Ed = "%d", Fd = /\d{1,2}/, Gd = { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }, Hd = {}, Id = {}, Jd = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g, Kd = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, Ld = {}, Md = {}, Nd = /\d/, Od = /\d\d/, Pd = /\d{3}/, Qd = /\d{4}/, Rd = /[+-]?\d{6}/, Sd = /\d\d?/, Td = /\d\d\d\d?/, Ud = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/, Vd = /\d{1,3}/, Wd = /\d{1,4}/, Xd = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/, Yd = /\d+/, Zd = /[+-]?\d+/, $d = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi, _d = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi, ae = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, be = /[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i, ce = {}, de = {}, ee = 0, fe = 1, ge = 2, he = 3, ie = 4, je = 5, ke = 6, le = 7, me = 8; zd = Array.prototype.indexOf ? Array.prototype.indexOf : function (a) { var b; for (b = 0; b < this.length; ++b) if (this[b] === a) return b; return -1 }; var ne = zd; U("M", ["MM", 2], "Mo", function () { return this.month() + 1 }), U("MMM", 0, 0, function (a) { return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, a) }), U("MMMM", 0, 0, function (a) { return this.localeData().months(this, a) }), J("month", "M"), M("month", 8), Z("M", Sd), Z("MM", Sd, Od), Z("MMM", function (a, b) { return b.monthsShortRegex(a) }), Z("MMMM", function (a, b) { return b.monthsRegex(a) }), ba(["M", "MM"], function (a, b) { b[fe] = u(a) - 1 }), ba(["MMM", "MMMM"], function (a, b, c, d) { var e = c._locale.monthsParse(a, d, c._strict); null != e ? b[fe] = e : n(c).invalidMonth = a }); var oe = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/, pe = "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), qe = "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), re = be, se = be; U("Y", 0, 0, function () { var a = this.year(); return a <= 9999 ? "" + a : "+" + a }), U(0, ["YY", 2], 0, function () { return this.year() % 100 }), U(0, ["YYYY", 4], 0, "year"), U(0, ["YYYYY", 5], 0, "year"), U(0, ["YYYYYY", 6, !0], 0, "year"), J("year", "y"), M("year", 1), Z("Y", Zd), Z("YY", Sd, Od), Z("YYYY", Wd, Qd), Z("YYYYY", Xd, Rd), Z("YYYYYY", Xd, Rd), ba(["YYYYY", "YYYYYY"], ee), ba("YYYY", function (b, c) { c[ee] = 2 === b.length ? a.parseTwoDigitYear(b) : u(b) }), ba("YY", function (b, c) { c[ee] = a.parseTwoDigitYear(b) }), ba("Y", function (a, b) { b[ee] = parseInt(a, 10) }), a.parseTwoDigitYear = function (a) { return u(a) + (u(a) > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3) }; var te = O("FullYear", !0); U("w", ["ww", 2], "wo", "week"), U("W", ["WW", 2], "Wo", "isoWeek"), J("week", "w"), J("isoWeek", "W"), M("week", 5), M("isoWeek", 5), Z("w", Sd), Z("ww", Sd, Od), Z("W", Sd), Z("WW", Sd, Od), ca(["w", "ww", "W", "WW"], function (a, b, c, d) { b[d.substr(0, 1)] = u(a) }); var ue = { dow: 0, doy: 6 }; U("d", 0, "do", "day"), U("dd", 0, 0, function (a) { return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, a) }), U("ddd", 0, 0, function (a) { return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, a) }), U("dddd", 0, 0, function (a) { return this.localeData().weekdays(this, a) }), U("e", 0, 0, "weekday"), U("E", 0, 0, "isoWeekday"), J("day", "d"), J("weekday", "e"), J("isoWeekday", "E"), M("day", 11), M("weekday", 11), M("isoWeekday", 11), Z("d", Sd), Z("e", Sd), Z("E", Sd), Z("dd", function (a, b) { return b.weekdaysMinRegex(a) }), Z("ddd", function (a, b) { return b.weekdaysShortRegex(a) }), Z("dddd", function (a, b) { return b.weekdaysRegex(a) }), ca(["dd", "ddd", "dddd"], function (a, b, c, d) { var e = c._locale.weekdaysParse(a, d, c._strict); null != e ? b.d = e : n(c).invalidWeekday = a }), ca(["d", "e", "E"], function (a, b, c, d) { b[d] = u(a) }); var ve = "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), we = "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), xe = "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), ye = be, ze = be, Ae = be; U("H", ["HH", 2], 0, "hour"), U("h", ["hh", 2], 0, Ra), U("k", ["kk", 2], 0, Sa), U("hmm", 0, 0, function () { return "" + Ra.apply(this) + T(this.minutes(), 2) }), U("hmmss", 0, 0, function () { return "" + Ra.apply(this) + T(this.minutes(), 2) + T(this.seconds(), 2) }), U("Hmm", 0, 0, function () { return "" + this.hours() + T(this.minutes(), 2) }), U("Hmmss", 0, 0, function () { return "" + this.hours() + T(this.minutes(), 2) + T(this.seconds(), 2) }), Ta("a", !0), Ta("A", !1), J("hour", "h"), M("hour", 13), Z("a", Ua), Z("A", Ua), Z("H", Sd), Z("h", Sd), Z("k", Sd), Z("HH", Sd, Od), Z("hh", Sd, Od), Z("kk", Sd, Od), Z("hmm", Td), Z("hmmss", Ud), Z("Hmm", Td), Z("Hmmss", Ud), ba(["H", "HH"], he), ba(["k", "kk"], function (a, b, c) { var d = u(a); b[he] = 24 === d ? 0 : d }), ba(["a", "A"], function (a, b, c) { c._isPm = c._locale.isPM(a), c._meridiem = a }), ba(["h", "hh"], function (a, b, c) { b[he] = u(a), n(c).bigHour = !0 }), ba("hmm", function (a, b, c) { var d = a.length - 2; b[he] = u(a.substr(0, d)), b[ie] = u(a.substr(d)), n(c).bigHour = !0 }), ba("hmmss", function (a, b, c) { var d = a.length - 4, e = a.length - 2; b[he] = u(a.substr(0, d)), b[ie] = u(a.substr(d, 2)), b[je] = u(a.substr(e)), n(c).bigHour = !0 }), ba("Hmm", function (a, b, c) { var d = a.length - 2; b[he] = u(a.substr(0, d)), b[ie] = u(a.substr(d)) }), ba("Hmmss", function (a, b, c) { var d = a.length - 4, e = a.length - 2; b[he] = u(a.substr(0, d)), b[ie] = u(a.substr(d, 2)), b[je] = u(a.substr(e)) }); var Be, Ce = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i, De = O("Hours", !0), Ee = { calendar: Bd, longDateFormat: Cd, invalidDate: Dd, ordinal: Ed, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: Fd, relativeTime: Gd, months: pe, monthsShort: qe, week: ue, weekdays: ve, weekdaysMin: xe, weekdaysShort: we, meridiemParse: Ce }, Fe = {}, Ge = {}, He = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, Ie = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, Je = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/, Ke = [["YYYYYY-MM-DD", /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/], ["YYYY-MM-DD", /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/], ["GGGG-[W]WW-E", /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/], ["GGGG-[W]WW", /\d{4}-W\d\d/, !1], ["YYYY-DDD", /\d{4}-\d{3}/], ["YYYY-MM", /\d{4}-\d\d/, !1], ["YYYYYYMMDD", /[+-]\d{10}/], ["YYYYMMDD", /\d{8}/], ["GGGG[W]WWE", /\d{4}W\d{3}/], ["GGGG[W]WW", /\d{4}W\d{2}/, !1], ["YYYYDDD", /\d{7}/]], Le = [["HH:mm:ss.SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/], ["HH:mm:ss,SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/], ["HH:mm:ss", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/], ["HH:mm", /\d\d:\d\d/], ["HHmmss.SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/], ["HHmmss,SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/], ["HHmmss", /\d\d\d\d\d\d/], ["HHmm", /\d\d\d\d/], ["HH", /\d\d/]], Me = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i, Ne = /^((?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d?\d\s(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(?:\d\d)?\d\d\s)(\d\d:\d\d)(\:\d\d)?(\s(?:UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T|[A-IK-Za-ik-z]|[+-]\d{4}))$/; a.createFromInputFallback = x("value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/js-date/ for more info.", function (a) { a._d = new Date(a._i + (a._useUTC ? " UTC" : "")) }), a.ISO_8601 = function () { }, a.RFC_2822 = function () { }; var Oe = x("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/", function () { var a = tb.apply(null, arguments); return this.isValid() && a.isValid() ? a < this ? this : a : p() }), Pe = x("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/", function () { var a = tb.apply(null, arguments); return this.isValid() && a.isValid() ? a > this ? this : a : p() }), Qe = function () { return Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date }, Re = ["year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond"]; Db("Z", ":"), Db("ZZ", ""), Z("Z", _d), Z("ZZ", _d), ba(["Z", "ZZ"], function (a, b, c) { c._useUTC = !0, c._tzm = Eb(_d, a) }); var Se = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi; a.updateOffset = function () { }; var Te = /^(\-)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/, Ue = /^(-)?P(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/; Sb.fn = Ab.prototype, Sb.invalid = zb; var Ve = Wb(1, "add"), We = Wb(-1, "subtract"); a.defaultFormat = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", a.defaultFormatUtc = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]"; var Xe = x("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.", function (a) { return void 0 === a ? this.localeData() : this.locale(a) }); U(0, ["gg", 2], 0, function () { return this.weekYear() % 100 }), U(0, ["GG", 2], 0, function () { return this.isoWeekYear() % 100 }), Dc("gggg", "weekYear"), Dc("ggggg", "weekYear"), Dc("GGGG", "isoWeekYear"), Dc("GGGGG", "isoWeekYear"), J("weekYear", "gg"), J("isoWeekYear", "GG"), M("weekYear", 1), M("isoWeekYear", 1), Z("G", Zd), Z("g", Zd), Z("GG", Sd, Od), Z("gg", Sd, Od), Z("GGGG", Wd, Qd), Z("gggg", Wd, Qd), Z("GGGGG", Xd, Rd), Z("ggggg", Xd, Rd), ca(["gggg", "ggggg", "GGGG", "GGGGG"], function (a, b, c, d) { b[d.substr(0, 2)] = u(a) }), ca(["gg", "GG"], function (b, c, d, e) { c[e] = a.parseTwoDigitYear(b) }), U("Q", 0, "Qo", "quarter"), J("quarter", "Q"), M("quarter", 7), Z("Q", Nd), ba("Q", function (a, b) { b[fe] = 3 * (u(a) - 1) }), U("D", ["DD", 2], "Do", "date"), J("date", "D"), M("date", 9), Z("D", Sd), Z("DD", Sd, Od), Z("Do", function (a, b) { return a ? b._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || b._ordinalParse : b._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient }), ba(["D", "DD"], ge), ba("Do", function (a, b) { b[ge] = u(a.match(Sd)[0], 10) }); var Ye = O("Date", !0); U("DDD", ["DDDD", 3], "DDDo", "dayOfYear"), J("dayOfYear", "DDD"), M("dayOfYear", 4), Z("DDD", Vd), Z("DDDD", Pd), ba(["DDD", "DDDD"], function (a, b, c) { c._dayOfYear = u(a) }), U("m", ["mm", 2], 0, "minute"), J("minute", "m"), M("minute", 14), Z("m", Sd), Z("mm", Sd, Od), ba(["m", "mm"], ie); var Ze = O("Minutes", !1); U("s", ["ss", 2], 0, "second"), J("second", "s"), M("second", 15), Z("s", Sd), Z("ss", Sd, Od), ba(["s", "ss"], je); var $e = O("Seconds", !1); U("S", 0, 0, function () { return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100) }), U(0, ["SS", 2], 0, function () { return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10) }), U(0, ["SSS", 3], 0, "millisecond"), U(0, ["SSSS", 4], 0, function () { return 10 * this.millisecond() }), U(0, ["SSSSS", 5], 0, function () { return 100 * this.millisecond() }), U(0, ["SSSSSS", 6], 0, function () { return 1e3 * this.millisecond() }), U(0, ["SSSSSSS", 7], 0, function () { return 1e4 * this.millisecond() }), U(0, ["SSSSSSSS", 8], 0, function () { return 1e5 * this.millisecond() }), U(0, ["SSSSSSSSS", 9], 0, function () { return 1e6 * this.millisecond() }), J("millisecond", "ms"), M("millisecond", 16), Z("S", Vd, Nd), Z("SS", Vd, Od), Z("SSS", Vd, Pd); var _e; for (_e = "SSSS"; _e.length <= 9; _e += "S") Z(_e, Yd); for (_e = "S"; _e.length <= 9; _e += "S") ba(_e, Mc); var af = O("Milliseconds", !1); U("z", 0, 0, "zoneAbbr"), U("zz", 0, 0, "zoneName"); var bf = r.prototype; bf.add = Ve, bf.calendar = Zb, bf.clone = $b, bf.diff = fc, bf.endOf = sc, bf.format = kc, bf.from = lc, bf.fromNow = mc, bf.to = nc, bf.toNow = oc, bf.get = R, bf.invalidAt = Bc, bf.isAfter = _b, bf.isBefore = ac, bf.isBetween = bc, bf.isSame = cc, bf.isSameOrAfter = dc, bf.isSameOrBefore = ec, bf.isValid = zc, bf.lang = Xe, bf.locale = pc, bf.localeData = qc, bf.max = Pe, bf.min = Oe, bf.parsingFlags = Ac, bf.set = S, bf.startOf = rc, bf.subtract = We, bf.toArray = wc, bf.toObject = xc, bf.toDate = vc, bf.toISOString = ic, bf.inspect = jc, bf.toJSON = yc, bf.toString = hc, bf.unix = uc, bf.valueOf = tc, bf.creationData = Cc, bf.year = te, bf.isLeapYear = ra, bf.weekYear = Ec, bf.isoWeekYear = Fc, bf.quarter = bf.quarters = Kc, bf.month = ka, bf.daysInMonth = la, bf.week = bf.weeks = Ba, bf.isoWeek = bf.isoWeeks = Ca, bf.weeksInYear = Hc, bf.isoWeeksInYear = Gc, bf.date = Ye, bf.day = bf.days = Ka, bf.weekday = La, bf.isoWeekday = Ma, bf.dayOfYear = Lc, bf.hour = bf.hours = De, bf.minute = bf.minutes = Ze, bf.second = bf.seconds = $e, bf.millisecond = bf.milliseconds = af, bf.utcOffset = Hb, bf.utc = Jb, bf.local = Kb, bf.parseZone = Lb, bf.hasAlignedHourOffset = Mb, bf.isDST = Nb, bf.isLocal = Pb, bf.isUtcOffset = Qb, bf.isUtc = Rb, bf.isUTC = Rb, bf.zoneAbbr = Nc, bf.zoneName = Oc, bf.dates = x("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.", Ye), bf.months = x("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead", ka), bf.years = x("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead", te), bf.zone = x("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/zone/", Ib), bf.isDSTShifted = x("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/dst-shifted/ for more information", Ob); var cf = C.prototype; cf.calendar = D, cf.longDateFormat = E, cf.invalidDate = F, cf.ordinal = G, cf.preparse = Rc, cf.postformat = Rc, cf.relativeTime = H, cf.pastFuture = I, cf.set = A, cf.months = fa, cf.monthsShort = ga, cf.monthsParse = ia, cf.monthsRegex = na, cf.monthsShortRegex = ma, cf.week = ya, cf.firstDayOfYear = Aa, cf.firstDayOfWeek = za, cf.weekdays = Fa, cf.weekdaysMin = Ha, cf.weekdaysShort = Ga, cf.weekdaysParse = Ja, cf.weekdaysRegex = Na, cf.weekdaysShortRegex = Oa, cf.weekdaysMinRegex = Pa, cf.isPM = Va, cf.meridiem = Wa, $a("en", { dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: function (a) { var b = a % 10, c = 1 === u(a % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === b ? "st" : 2 === b ? "nd" : 3 === b ? "rd" : "th"; return a + c } }), a.lang = x("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.", $a), a.langData = x("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.", bb); var df = Math.abs, ef = id("ms"), ff = id("s"), gf = id("m"), hf = id("h"), jf = id("d"), kf = id("w"), lf = id("M"), mf = id("y"), nf = kd("milliseconds"), of = kd("seconds"), pf = kd("minutes"), qf = kd("hours"), rf = kd("days"), sf = kd("months"), tf = kd("years"), uf = Math.round, vf = { ss: 44, s: 45, m: 45, h: 22, d: 26, M: 11 }, wf = Math.abs, xf = Ab.prototype; return xf.isValid = yb, xf.abs = $c, xf.add = ad, xf.subtract = bd, xf.as = gd, xf.asMilliseconds = ef, xf.asSeconds = ff, xf.asMinutes = gf, xf.asHours = hf, xf.asDays = jf, xf.asWeeks = kf, xf.asMonths = lf, xf.asYears = mf, xf.valueOf = hd, xf._bubble = dd, xf.get = jd, xf.milliseconds = nf, xf.seconds = of, xf.minutes = pf, xf.hours = qf, xf.days = rf, xf.weeks = ld, xf.months = sf, xf.years = tf, xf.humanize = qd, xf.toISOString = rd, xf.toString = rd, xf.toJSON = rd, xf.locale = pc, xf.localeData = qc, xf.toIsoString = x("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)", rd), xf.lang = Xe, U("X", 0, 0, "unix"), U("x", 0, 0, "valueOf"), Z("x", Zd), Z("X", ae), ba("X", function (a, b, c) { c._d = new Date(1e3 * parseFloat(a, 10)) }), ba("x", function (a, b, c) { c._d = new Date(u(a)) }), a.version = "2.18.1", b(tb), a.fn = bf, a.min = vb, a.max = wb, a.now = Qe, a.utc = l, a.unix = Pc, a.months = Vc, a.isDate = h, a.locale = $a, a.invalid = p, a.duration = Sb, a.isMoment = s, a.weekdays = Xc, a.parseZone = Qc, a.localeData = bb, a.isDuration = Bb, a.monthsShort = Wc, a.weekdaysMin = Zc, a.defineLocale = _a, a.updateLocale = ab, a.locales = cb, a.weekdaysShort = Yc, a.normalizeUnits = K, a.relativeTimeRounding = od, a.relativeTimeThreshold = pd, a.calendarFormat = Yb, a.prototype = bf, a }); /*@preserve * Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4 v5.0.0-alpha16 (https://tempusdominus.github.io/bootstrap-4/) * Copyright 2016-2018 Jonathan Peterson * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/tempusdominus/bootstrap-3/blob/master/LICENSE) */ if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4's requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4's JavaScript."); if (+function (a) { var b = a.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split("."); if (b[0] < 2 && b[1] < 9 || 1 === b[0] && 9 === b[1] && b[2] < 1 || b[0] >= 4) throw new Error("Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4's requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0") }(jQuery), "undefined" == typeof moment) throw new Error("Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4's requires moment.js. Moment.js must be included before Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4's JavaScript."); var version = moment.version.split("."); if (version[0] <= 2 && version[1] < 17 || version[0] >= 3) throw new Error("Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4's requires at least moment.js v2.17.0 but less than v3.0.0"); +function () { function a(a, b) { if (!a) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !b || "object" != typeof b && "function" != typeof b ? a : b } function b(a, b) { if ("function" != typeof b && null !== b) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof b); a.prototype = Object.create(b && b.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), b && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(a, b) : a.__proto__ = b) } function c(a, b) { if (!(a instanceof b)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } var d = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (a) { return typeof a } : function (a) { return a && "function" == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof a }, e = function () { function a(a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = b[c]; d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, d.key, d) } } return function (b, c, d) { return c && a(b.prototype, c), d && a(b, d), b } }(), f = function (a, b) { var d = "datetimepicker", f = "5.0.0-alpha12", g = "" + d, h = "." + g, i = g + ".", j = ".data-api", k = { DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="' + g + '"]' }, l = { INPUT: d + "-input" }, m = { CHANGE: "change" + h, BLUR: "blur" + h, KEYUP: "keyup" + h, KEYDOWN: "keydown" + h, FOCUS: "focus" + h, CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + h + j, UPDATE: i + "update", ERROR: i + "error", HIDE: i + "hide", SHOW: i + "show" }, n = [{ CLASS_NAME: "days", NAV_FUNCTION: "M", NAV_STEP: 1 }, { CLASS_NAME: "months", NAV_FUNCTION: "y", NAV_STEP: 1 }, { CLASS_NAME: "years", NAV_FUNCTION: "y", NAV_STEP: 10 }, { CLASS_NAME: "decades", NAV_FUNCTION: "y", NAV_STEP: 100 }], o = { up: 38, 38: "up", down: 40, 40: "down", left: 37, 37: "left", right: 39, 39: "right", tab: 9, 9: "tab", escape: 27, 27: "escape", enter: 13, 13: "enter", pageUp: 33, 33: "pageUp", pageDown: 34, 34: "pageDown", shift: 16, 16: "shift", control: 17, 17: "control", space: 32, 32: "space", t: 84, 84: "t", delete: 46, 46: "delete" }, p = ["times", "days", "months", "years", "decades"], q = {}, r = {}, s = 0, t = { timeZone: "", format: !1, dayViewHeaderFormat: "MMMM YYYY", extraFormats: !1, stepping: 1, minDate: !1, maxDate: !1, useCurrent: !0, collapse: !0, locale: b.locale(), defaultDate: !1, disabledDates: !1, enabledDates: !1, icons: { time: "fa fa-clock-o", date: "fa fa-calendar", up: "fa fa-arrow-up", down: "fa fa-arrow-down", previous: "fa fa-chevron-left", next: "fa fa-chevron-right", today: "fa fa-calendar-check-o", clear: "fa fa-delete", close: "fa fa-times" }, tooltips: { today: "Go to today", clear: "Clear selection", close: "Close the picker", selectMonth: "Select Month", prevMonth: "Previous Month", nextMonth: "Next Month", selectYear: "Select Year", prevYear: "Previous Year", nextYear: "Next Year", selectDecade: "Select Decade", prevDecade: "Previous Decade", nextDecade: "Next Decade", prevCentury: "Previous Century", nextCentury: "Next Century", pickHour: "Pick Hour", incrementHour: "Increment Hour", decrementHour: "Decrement Hour", pickMinute: "Pick Minute", incrementMinute: "Increment Minute", decrementMinute: "Decrement Minute", pickSecond: "Pick Second", incrementSecond: "Increment Second", decrementSecond: "Decrement Second", togglePeriod: "Toggle Period", selectTime: "Select Time", selectDate: "Select Date" }, useStrict: !1, sideBySide: !1, daysOfWeekDisabled: !1, calendarWeeks: !1, viewMode: "days", toolbarPlacement: "default", buttons: { showToday: !1, showClear: !1, showClose: !1 }, widgetPositioning: { horizontal: "auto", vertical: "auto" }, widgetParent: null, ignoreReadonly: !1, keepOpen: !1, focusOnShow: !0, inline: !1, keepInvalid: !1, keyBinds: { up: function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(a.clone().subtract(7, "d")) : this.date(a.clone().add(this.stepping(), "m")), !0 }, down: function () { if (!this.widget) return this.show(), !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(a.clone().add(7, "d")) : this.date(a.clone().subtract(this.stepping(), "m")), !0 }, "control up": function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(a.clone().subtract(1, "y")) : this.date(a.clone().add(1, "h")), !0 }, "control down": function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") ? this.date(a.clone().add(1, "y")) : this.date(a.clone().subtract(1, "h")), !0 }, left: function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(a.clone().subtract(1, "d")), !0 }, right: function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(a.clone().add(1, "d")), !0 }, pageUp: function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(a.clone().subtract(1, "M")), !0 }, pageDown: function () { if (!this.widget) return !1; var a = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); return this.widget.find(".datepicker").is(":visible") && this.date(a.clone().add(1, "M")), !0 }, enter: function () { return this.hide(), !0 }, escape: function () { return !!this.widget && (this.hide(), !0) }, "control space": function () { return !!this.widget && (this.widget.find(".timepicker").is(":visible") && this.widget.find('.btn[data-action="togglePeriod"]').click(), !0) }, t: function () { return this.date(this.getMoment()), !0 }, delete: function () { return !!this.widget && (this.clear(), !0) } }, debug: !1, allowInputToggle: !1, disabledTimeIntervals: !1, disabledHours: !1, enabledHours: !1, viewDate: !1, allowMultidate: !1, multidateSeparator: "," }, u = function () { function i(a, b) { c(this, i), this._options = this._getOptions(b), this._element = a, this._dates = [], this._datesFormatted = [], this._viewDate = null, this.unset = !0, this.component = !1, this.widget = !1, this.use24Hours = null, this.actualFormat = null, this.parseFormats = null, this.currentViewMode = null, this._int() } return i.prototype._int = function () { var b = this._element.data("target-input"); this._element.is("input") ? this.input = this._element : void 0 !== b && ("nearest" === b ? this.input = this._element.find("input") : this.input = a(b)), this._dates = [], this._dates[0] = this.getMoment(), this._viewDate = this.getMoment().clone(), a.extend(!0, this._options, this._dataToOptions()), this.options(this._options), this._initFormatting(), void 0 !== this.input && this.input.is("input") && 0 !== this.input.val().trim().length ? this._setValue(this._parseInputDate(this.input.val().trim()), 0) : this._options.defaultDate && void 0 !== this.input && void 0 === this.input.attr("placeholder") && this._setValue(this._options.defaultDate, 0), this._options.inline && this.show() }, i.prototype._update = function () { this.widget && (this._fillDate(), this._fillTime()) }, i.prototype._setValue = function (a, b) { var c = this.unset ? null : this._dates[b], d = ""; if (!a) return this._options.allowMultidate && 1 !== this._dates.length ? (d = this._element.data("date") + ",", d = d.replace(c.format(this.actualFormat) + ",", "").replace(",,", "").replace(/,\s*$/, ""), this._dates.splice(b, 1), this._datesFormatted.splice(b, 1)) : (this.unset = !0, this._dates = [], this._datesFormatted = []), void 0 !== this.input && (this.input.val(d), this.input.trigger("input")), this._element.data("date", d), this._notifyEvent({ type: i.Event.CHANGE, date: !1, oldDate: c }), void this._update(); if (a = a.clone().locale(this._options.locale), this._hasTimeZone() && a.tz(this._options.timeZone), 1 !== this._options.stepping && a.minutes(Math.round(a.minutes() / this._options.stepping) * this._options.stepping).seconds(0), this._isValid(a)) { if (this._dates[b] = a, this._datesFormatted[b] = a.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), this._viewDate = a.clone(), this._options.allowMultidate && this._dates.length > 1) { for (var e = 0; e < this._dates.length; e++)d += "" + this._dates[e].format(this.actualFormat) + this._options.multidateSeparator; d = d.replace(/,\s*$/, "") } else d = this._dates[b].format(this.actualFormat); void 0 !== this.input && (this.input.val(d), this.input.trigger("input")), this._element.data("date", d), this.unset = !1, this._update(), this._notifyEvent({ type: i.Event.CHANGE, date: this._dates[b].clone(), oldDate: c }) } else this._options.keepInvalid ? this._notifyEvent({ type: i.Event.CHANGE, date: a, oldDate: c }) : void 0 !== this.input && (this.input.val("" + (this.unset ? "" : this._dates[b].format(this.actualFormat))), this.input.trigger("input")), this._notifyEvent({ type: i.Event.ERROR, date: a, oldDate: c }) }, i.prototype._change = function (b) { var c = a(b.target).val().trim(), d = c ? this._parseInputDate(c) : null; return this._setValue(d), b.stopImmediatePropagation(), !1 }, i.prototype._getOptions = function (b) { return b = a.extend(!0, {}, t, b) }, i.prototype._hasTimeZone = function () { return void 0 !== b.tz && void 0 !== this._options.timeZone && null !== this._options.timeZone && "" !== this._options.timeZone }, i.prototype._isEnabled = function (a) { if ("string" != typeof a || a.length > 1) throw new TypeError("isEnabled expects a single character string parameter"); switch (a) { case "y": return this.actualFormat.indexOf("Y") !== -1; case "M": return this.actualFormat.indexOf("M") !== -1; case "d": return this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf("d") !== -1; case "h": case "H": return this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf("h") !== -1; case "m": return this.actualFormat.indexOf("m") !== -1; case "s": return this.actualFormat.indexOf("s") !== -1; default: return !1 } }, i.prototype._hasTime = function () { return this._isEnabled("h") || this._isEnabled("m") || this._isEnabled("s") }, i.prototype._hasDate = function () { return this._isEnabled("y") || this._isEnabled("M") || this._isEnabled("d") }, i.prototype._dataToOptions = function () { var b = this._element.data(), c = {}; return b.dateOptions && b.dateOptions instanceof Object && (c = a.extend(!0, c, b.dateOptions)), a.each(this._options, function (a) { var d = "date" + a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1); void 0 !== b[d] ? c[a] = b[d] : delete c[a] }), c }, i.prototype._notifyEvent = function (a) { a.type === i.Event.CHANGE && a.date && a.date.isSame(a.oldDate) || !a.date && !a.oldDate || this._element.trigger(a) }, i.prototype._viewUpdate = function (a) { "y" === a && (a = "YYYY"), this._notifyEvent({ type: i.Event.UPDATE, change: a, viewDate: this._viewDate.clone() }) }, i.prototype._showMode = function (a) { this.widget && (a && (this.currentViewMode = Math.max(s, Math.min(3, this.currentViewMode + a))), this.widget.find(".datepicker > div").hide().filter(".datepicker-" + n[this.currentViewMode].CLASS_NAME).show()) }, i.prototype._isInDisabledDates = function (a) { return this._options.disabledDates[a.format("YYYY-MM-DD")] === !0 }, i.prototype._isInEnabledDates = function (a) { return this._options.enabledDates[a.format("YYYY-MM-DD")] === !0 }, i.prototype._isInDisabledHours = function (a) { return this._options.disabledHours[a.format("H")] === !0 }, i.prototype._isInEnabledHours = function (a) { return this._options.enabledHours[a.format("H")] === !0 }, i.prototype._isValid = function (b, c) { if (!b.isValid()) return !1; if (this._options.disabledDates && "d" === c && this._isInDisabledDates(b)) return !1; if (this._options.enabledDates && "d" === c && !this._isInEnabledDates(b)) return !1; if (this._options.minDate && b.isBefore(this._options.minDate, c)) return !1; if (this._options.maxDate && b.isAfter(this._options.maxDate, c)) return !1; if (this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled && "d" === c && this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled.indexOf(b.day()) !== -1) return !1; if (this._options.disabledHours && ("h" === c || "m" === c || "s" === c) && this._isInDisabledHours(b)) return !1; if (this._options.enabledHours && ("h" === c || "m" === c || "s" === c) && !this._isInEnabledHours(b)) return !1; if (this._options.disabledTimeIntervals && ("h" === c || "m" === c || "s" === c)) { var d = !1; if (a.each(this._options.disabledTimeIntervals, function () { if (b.isBetween(this[0], this[1])) return d = !0, !1 }), d) return !1 } return !0 }, i.prototype._parseInputDate = function (a) { return void 0 === this._options.parseInputDate ? b.isMoment(a) || (a = this.getMoment(a)) : a = this._options.parseInputDate(a), a }, i.prototype._keydown = function (a) { var b = null, c = void 0, d = void 0, e = void 0, f = void 0, g = [], h = {}, i = a.which, j = "p"; q[i] = j; for (c in q) q.hasOwnProperty(c) && q[c] === j && (g.push(c), parseInt(c, 10) !== i && (h[c] = !0)); for (c in this._options.keyBinds) if (this._options.keyBinds.hasOwnProperty(c) && "function" == typeof this._options.keyBinds[c] && (e = c.split(" "), e.length === g.length && o[i] === e[e.length - 1])) { for (f = !0, d = e.length - 2; d >= 0; d--)if (!(o[e[d]] in h)) { f = !1; break } if (f) { b = this._options.keyBinds[c]; break } } b && b.call(this.widget) && (a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault()) }, i.prototype._keyup = function (a) { q[a.which] = "r", r[a.which] && (r[a.which] = !1, a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault()) }, i.prototype._indexGivenDates = function (b) { var c = {}, d = this; return a.each(b, function () { var a = d._parseInputDate(this); a.isValid() && (c[a.format("YYYY-MM-DD")] = !0) }), !!Object.keys(c).length && c }, i.prototype._indexGivenHours = function (b) { var c = {}; return a.each(b, function () { c[this] = !0 }), !!Object.keys(c).length && c }, i.prototype._initFormatting = function () { var a = this._options.format || "L LT", b = this; this.actualFormat = a.replace(/(\[[^\[]*])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, function (a) { return b._dates[0].localeData().longDateFormat(a) || a }), this.parseFormats = this._options.extraFormats ? this._options.extraFormats.slice() : [], this.parseFormats.indexOf(a) < 0 && this.parseFormats.indexOf(this.actualFormat) < 0 && this.parseFormats.push(this.actualFormat), this.use24Hours = this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf("a") < 1 && this.actualFormat.replace(/\[.*?]/g, "").indexOf("h") < 1, this._isEnabled("y") && (s = 2), this._isEnabled("M") && (s = 1), this._isEnabled("d") && (s = 0), this.currentViewMode = Math.max(s, this.currentViewMode), this.unset || this._setValue(this._dates[0], 0) }, i.prototype._getLastPickedDate = function () { return this._dates[this._getLastPickedDateIndex()] }, i.prototype._getLastPickedDateIndex = function () { return this._dates.length - 1 }, i.prototype.getMoment = function (a) { var c = void 0; return c = void 0 === a || null === a ? b() : this._hasTimeZone() ? b.tz(a, this.parseFormats, this._options.useStrict, this._options.timeZone) : b(a, this.parseFormats, this._options.useStrict), this._hasTimeZone() && c.tz(this._options.timeZone), c }, i.prototype.toggle = function () { return this.widget ? this.hide() : this.show() }, i.prototype.ignoreReadonly = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.ignoreReadonly; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("ignoreReadonly () expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.ignoreReadonly = a }, i.prototype.options = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return a.extend(!0, {}, this._options); if (!(b instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("options() this.options parameter should be an object"); a.extend(!0, this._options, b); var c = this; a.each(this._options, function (a, b) { void 0 !== c[a] && c[a](b) }) }, i.prototype.date = function (a, c) { if (c = c || 0, 0 === arguments.length) return this.unset ? null : this._options.allowMultidate ? this._dates.join(this._options.multidateSeparator) : this._dates[c].clone(); if (!(null === a || "string" == typeof a || b.isMoment(a) || a instanceof Date)) throw new TypeError("date() parameter must be one of [null, string, moment or Date]"); this._setValue(null === a ? null : this._parseInputDate(a), c) }, i.prototype.format = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.format; if ("string" != typeof a && ("boolean" != typeof a || a !== !1)) throw new TypeError("format() expects a string or boolean:false parameter " + a); this._options.format = a, this.actualFormat && this._initFormatting() }, i.prototype.timeZone = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.timeZone; if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("newZone() expects a string parameter"); this._options.timeZone = a }, i.prototype.dayViewHeaderFormat = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.dayViewHeaderFormat; if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("dayViewHeaderFormat() expects a string parameter"); this._options.dayViewHeaderFormat = a }, i.prototype.extraFormats = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.extraFormats; if (a !== !1 && !(a instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("extraFormats() expects an array or false parameter"); this._options.extraFormats = a, this.parseFormats && this._initFormatting() }, i.prototype.disabledDates = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.disabledDates ? a.extend({}, this._options.disabledDates) : this._options.disabledDates; if (!b) return this._options.disabledDates = !1, this._update(), !0; if (!(b instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("disabledDates() expects an array parameter"); this._options.disabledDates = this._indexGivenDates(b), this._options.enabledDates = !1, this._update() }, i.prototype.enabledDates = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.enabledDates ? a.extend({}, this._options.enabledDates) : this._options.enabledDates; if (!b) return this._options.enabledDates = !1, this._update(), !0; if (!(b instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("enabledDates() expects an array parameter"); this._options.enabledDates = this._indexGivenDates(b), this._options.disabledDates = !1, this._update() }, i.prototype.daysOfWeekDisabled = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled.splice(0); if ("boolean" == typeof a && !a) return this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled = !1, this._update(), !0; if (!(a instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("daysOfWeekDisabled() expects an array parameter"); if (this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled = a.reduce(function (a, b) { return b = parseInt(b, 10), b > 6 || b < 0 || isNaN(b) ? a : (a.indexOf(b) === -1 && a.push(b), a) }, []).sort(), this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid) for (var b = 0; b < this._dates.length; b++) { for (var c = 0; !this._isValid(this._dates[b], "d");) { if (this._dates[b].add(1, "d"), 31 === c) throw "Tried 31 times to find a valid date"; c++ } this._setValue(this._dates[b], b) } this._update() }, i.prototype.maxDate = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.maxDate ? this._options.maxDate.clone() : this._options.maxDate; if ("boolean" == typeof a && a === !1) return this._options.maxDate = !1, this._update(), !0; "string" == typeof a && ("now" !== a && "moment" !== a || (a = this.getMoment())); var b = this._parseInputDate(a); if (!b.isValid()) throw new TypeError("maxDate() Could not parse date parameter: " + a); if (this._options.minDate && b.isBefore(this._options.minDate)) throw new TypeError("maxDate() date parameter is before this.options.minDate: " + b.format(this.actualFormat)); this._options.maxDate = b; for (var c = 0; c < this._dates.length; c++)this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid && this._dates[c].isAfter(a) && this._setValue(this._options.maxDate, c); this._viewDate.isAfter(b) && (this._viewDate = b.clone().subtract(this._options.stepping, "m")), this._update() }, i.prototype.minDate = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.minDate ? this._options.minDate.clone() : this._options.minDate; if ("boolean" == typeof a && a === !1) return this._options.minDate = !1, this._update(), !0; "string" == typeof a && ("now" !== a && "moment" !== a || (a = this.getMoment())); var b = this._parseInputDate(a); if (!b.isValid()) throw new TypeError("minDate() Could not parse date parameter: " + a); if (this._options.maxDate && b.isAfter(this._options.maxDate)) throw new TypeError("minDate() date parameter is after this.options.maxDate: " + b.format(this.actualFormat)); this._options.minDate = b; for (var c = 0; c < this._dates.length; c++)this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid && this._dates[c].isBefore(a) && this._setValue(this._options.minDate, c); this._viewDate.isBefore(b) && (this._viewDate = b.clone().add(this._options.stepping, "m")), this._update() }, i.prototype.defaultDate = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.defaultDate ? this._options.defaultDate.clone() : this._options.defaultDate; if (!a) return this._options.defaultDate = !1, !0; "string" == typeof a && (a = "now" === a || "moment" === a ? this.getMoment() : this.getMoment(a)); var b = this._parseInputDate(a); if (!b.isValid()) throw new TypeError("defaultDate() Could not parse date parameter: " + a); if (!this._isValid(b)) throw new TypeError("defaultDate() date passed is invalid according to component setup validations"); this._options.defaultDate = b, (this._options.defaultDate && this._options.inline || void 0 !== this.input && "" === this.input.val().trim()) && this._setValue(this._options.defaultDate, 0) }, i.prototype.locale = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.locale; if (!b.localeData(a)) throw new TypeError("locale() locale " + a + " is not loaded from moment locales!"); for (var c = 0; c < this._dates.length; c++)this._dates[c].locale(this._options.locale); this._viewDate.locale(this._options.locale), this.actualFormat && this._initFormatting(), this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, i.prototype.stepping = function (a) { return 0 === arguments.length ? this._options.stepping : (a = parseInt(a, 10), (isNaN(a) || a < 1) && (a = 1), void (this._options.stepping = a)) }, i.prototype.useCurrent = function (a) { var b = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute"]; if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.useCurrent; if ("boolean" != typeof a && "string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("useCurrent() expects a boolean or string parameter"); if ("string" == typeof a && b.indexOf(a.toLowerCase()) === -1) throw new TypeError("useCurrent() expects a string parameter of " + b.join(", ")); this._options.useCurrent = a }, i.prototype.collapse = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.collapse; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("collapse() expects a boolean parameter"); return this._options.collapse === a || (this._options.collapse = a, void (this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()))) }, i.prototype.icons = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return a.extend({}, this._options.icons); if (!(b instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("icons() expects parameter to be an Object"); a.extend(this._options.icons, b), this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, i.prototype.tooltips = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return a.extend({}, this._options.tooltips); if (!(b instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("tooltips() expects parameter to be an Object"); a.extend(this._options.tooltips, b), this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, i.prototype.useStrict = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.useStrict; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("useStrict() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.useStrict = a }, i.prototype.sideBySide = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.sideBySide; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("sideBySide() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.sideBySide = a, this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, i.prototype.viewMode = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.viewMode; if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("viewMode() expects a string parameter"); if (i.ViewModes.indexOf(a) === -1) throw new TypeError("viewMode() parameter must be one of (" + i.ViewModes.join(", ") + ") value"); this._options.viewMode = a, this.currentViewMode = Math.max(i.ViewModes.indexOf(a) - 1, i.MinViewModeNumber), this._showMode() }, i.prototype.calendarWeeks = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.calendarWeeks; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("calendarWeeks() expects parameter to be a boolean value"); this._options.calendarWeeks = a, this._update() }, i.prototype.buttons = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return a.extend({}, this._options.buttons); if (!(b instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("buttons() expects parameter to be an Object"); if (a.extend(this._options.buttons, b), "boolean" != typeof this._options.buttons.showToday) throw new TypeError("buttons.showToday expects a boolean parameter"); if ("boolean" != typeof this._options.buttons.showClear) throw new TypeError("buttons.showClear expects a boolean parameter"); if ("boolean" != typeof this._options.buttons.showClose) throw new TypeError("buttons.showClose expects a boolean parameter"); this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, i.prototype.keepOpen = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.keepOpen; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("keepOpen() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.keepOpen = a }, i.prototype.focusOnShow = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.focusOnShow; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("focusOnShow() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.focusOnShow = a }, i.prototype.inline = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.inline; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("inline() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.inline = a }, i.prototype.clear = function () { this._setValue(null) }, i.prototype.keyBinds = function (a) { return 0 === arguments.length ? this._options.keyBinds : void (this._options.keyBinds = a) }, i.prototype.debug = function (a) { if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("debug() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.debug = a }, i.prototype.allowInputToggle = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.allowInputToggle; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("allowInputToggle() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.allowInputToggle = a }, i.prototype.keepInvalid = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.keepInvalid; if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("keepInvalid() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.keepInvalid = a }, i.prototype.datepickerInput = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.datepickerInput; if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("datepickerInput() expects a string parameter"); this._options.datepickerInput = a }, i.prototype.parseInputDate = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.parseInputDate; if ("function" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("parseInputDate() should be as function"); this._options.parseInputDate = a }, i.prototype.disabledTimeIntervals = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.disabledTimeIntervals ? a.extend({}, this._options.disabledTimeIntervals) : this._options.disabledTimeIntervals; if (!b) return this._options.disabledTimeIntervals = !1, this._update(), !0; if (!(b instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("disabledTimeIntervals() expects an array parameter"); this._options.disabledTimeIntervals = b, this._update() }, i.prototype.disabledHours = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.disabledHours ? a.extend({}, this._options.disabledHours) : this._options.disabledHours; if (!b) return this._options.disabledHours = !1, this._update(), !0; if (!(b instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("disabledHours() expects an array parameter"); if (this._options.disabledHours = this._indexGivenHours(b), this._options.enabledHours = !1, this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid) for (var c = 0; c < this._dates.length; c++) { for (var d = 0; !this._isValid(this._dates[c], "h");) { if (this._dates[c].add(1, "h"), 24 === d) throw "Tried 24 times to find a valid date"; d++ } this._setValue(this._dates[c], c) } this._update() }, i.prototype.enabledHours = function (b) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.enabledHours ? a.extend({}, this._options.enabledHours) : this._options.enabledHours; if (!b) return this._options.enabledHours = !1, this._update(), !0; if (!(b instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError("enabledHours() expects an array parameter"); if (this._options.enabledHours = this._indexGivenHours(b), this._options.disabledHours = !1, this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid) for (var c = 0; c < this._dates.length; c++) { for (var d = 0; !this._isValid(this._dates[c], "h");) { if (this._dates[c].add(1, "h"), 24 === d) throw "Tried 24 times to find a valid date"; d++ } this._setValue(this._dates[c], c) } this._update() }, i.prototype.viewDate = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._viewDate.clone(); if (!a) return this._viewDate = (this._dates[0] || this.getMoment()).clone(), !0; if (!("string" == typeof a || b.isMoment(a) || a instanceof Date)) throw new TypeError("viewDate() parameter must be one of [string, moment or Date]"); this._viewDate = this._parseInputDate(a), this._viewUpdate() }, i.prototype.allowMultidate = function (a) { if ("boolean" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("allowMultidate() expects a boolean parameter"); this._options.allowMultidate = a }, i.prototype.multidateSeparator = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.multidateSeparator; if ("string" != typeof a || a.length > 1) throw new TypeError("multidateSeparator expects a single character string parameter"); this._options.multidateSeparator = a }, e(i, null, [{ key: "NAME", get: function () { return d } }, { key: "VERSION", get: function () { return f } }, { key: "DATA_KEY", get: function () { return g } }, { key: "EVENT_KEY", get: function () { return h } }, { key: "DATA_API_KEY", get: function () { return j } }, { key: "DatePickerModes", get: function () { return n } }, { key: "ViewModes", get: function () { return p } }, { key: "MinViewModeNumber", get: function () { return s } }, { key: "Event", get: function () { return m } }, { key: "Selector", get: function () { return k } }, { key: "Default", get: function () { return t }, set: function (a) { t = a } }, { key: "ClassName", get: function () { return l } }]), i }(); return u }(jQuery, moment); (function (e) { var g = e.fn[f.NAME], h = ["top", "bottom", "auto"], i = ["left", "right", "auto"], j = ["default", "top", "bottom"], k = function (a) { var b = a.data("target"), c = void 0; return b || (b = a.attr("href") || "", b = /^#[a-z]/i.test(b) ? b : null), c = e(b), 0 === c.length ? c : (c.data(f.DATA_KEY) || e.extend({}, c.data(), e(this).data()), c) }, l = function (g) { function k(b, d) { c(this, k); var e = a(this, g.call(this, b, d)); return e._init(), e } return b(k, g), k.prototype._init = function () { if (this._element.hasClass("input-group")) { var a = this._element.find(".datepickerbutton"); 0 === a.length ? this.component = this._element.find('[data-toggle="datetimepicker"]') : this.component = a } }, k.prototype._getDatePickerTemplate = function () { var a = e("").append(e("").append(e("").addClass("prev").attr("data-action", "previous").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.previous))).append(e("").addClass("picker-switch").attr("data-action", "pickerSwitch").attr("colspan", "" + (this._options.calendarWeeks ? "6" : "5"))).append(e("").addClass("next").attr("data-action", "next").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.next)))), b = e("").append(e("").append(e("").attr("colspan", "" + (this._options.calendarWeeks ? "8" : "7")))); return [e("
    ").addClass("datepicker-days").append(e("").addClass("table table-sm").append(a).append(e(""))), e("
    ").addClass("table-condensed").append(a.clone()).append(b.clone())), e("
    ").addClass("table-condensed").append(a.clone()).append(b.clone())), e("
    ").addClass("table-condensed").append(a.clone()).append(b.clone()))] }, k.prototype._getTimePickerMainTemplate = function () { var a = e(""), b = e(""), c = e(""); return this._isEnabled("h") && (a.append(e("
    ").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", title: this._options.tooltips.incrementHour }).addClass("btn").attr("data-action", "incrementHours").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.up)))), b.append(e("").append(e("").addClass("timepicker-hour").attr({ "data-time-component": "hours", title: this._options.tooltips.pickHour }).attr("data-action", "showHours"))), c.append(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", title: this._options.tooltips.decrementHour }).addClass("btn").attr("data-action", "decrementHours").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.down))))), this._isEnabled("m") && (this._isEnabled("h") && (a.append(e("").addClass("separator")), b.append(e("").addClass("separator").html(":")), c.append(e("").addClass("separator"))), a.append(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", title: this._options.tooltips.incrementMinute }).addClass("btn").attr("data-action", "incrementMinutes").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.up)))), b.append(e("").append(e("").addClass("timepicker-minute").attr({ "data-time-component": "minutes", title: this._options.tooltips.pickMinute }).attr("data-action", "showMinutes"))), c.append(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", title: this._options.tooltips.decrementMinute }).addClass("btn").attr("data-action", "decrementMinutes").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.down))))), this._isEnabled("s") && (this._isEnabled("m") && (a.append(e("").addClass("separator")), b.append(e("").addClass("separator").html(":")), c.append(e("").addClass("separator"))), a.append(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", title: this._options.tooltips.incrementSecond }).addClass("btn").attr("data-action", "incrementSeconds").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.up)))), b.append(e("").append(e("").addClass("timepicker-second").attr({ "data-time-component": "seconds", title: this._options.tooltips.pickSecond }).attr("data-action", "showSeconds"))), c.append(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", title: this._options.tooltips.decrementSecond }).addClass("btn").attr("data-action", "decrementSeconds").append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.down))))), this.use24Hours || (a.append(e("").addClass("separator")), b.append(e("").append(e("").addClass("separator"))), e("
    ").addClass("timepicker-picker").append(e("").addClass("table-condensed").append([a, b, c])) }, k.prototype._getTimePickerTemplate = function () { var a = e("
    ").addClass("table-condensed")), b = e("
    ").addClass("table-condensed")), c = e("
    ").addClass("table-condensed")), d = [this._getTimePickerMainTemplate()]; return this._isEnabled("h") && d.push(a), this._isEnabled("m") && d.push(b), this._isEnabled("s") && d.push(c), d }, k.prototype._getToolbar = function () { var a = []; return this._options.buttons.showToday && a.push(e("
    ").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", "data-action": "today", title: this._options.tooltips.today }).append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.today)))), !this._options.sideBySide && this._hasDate() && this._hasTime() && a.push(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", "data-action": "togglePicker", title: this._options.tooltips.selectTime }).append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.time)))), this._options.buttons.showClear && a.push(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", "data-action": "clear", title: this._options.tooltips.clear }).append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.clear)))), this._options.buttons.showClose && a.push(e("").append(e("").attr({ href: "#", tabindex: "-1", "data-action": "close", title: this._options.tooltips.close }).append(e("").addClass(this._options.icons.close)))), 0 === a.length ? "" : e("").addClass("table-condensed").append(e("").append(e("").append(a))) }, k.prototype._getTemplate = function () { var a = e("
    ").addClass("bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget dropdown-menu"), b = e("
    ").addClass("datepicker").append(this._getDatePickerTemplate()), c = e("
    ").addClass("timepicker").append(this._getTimePickerTemplate()), d = e("
      ").addClass("list-unstyled"), f = e("
    • ").addClass("picker-switch" + (this._options.collapse ? " accordion-toggle" : "")).append(this._getToolbar()); return this._options.inline && a.removeClass("dropdown-menu"), this.use24Hours && a.addClass("usetwentyfour"), this._isEnabled("s") && !this.use24Hours && a.addClass("wider"), this._options.sideBySide && this._hasDate() && this._hasTime() ? (a.addClass("timepicker-sbs"), "top" === this._options.toolbarPlacement && a.append(f), a.append(e("
      ").addClass("row").append(b.addClass("col-md-6")).append(c.addClass("col-md-6"))), "bottom" !== this._options.toolbarPlacement && "default" !== this._options.toolbarPlacement || a.append(f), a) : ("top" === this._options.toolbarPlacement && d.append(f), this._hasDate() && d.append(e("
    • ").addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasTime() ? "collapse" : "").addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasTime() && "time" === this._options.viewMode ? "" : "show").append(b)), "default" === this._options.toolbarPlacement && d.append(f), this._hasTime() && d.append(e("
    • ").addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasDate() ? "collapse" : "").addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasDate() && "time" === this._options.viewMode ? "show" : "").append(c)), "bottom" === this._options.toolbarPlacement && d.append(f), a.append(d)) }, k.prototype._place = function (a) { var b = a && a.data && a.data.picker || this, c = b._options.widgetPositioning.vertical, d = b._options.widgetPositioning.horizontal, f = void 0, g = (b.component || b._element).position(), h = (b.component || b._element).offset(); if (b._options.widgetParent) f = b._options.widgetParent.append(b.widget); else if (b._element.is("input")) f = b._element.after(b.widget).parent(); else { if (b._options.inline) return void (f = b._element.append(b.widget)); f = b._element, b._element.children().first().after(b.widget) } if ("auto" === c && (c = h.top + 1.5 * b.widget.height() >= e(window).height() + e(window).scrollTop() && b.widget.height() + b._element.outerHeight() < h.top ? "top" : "bottom"), "auto" === d && (d = f.width() < h.left + b.widget.outerWidth() / 2 && h.left + b.widget.outerWidth() > e(window).width() ? "right" : "left"), "top" === c ? b.widget.addClass("top").removeClass("bottom") : b.widget.addClass("bottom").removeClass("top"), "right" === d ? b.widget.addClass("float-right") : b.widget.removeClass("float-right"), "relative" !== f.css("position") && (f = f.parents().filter(function () { return "relative" === e(this).css("position") }).first()), 0 === f.length) throw new Error("datetimepicker component should be placed within a relative positioned container"); b.widget.css({ top: "top" === c ? "auto" : g.top + b._element.outerHeight() + "px", bottom: "top" === c ? f.outerHeight() - (f === b._element ? 0 : g.top) + "px" : "auto", left: "left" === d ? (f === b._element ? 0 : g.left) + "px" : "auto", right: "left" === d ? "auto" : f.outerWidth() - b._element.outerWidth() - (f === b._element ? 0 : g.left) + "px" }) }, k.prototype._fillDow = function () { var a = e("
    "), b = this._viewDate.clone().startOf("w").startOf("d"); for (this._options.calendarWeeks === !0 && a.append(e(""), this._options.calendarWeeks && f.append('"), c.push(f)), g = "", d.isBefore(this._viewDate, "M") && (g += " old"), d.isAfter(this._viewDate, "M") && (g += " new"), this._options.allowMultidate) { var i = this._datesFormatted.indexOf(d.format("YYYY-MM-DD")); i !== -1 && d.isSame(this._datesFormatted[i], "d") && !this.unset && (g += " active") } else d.isSame(this._getLastPickedDate(), "d") && !this.unset && (g += " active"); this._isValid(d, "d") || (g += " disabled"), d.isSame(this.getMoment(), "d") && (g += " today"), 0 !== d.day() && 6 !== d.day() || (g += " weekend"), f.append('"), d.add(1, "d") } a.find("tbody").empty().append(c), this._updateMonths(), this._updateYears(), this._updateDecades() } }, k.prototype._fillHours = function () { var a = this.widget.find(".timepicker-hours table"), b = this._viewDate.clone().startOf("d"), c = [], d = e(""); for (this._viewDate.hour() > 11 && !this.use24Hours && b.hour(12); b.isSame(this._viewDate, "d") && (this.use24Hours || this._viewDate.hour() < 12 && b.hour() < 12 || this._viewDate.hour() > 11);)b.hour() % 4 === 0 && (d = e(""), c.push(d)), d.append('"), b.add(1, "h"); a.empty().append(c) }, k.prototype._fillMinutes = function () { for (var a = this.widget.find(".timepicker-minutes table"), b = this._viewDate.clone().startOf("h"), c = [], d = 1 === this._options.stepping ? 5 : this._options.stepping, f = e(""); this._viewDate.isSame(b, "h");)b.minute() % (4 * d) === 0 && (f = e(""), c.push(f)), f.append('"), b.add(d, "m"); a.empty().append(c) }, k.prototype._fillSeconds = function () { for (var a = this.widget.find(".timepicker-seconds table"), b = this._viewDate.clone().startOf("m"), c = [], d = e(""); this._viewDate.isSame(b, "m");)b.second() % 20 === 0 && (d = e(""), c.push(d)), d.append('"), b.add(5, "s"); a.empty().append(c) }, k.prototype._fillTime = function () { var a = void 0, b = void 0, c = this.widget.find(".timepicker span[data-time-component]"); this.use24Hours || (a = this.widget.find(".timepicker [data-action=togglePeriod]"), b = this._getLastPickedDate().clone().add(this._getLastPickedDate().hours() >= 12 ? -12 : 12, "h"), a.text(this._getLastPickedDate().format("A")), this._isValid(b, "h") ? a.removeClass("disabled") : a.addClass("disabled")), c.filter("[data-time-component=hours]").text(this._getLastPickedDate().format("" + (this.use24Hours ? "HH" : "hh"))), c.filter("[data-time-component=minutes]").text(this._getLastPickedDate().format("mm")), c.filter("[data-time-component=seconds]").text(this._getLastPickedDate().format("ss")), this._fillHours(), this._fillMinutes(), this._fillSeconds() }, k.prototype._doAction = function (a, b) { var c = this._getLastPickedDate(); if (e(a.currentTarget).is(".disabled")) return !1; switch (b = b || e(a.currentTarget).data("action")) { case "next": var d = f.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_FUNCTION; this._viewDate.add(f.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_STEP, d), this._fillDate(), this._viewUpdate(d); break; case "previous": var g = f.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_FUNCTION; this._viewDate.subtract(f.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_STEP, g), this._fillDate(), this._viewUpdate(g); break; case "pickerSwitch": this._showMode(1); break; case "selectMonth": var h = e(a.target).closest("tbody").find("span").index(e(a.target)); this._viewDate.month(h), this.currentViewMode === f.MinViewModeNumber ? (this._setValue(c.clone().year(this._viewDate.year()).month(this._viewDate.month()), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._options.inline || this.hide()) : (this._showMode(-1), this._fillDate()), this._viewUpdate("M"); break; case "selectYear": var i = parseInt(e(a.target).text(), 10) || 0; this._viewDate.year(i), this.currentViewMode === f.MinViewModeNumber ? (this._setValue(c.clone().year(this._viewDate.year()), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._options.inline || this.hide()) : (this._showMode(-1), this._fillDate()), this._viewUpdate("YYYY"); break; case "selectDecade": var j = parseInt(e(a.target).data("selection"), 10) || 0; this._viewDate.year(j), this.currentViewMode === f.MinViewModeNumber ? (this._setValue(c.clone().year(this._viewDate.year()), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._options.inline || this.hide()) : (this._showMode(-1), this._fillDate()), this._viewUpdate("YYYY"); break; case "selectDay": var k = this._viewDate.clone(); e(a.target).is(".old") && k.subtract(1, "M"), e(a.target).is(".new") && k.add(1, "M"), this._setValue(k.date(parseInt(e(a.target).text(), 10)), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._hasTime() || this._options.keepOpen || this._options.inline || this.hide(); break; case "incrementHours": var l = c.clone().add(1, "h"); this._isValid(l, "h") && this._setValue(l, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "incrementMinutes": var m = c.clone().add(this._options.stepping, "m"); this._isValid(m, "m") && this._setValue(m, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "incrementSeconds": var n = c.clone().add(1, "s"); this._isValid(n, "s") && this._setValue(n, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "decrementHours": var o = c.clone().subtract(1, "h"); this._isValid(o, "h") && this._setValue(o, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "decrementMinutes": var p = c.clone().subtract(this._options.stepping, "m"); this._isValid(p, "m") && this._setValue(p, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "decrementSeconds": var q = c.clone().subtract(1, "s"); this._isValid(q, "s") && this._setValue(q, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "togglePeriod": this._setValue(c.clone().add(c.hours() >= 12 ? -12 : 12, "h"), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; case "togglePicker": var r = e(a.target), s = r.closest("a"), t = r.closest("ul"), u = t.find(".show"), v = t.find(".collapse:not(.show)"), w = r.is("span") ? r : r.find("span"), x = void 0; if (u && u.length) { if (x = u.data("collapse"), x && x.transitioning) return !0; u.collapse ? (u.collapse("hide"), v.collapse("show")) : (u.removeClass("show"), v.addClass("show")), w.toggleClass(this._options.icons.time + " " + this._options.icons.date), w.hasClass(this._options.icons.date) ? s.attr("title", this._options.tooltips.selectDate) : s.attr("title", this._options.tooltips.selectTime) } break; case "showPicker": this.widget.find(".timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-picker)").hide(), this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-picker").show(); break; case "showHours": this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-picker").hide(), this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-hours").show(); break; case "showMinutes": this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-picker").hide(), this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-minutes").show(); break; case "showSeconds": this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-picker").hide(), this.widget.find(".timepicker .timepicker-seconds").show(); break; case "selectHour": var y = parseInt(e(a.target).text(), 10); this.use24Hours || (c.hours() >= 12 ? 12 !== y && (y += 12) : 12 === y && (y = 0)), this._setValue(c.clone().hours(y), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._isEnabled("m") || this._options.keepOpen || this._options.inline ? this._doAction(a, "showPicker") : this.hide(); break; case "selectMinute": this._setValue(c.clone().minutes(parseInt(e(a.target).text(), 10)), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._isEnabled("s") || this._options.keepOpen || this._options.inline ? this._doAction(a, "showPicker") : this.hide(); break; case "selectSecond": this._setValue(c.clone().seconds(parseInt(e(a.target).text(), 10)), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()), this._options.keepOpen || this._options.inline ? this._doAction(a, "showPicker") : this.hide(); break; case "clear": this.clear(); break; case "close": this.hide(); break; case "today": var z = this.getMoment(); this._isValid(z, "d") && this._setValue(z, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()) }return !1 }, k.prototype.hide = function () { var a = !1; this.widget && (this.widget.find(".collapse").each(function () { var b = e(this).data("collapse"); return !b || !b.transitioning || (a = !0, !1) }), a || (this.component && this.component.hasClass("btn") && this.component.toggleClass("active"), this.widget.hide(), e(window).off("resize", this._place()), this.widget.off("click", "[data-action]"), this.widget.off("mousedown", !1), this.widget.remove(), this.widget = !1, this._notifyEvent({ type: f.Event.HIDE, date: this._getLastPickedDate().clone() }), void 0 !== this.input && this.input.blur(), this._viewDate = this._getLastPickedDate().clone())) }, k.prototype.show = function () { var a = void 0, b = { year: function (a) { return a.month(0).date(1).hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0) }, month: function (a) { return a.date(1).hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0) }, day: function (a) { return a.hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0) }, hour: function (a) { return a.seconds(0).minutes(0) }, minute: function (a) { return a.seconds(0) } }; if (void 0 !== this.input) { if (this.input.prop("disabled") || !this._options.ignoreReadonly && this.input.prop("readonly") || this.widget) return; void 0 !== this.input.val() && 0 !== this.input.val().trim().length ? this._setValue(this._parseInputDate(this.input.val().trim()), 0) : this.unset && this._options.useCurrent && (a = this.getMoment(), "string" == typeof this._options.useCurrent && (a = b[this._options.useCurrent](a)), this._setValue(a, 0)) } else this.unset && this._options.useCurrent && (a = this.getMoment(), "string" == typeof this._options.useCurrent && (a = b[this._options.useCurrent](a)), this._setValue(a, 0)); this.widget = this._getTemplate(), this._fillDow(), this._fillMonths(), this.widget.find(".timepicker-hours").hide(), this.widget.find(".timepicker-minutes").hide(), this.widget.find(".timepicker-seconds").hide(), this._update(), this._showMode(), e(window).on("resize", { picker: this }, this._place), this.widget.on("click", "[data-action]", e.proxy(this._doAction, this)), this.widget.on("mousedown", !1), this.component && this.component.hasClass("btn") && this.component.toggleClass("active"), this._place(), this.widget.show(), void 0 !== this.input && this._options.focusOnShow && !this.input.is(":focus") && this.input.focus(), this._notifyEvent({ type: f.Event.SHOW }) }, k.prototype.destroy = function () { this.hide(), this._element.removeData(f.DATA_KEY), this._element.removeData("date") }, k.prototype.disable = function () { this.hide(), this.component && this.component.hasClass("btn") && this.component.addClass("disabled"), void 0 !== this.input && this.input.prop("disabled", !0) }, k.prototype.enable = function () { this.component && this.component.hasClass("btn") && this.component.removeClass("disabled"), void 0 !== this.input && this.input.prop("disabled", !1) }, k.prototype.toolbarPlacement = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.toolbarPlacement; if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("toolbarPlacement() expects a string parameter"); if (j.indexOf(a) === -1) throw new TypeError("toolbarPlacement() parameter must be one of (" + j.join(", ") + ") value"); this._options.toolbarPlacement = a, this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, k.prototype.widgetPositioning = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return e.extend({}, this._options.widgetPositioning); if ("[object Object]" !== {}.toString.call(a)) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() expects an object variable"); if (a.horizontal) { if ("string" != typeof a.horizontal) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() horizontal variable must be a string"); if (a.horizontal = a.horizontal.toLowerCase(), i.indexOf(a.horizontal) === -1) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() expects horizontal parameter to be one of (" + i.join(", ") + ")"); this._options.widgetPositioning.horizontal = a.horizontal } if (a.vertical) { if ("string" != typeof a.vertical) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() vertical variable must be a string"); if (a.vertical = a.vertical.toLowerCase(), h.indexOf(a.vertical) === -1) throw new TypeError("widgetPositioning() expects vertical parameter to be one of (" + h.join(", ") + ")"); this._options.widgetPositioning.vertical = a.vertical } this._update() }, k.prototype.widgetParent = function (a) { if (0 === arguments.length) return this._options.widgetParent; if ("string" == typeof a && (a = e(a)), null !== a && "string" != typeof a && !(a instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("widgetParent() expects a string or a jQuery object parameter"); this._options.widgetParent = a, this.widget && (this.hide(), this.show()) }, k._jQueryHandleThis = function (a, b, c) { var g = e(a).data(f.DATA_KEY); if ("object" === ("undefined" == typeof b ? "undefined" : d(b)) && e.extend({}, f.Default, b), g || (g = new k(e(a), b), e(a).data(f.DATA_KEY, g)), "string" == typeof b) { if (void 0 === g[b]) throw new Error('No method named "' + b + '"'); return void 0 === c ? g[b]() : g[b](c) } }, k._jQueryInterface = function (a, b) { return 1 === this.length ? k._jQueryHandleThis(this[0], a, b) : this.each(function () { k._jQueryHandleThis(this, a, b) }) }, k }(f); return e(document).on(f.Event.CLICK_DATA_API, f.Selector.DATA_TOGGLE, function () { var a = k(e(this)); 0 !== a.length && l._jQueryInterface.call(a, "toggle") }).on(f.Event.CHANGE, "." + f.ClassName.INPUT, function (a) { var b = k(e(this)); 0 !== b.length && l._jQueryInterface.call(b, "_change", a) }).on(f.Event.BLUR, "." + f.ClassName.INPUT, function (a) { var b = k(e(this)), c = b.data(f.DATA_KEY); 0 !== b.length && (c._options.debug || window.debug || l._jQueryInterface.call(b, "hide", a)) }).on(f.Event.KEYDOWN, "." + f.ClassName.INPUT, function (a) { var b = k(e(this)); 0 !== b.length && l._jQueryInterface.call(b, "_keydown", a) }).on(f.Event.KEYUP, "." + f.ClassName.INPUT, function (a) { var b = k(e(this)); 0 !== b.length && l._jQueryInterface.call(b, "_keyup", a) }).on(f.Event.FOCUS, "." + f.ClassName.INPUT, function (a) { var b = k(e(this)), c = b.data(f.DATA_KEY); 0 !== b.length && c._options.allowInputToggle && l._jQueryInterface.call(b, c, a) }), e.fn[f.NAME] = l._jQueryInterface, e.fn[f.NAME].Constructor = l, e.fn[f.NAME].noConflict = function () { return e.fn[f.NAME] = g, l._jQueryInterface }, l })(jQuery) }(); /*! Select2 4.0.5 | https://github.com/select2/select2/blob/master/LICENSE.md */!function (a) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = function (b, c) { return void 0 === c && (c = "undefined" != typeof window ? require("jquery") : require("jquery")(b)), a(c), c } : a(jQuery) }(function (a) { var b = function () { if (a && a.fn && a.fn.select2 && a.fn.select2.amd) var b = a.fn.select2.amd; var b; return function () { if (!b || !b.requirejs) { b ? c = b : b = {}; var a, c, d; !function (b) { function e(a, b) { return v.call(a, b) } function f(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o = b && b.split("/"), p = t.map, q = p && p["*"] || {}; if (a) { for (a = a.split("/"), g = a.length - 1, t.nodeIdCompat && x.test(a[g]) && (a[g] = a[g].replace(x, "")), "." === a[0].charAt(0) && o && (n = o.slice(0, o.length - 1), a = n.concat(a)), k = 0; k < a.length; k++)if ("." === (m = a[k])) a.splice(k, 1), k -= 1; else if (".." === m) { if (0 === k || 1 === k && ".." === a[2] || ".." === a[k - 1]) continue; k > 0 && (a.splice(k - 1, 2), k -= 2) } a = a.join("/") } if ((o || q) && p) { for (c = a.split("/"), k = c.length; k > 0; k -= 1) { if (d = c.slice(0, k).join("/"), o) for (l = o.length; l > 0; l -= 1)if ((e = p[o.slice(0, l).join("/")]) && (e = e[d])) { f = e, h = k; break } if (f) break; !i && q && q[d] && (i = q[d], j = k) } !f && i && (f = i, h = j), f && (c.splice(0, h, f), a = c.join("/")) } return a } function g(a, c) { return function () { var d = w.call(arguments, 0); return "string" != typeof d[0] && 1 === d.length && d.push(null), o.apply(b, d.concat([a, c])) } } function h(a) { return function (b) { return f(b, a) } } function i(a) { return function (b) { r[a] = b } } function j(a) { if (e(s, a)) { var c = s[a]; delete s[a], u[a] = !0, n.apply(b, c) } if (!e(r, a) && !e(u, a)) throw new Error("No " + a); return r[a] } function k(a) { var b, c = a ? a.indexOf("!") : -1; return c > -1 && (b = a.substring(0, c), a = a.substring(c + 1, a.length)), [b, a] } function l(a) { return a ? k(a) : [] } function m(a) { return function () { return t && t.config && t.config[a] || {} } } var n, o, p, q, r = {}, s = {}, t = {}, u = {}, v = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, w = [].slice, x = /\.js$/; p = function (a, b) { var c, d = k(a), e = d[0], g = b[1]; return a = d[1], e && (e = f(e, g), c = j(e)), e ? a = c && c.normalize ? c.normalize(a, h(g)) : f(a, g) : (a = f(a, g), d = k(a), e = d[0], a = d[1], e && (c = j(e))), { f: e ? e + "!" + a : a, n: a, pr: e, p: c } }, q = { require: function (a) { return g(a) }, exports: function (a) { var b = r[a]; return void 0 !== b ? b : r[a] = {} }, module: function (a) { return { id: a, uri: "", exports: r[a], config: m(a) } } }, n = function (a, c, d, f) { var h, k, m, n, o, t, v, w = [], x = typeof d; if (f = f || a, t = l(f), "undefined" === x || "function" === x) { for (c = !c.length && d.length ? ["require", "exports", "module"] : c, o = 0; o < c.length; o += 1)if (n = p(c[o], t), "require" === (k = n.f)) w[o] = q.require(a); else if ("exports" === k) w[o] = q.exports(a), v = !0; else if ("module" === k) h = w[o] = q.module(a); else if (e(r, k) || e(s, k) || e(u, k)) w[o] = j(k); else { if (!n.p) throw new Error(a + " missing " + k); n.p.load(n.n, g(f, !0), i(k), {}), w[o] = r[k] } m = d ? d.apply(r[a], w) : void 0, a && (h && h.exports !== b && h.exports !== r[a] ? r[a] = h.exports : m === b && v || (r[a] = m)) } else a && (r[a] = d) }, a = c = o = function (a, c, d, e, f) { if ("string" == typeof a) return q[a] ? q[a](c) : j(p(a, l(c)).f); if (!a.splice) { if (t = a, t.deps && o(t.deps, t.callback), !c) return; c.splice ? (a = c, c = d, d = null) : a = b } return c = c || function () { }, "function" == typeof d && (d = e, e = f), e ? n(b, a, c, d) : setTimeout(function () { n(b, a, c, d) }, 4), o }, o.config = function (a) { return o(a) }, a._defined = r, d = function (a, b, c) { if ("string" != typeof a) throw new Error("See almond README: incorrect module build, no module name"); b.splice || (c = b, b = []), e(r, a) || e(s, a) || (s[a] = [a, b, c]) }, d.amd = { jQuery: !0 } }(), b.requirejs = a, b.require = c, b.define = d } }(), b.define("almond", function () { }), b.define("jquery", [], function () { var b = a || $; return null == b && console && console.error && console.error("Select2: An instance of jQuery or a jQuery-compatible library was not found. Make sure that you are including jQuery before Select2 on your web page."), b }), b.define("select2/utils", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(a) { var b = a.prototype, c = []; for (var d in b) { "function" == typeof b[d] && ("constructor" !== d && c.push(d)) } return c } var c = {}; c.Extend = function (a, b) { function c() { this.constructor = a } var d = {}.hasOwnProperty; for (var e in b) d.call(b, e) && (a[e] = b[e]); return c.prototype = b.prototype, a.prototype = new c, a.__super__ = b.prototype, a }, c.Decorate = function (a, c) { function d() { var b = Array.prototype.unshift, d = c.prototype.constructor.length, e = a.prototype.constructor; d > 0 && (b.call(arguments, a.prototype.constructor), e = c.prototype.constructor), e.apply(this, arguments) } function e() { this.constructor = d } var f = b(c), g = b(a); c.displayName = a.displayName, d.prototype = new e; for (var h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { var i = g[h]; d.prototype[i] = a.prototype[i] } for (var j = (function (a) { var b = function () { }; a in d.prototype && (b = d.prototype[a]); var e = c.prototype[a]; return function () { return Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, b), e.apply(this, arguments) } }), k = 0; k < f.length; k++) { var l = f[k]; d.prototype[l] = j(l) } return d }; var d = function () { this.listeners = {} }; return d.prototype.on = function (a, b) { this.listeners = this.listeners || {}, a in this.listeners ? this.listeners[a].push(b) : this.listeners[a] = [b] }, d.prototype.trigger = function (a) { var b = Array.prototype.slice, c = b.call(arguments, 1); this.listeners = this.listeners || {}, null == c && (c = []), 0 === c.length && c.push({}), c[0]._type = a, a in this.listeners && this.invoke(this.listeners[a], b.call(arguments, 1)), "*" in this.listeners && this.invoke(this.listeners["*"], arguments) }, d.prototype.invoke = function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++)a[c].apply(this, b) }, c.Observable = d, c.generateChars = function (a) { for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a; c++) { b += Math.floor(36 * Math.random()).toString(36) } return b }, c.bind = function (a, b) { return function () { a.apply(b, arguments) } }, c._convertData = function (a) { for (var b in a) { var c = b.split("-"), d = a; if (1 !== c.length) { for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) { var f = c[e]; f = f.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + f.substring(1), f in d || (d[f] = {}), e == c.length - 1 && (d[f] = a[b]), d = d[f] } delete a[b] } } return a }, c.hasScroll = function (b, c) { var d = a(c), e = c.style.overflowX, f = c.style.overflowY; return (e !== f || "hidden" !== f && "visible" !== f) && ("scroll" === e || "scroll" === f || (d.innerHeight() < c.scrollHeight || d.innerWidth() < c.scrollWidth)) }, c.escapeMarkup = function (a) { var b = { "\\": "\", "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "/": "/" }; return "string" != typeof a ? a : String(a).replace(/[&<>"'\/\\]/g, function (a) { return b[a] }) }, c.appendMany = function (b, c) { if ("1.7" === a.fn.jquery.substr(0, 3)) { var d = a(); a.map(c, function (a) { d = d.add(a) }), c = d } b.append(c) }, c }), b.define("select2/results", ["jquery", "./utils"], function (a, b) { function c(a, b, d) { this.$element = a, this.data = d, this.options = b, c.__super__.constructor.call(this) } return b.Extend(c, b.Observable), c.prototype.render = function () { var b = a('
      '); return this.options.get("multiple") && b.attr("aria-multiselectable", "true"), this.$results = b, b }, c.prototype.clear = function () { this.$results.empty() }, c.prototype.displayMessage = function (b) { var c = this.options.get("escapeMarkup"); this.clear(), this.hideLoading(); var d = a('
    • '), e = this.options.get("translations").get(b.message); d.append(c(e(b.args))), d[0].className += " select2-results__message", this.$results.append(d) }, c.prototype.hideMessages = function () { this.$results.find(".select2-results__message").remove() }, c.prototype.append = function (a) { this.hideLoading(); var b = []; if (null == a.results || 0 === a.results.length) return void (0 === this.$results.children().length && this.trigger("results:message", { message: "noResults" })); a.results = this.sort(a.results); for (var c = 0; c < a.results.length; c++) { var d = a.results[c], e = this.option(d); b.push(e) } this.$results.append(b) }, c.prototype.position = function (a, b) { b.find(".select2-results").append(a) }, c.prototype.sort = function (a) { return this.options.get("sorter")(a) }, c.prototype.highlightFirstItem = function () { var a = this.$results.find(".select2-results__option[aria-selected]"), b = a.filter("[aria-selected=true]"); b.length > 0 ? b.first().trigger("mouseenter") : a.first().trigger("mouseenter"), this.ensureHighlightVisible() }, c.prototype.setClasses = function () { var b = this; this.data.current(function (c) { var d = a.map(c, function (a) { return a.id.toString() }); b.$results.find(".select2-results__option[aria-selected]").each(function () { var b = a(this), c = a.data(this, "data"), e = "" + c.id; null != c.element && c.element.selected || null == c.element && a.inArray(e, d) > -1 ? b.attr("aria-selected", "true") : b.attr("aria-selected", "false") }) }) }, c.prototype.showLoading = function (a) { this.hideLoading(); var b = this.options.get("translations").get("searching"), c = { disabled: !0, loading: !0, text: b(a) }, d = this.option(c); d.className += " loading-results", this.$results.prepend(d) }, c.prototype.hideLoading = function () { this.$results.find(".loading-results").remove() }, c.prototype.option = function (b) { var c = document.createElement("li"); c.className = "select2-results__option"; var d = { role: "treeitem", "aria-selected": "false" }; b.disabled && (delete d["aria-selected"], d["aria-disabled"] = "true"), null == b.id && delete d["aria-selected"], null != b._resultId && (c.id = b._resultId), b.title && (c.title = b.title), b.children && (d.role = "group", d["aria-label"] = b.text, delete d["aria-selected"]); for (var e in d) { var f = d[e]; c.setAttribute(e, f) } if (b.children) { var g = a(c), h = document.createElement("strong"); h.className = "select2-results__group"; a(h); this.template(b, h); for (var i = [], j = 0; j < b.children.length; j++) { var k = b.children[j], l = this.option(k); i.push(l) } var m = a("
        ", { class: "select2-results__options select2-results__options--nested" }); m.append(i), g.append(h), g.append(m) } else this.template(b, c); return a.data(c, "data", b), c }, c.prototype.bind = function (b, c) { var d = this, e = b.id + "-results"; this.$results.attr("id", e), b.on("results:all", function (a) { d.clear(), d.append(a.data), b.isOpen() && (d.setClasses(), d.highlightFirstItem()) }), b.on("results:append", function (a) { d.append(a.data), b.isOpen() && d.setClasses() }), b.on("query", function (a) { d.hideMessages(), d.showLoading(a) }), b.on("select", function () { b.isOpen() && (d.setClasses(), d.highlightFirstItem()) }), b.on("unselect", function () { b.isOpen() && (d.setClasses(), d.highlightFirstItem()) }), b.on("open", function () { d.$results.attr("aria-expanded", "true"), d.$results.attr("aria-hidden", "false"), d.setClasses(), d.ensureHighlightVisible() }), b.on("close", function () { d.$results.attr("aria-expanded", "false"), d.$results.attr("aria-hidden", "true"), d.$results.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant") }), b.on("results:toggle", function () { var a = d.getHighlightedResults(); 0 !== a.length && a.trigger("mouseup") }), b.on("results:select", function () { var a = d.getHighlightedResults(); if (0 !== a.length) { var b = a.data("data"); "true" == a.attr("aria-selected") ? d.trigger("close", {}) : d.trigger("select", { data: b }) } }), b.on("results:previous", function () { var a = d.getHighlightedResults(), b = d.$results.find("[aria-selected]"), c = b.index(a); if (0 !== c) { var e = c - 1; 0 === a.length && (e = 0); var f = b.eq(e); f.trigger("mouseenter"); var g = d.$results.offset().top, h = f.offset().top, i = d.$results.scrollTop() + (h - g); 0 === e ? d.$results.scrollTop(0) : h - g < 0 && d.$results.scrollTop(i) } }), b.on("results:next", function () { var a = d.getHighlightedResults(), b = d.$results.find("[aria-selected]"), c = b.index(a), e = c + 1; if (!(e >= b.length)) { var f = b.eq(e); f.trigger("mouseenter"); var g = d.$results.offset().top + d.$results.outerHeight(!1), h = f.offset().top + f.outerHeight(!1), i = d.$results.scrollTop() + h - g; 0 === e ? d.$results.scrollTop(0) : h > g && d.$results.scrollTop(i) } }), b.on("results:focus", function (a) { a.element.addClass("select2-results__option--highlighted") }), b.on("results:message", function (a) { d.displayMessage(a) }), a.fn.mousewheel && this.$results.on("mousewheel", function (a) { var b = d.$results.scrollTop(), c = d.$results.get(0).scrollHeight - b + a.deltaY, e = a.deltaY > 0 && b - a.deltaY <= 0, f = a.deltaY < 0 && c <= d.$results.height(); e ? (d.$results.scrollTop(0), a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()) : f && (d.$results.scrollTop(d.$results.get(0).scrollHeight - d.$results.height()), a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()) }), this.$results.on("mouseup", ".select2-results__option[aria-selected]", function (b) { var c = a(this), e = c.data("data"); if ("true" === c.attr("aria-selected")) return void (d.options.get("multiple") ? d.trigger("unselect", { originalEvent: b, data: e }) : d.trigger("close", {})); d.trigger("select", { originalEvent: b, data: e }) }), this.$results.on("mouseenter", ".select2-results__option[aria-selected]", function (b) { var c = a(this).data("data"); d.getHighlightedResults().removeClass("select2-results__option--highlighted"), d.trigger("results:focus", { data: c, element: a(this) }) }) }, c.prototype.getHighlightedResults = function () { return this.$results.find(".select2-results__option--highlighted") }, c.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$results.remove() }, c.prototype.ensureHighlightVisible = function () { var a = this.getHighlightedResults(); if (0 !== a.length) { var b = this.$results.find("[aria-selected]"), c = b.index(a), d = this.$results.offset().top, e = a.offset().top, f = this.$results.scrollTop() + (e - d), g = e - d; f -= 2 * a.outerHeight(!1), c <= 2 ? this.$results.scrollTop(0) : (g > this.$results.outerHeight() || g < 0) && this.$results.scrollTop(f) } }, c.prototype.template = function (b, c) { var d = this.options.get("templateResult"), e = this.options.get("escapeMarkup"), f = d(b, c); null == f ? c.style.display = "none" : "string" == typeof f ? c.innerHTML = e(f) : a(c).append(f) }, c }), b.define("select2/keys", [], function () { return { BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, DELETE: 46 } }), b.define("select2/selection/base", ["jquery", "../utils", "../keys"], function (a, b, c) { function d(a, b) { this.$element = a, this.options = b, d.__super__.constructor.call(this) } return b.Extend(d, b.Observable), d.prototype.render = function () { var b = a(''); return this._tabindex = 0, null != this.$element.data("old-tabindex") ? this._tabindex = this.$element.data("old-tabindex") : null != this.$element.attr("tabindex") && (this._tabindex = this.$element.attr("tabindex")), b.attr("title", this.$element.attr("title")), b.attr("tabindex", this._tabindex), this.$selection = b, b }, d.prototype.bind = function (a, b) { var d = this, e = (a.id, a.id + "-results"); this.container = a, this.$selection.on("focus", function (a) { d.trigger("focus", a) }), this.$selection.on("blur", function (a) { d._handleBlur(a) }), this.$selection.on("keydown", function (a) { d.trigger("keypress", a), a.which === c.SPACE && a.preventDefault() }), a.on("results:focus", function (a) { d.$selection.attr("aria-activedescendant", a.data._resultId) }), a.on("selection:update", function (a) { d.update(a.data) }), a.on("open", function () { d.$selection.attr("aria-expanded", "true"), d.$selection.attr("aria-owns", e), d._attachCloseHandler(a) }), a.on("close", function () { d.$selection.attr("aria-expanded", "false"), d.$selection.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), d.$selection.removeAttr("aria-owns"), d.$selection.focus(), d._detachCloseHandler(a) }), a.on("enable", function () { d.$selection.attr("tabindex", d._tabindex) }), a.on("disable", function () { d.$selection.attr("tabindex", "-1") }) }, d.prototype._handleBlur = function (b) { var c = this; window.setTimeout(function () { document.activeElement == c.$selection[0] || a.contains(c.$selection[0], document.activeElement) || c.trigger("blur", b) }, 1) }, d.prototype._attachCloseHandler = function (b) { a(document.body).on("mousedown.select2." + b.id, function (b) { var c = a(b.target), d = c.closest(".select2"); a(".select2.select2-container--open").each(function () { var b = a(this); this != d[0] && b.data("element").select2("close") }) }) }, d.prototype._detachCloseHandler = function (b) { a(document.body).off("mousedown.select2." + b.id) }, d.prototype.position = function (a, b) { b.find(".selection").append(a) }, d.prototype.destroy = function () { this._detachCloseHandler(this.container) }, d.prototype.update = function (a) { throw new Error("The `update` method must be defined in child classes.") }, d }), b.define("select2/selection/single", ["jquery", "./base", "../utils", "../keys"], function (a, b, c, d) { function e() { e.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments) } return c.Extend(e, b), e.prototype.render = function () { var a = e.__super__.render.call(this); return a.addClass("select2-selection--single"), a.html(''), a }, e.prototype.bind = function (a, b) { var c = this; e.__super__.bind.apply(this, arguments); var d = a.id + "-container"; this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").attr("id", d), this.$selection.attr("aria-labelledby", d), this.$selection.on("mousedown", function (a) { 1 === a.which && c.trigger("toggle", { originalEvent: a }) }), this.$selection.on("focus", function (a) { }), this.$selection.on("blur", function (a) { }), a.on("focus", function (b) { a.isOpen() || c.$selection.focus() }), a.on("selection:update", function (a) { c.update(a.data) }) }, e.prototype.clear = function () { this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").empty() }, e.prototype.display = function (a, b) { var c = this.options.get("templateSelection"); return this.options.get("escapeMarkup")(c(a, b)) }, e.prototype.selectionContainer = function () { return a("") }, e.prototype.update = function (a) { if (0 === a.length) return void this.clear(); var b = a[0], c = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered"), d = this.display(b, c); c.empty().append(d), c.prop("title", b.title || b.text) }, e }), b.define("select2/selection/multiple", ["jquery", "./base", "../utils"], function (a, b, c) { function d(a, b) { d.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments) } return c.Extend(d, b), d.prototype.render = function () { var a = d.__super__.render.call(this); return a.addClass("select2-selection--multiple"), a.html('
          '), a }, d.prototype.bind = function (b, c) { var e = this; d.__super__.bind.apply(this, arguments), this.$selection.on("click", function (a) { e.trigger("toggle", { originalEvent: a }) }), this.$selection.on("click", ".select2-selection__choice__remove", function (b) { if (!e.options.get("disabled")) { var c = a(this), d = c.parent(), f = d.data("data"); e.trigger("unselect", { originalEvent: b, data: f }) } }) }, d.prototype.clear = function () { this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").empty() }, d.prototype.display = function (a, b) { var c = this.options.get("templateSelection"); return this.options.get("escapeMarkup")(c(a, b)) }, d.prototype.selectionContainer = function () { return a('
        • ×
        • ') }, d.prototype.update = function (a) { if (this.clear(), 0 !== a.length) { for (var b = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) { var e = a[d], f = this.selectionContainer(), g = this.display(e, f); f.append(g), f.prop("title", e.title || e.text), f.data("data", e), b.push(f) } var h = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered"); c.appendMany(h, b) } }, d }), b.define("select2/selection/placeholder", ["../utils"], function (a) { function b(a, b, c) { this.placeholder = this.normalizePlaceholder(c.get("placeholder")), a.call(this, b, c) } return b.prototype.normalizePlaceholder = function (a, b) { return "string" == typeof b && (b = { id: "", text: b }), b }, b.prototype.createPlaceholder = function (a, b) { var c = this.selectionContainer(); return c.html(this.display(b)), c.addClass("select2-selection__placeholder").removeClass("select2-selection__choice"), c }, b.prototype.update = function (a, b) { var c = 1 == b.length && b[0].id != this.placeholder.id; if (b.length > 1 || c) return a.call(this, b); this.clear(); var d = this.createPlaceholder(this.placeholder); this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").append(d) }, b }), b.define("select2/selection/allowClear", ["jquery", "../keys"], function (a, b) { function c() { } return c.prototype.bind = function (a, b, c) { var d = this; a.call(this, b, c), null == this.placeholder && this.options.get("debug") && window.console && console.error && console.error("Select2: The `allowClear` option should be used in combination with the `placeholder` option."), this.$selection.on("mousedown", ".select2-selection__clear", function (a) { d._handleClear(a) }), b.on("keypress", function (a) { d._handleKeyboardClear(a, b) }) }, c.prototype._handleClear = function (a, b) { if (!this.options.get("disabled")) { var c = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__clear"); if (0 !== c.length) { b.stopPropagation(); for (var d = c.data("data"), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) { var f = { data: d[e] }; if (this.trigger("unselect", f), f.prevented) return } this.$element.val(this.placeholder.id).trigger("change"), this.trigger("toggle", {}) } } }, c.prototype._handleKeyboardClear = function (a, c, d) { d.isOpen() || c.which != b.DELETE && c.which != b.BACKSPACE || this._handleClear(c) }, c.prototype.update = function (b, c) { if (b.call(this, c), !(this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__placeholder").length > 0 || 0 === c.length)) { var d = a('×'); d.data("data", c), this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").prepend(d) } }, c }), b.define("select2/selection/search", ["jquery", "../utils", "../keys"], function (a, b, c) { function d(a, b, c) { a.call(this, b, c) } return d.prototype.render = function (b) { var c = a(''); this.$searchContainer = c, this.$search = c.find("input"); var d = b.call(this); return this._transferTabIndex(), d }, d.prototype.bind = function (a, b, d) { var e = this; a.call(this, b, d), b.on("open", function () { e.$search.trigger("focus") }), b.on("close", function () { e.$search.val(""), e.$search.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), e.$search.trigger("focus") }), b.on("enable", function () { e.$search.prop("disabled", !1), e._transferTabIndex() }), b.on("disable", function () { e.$search.prop("disabled", !0) }), b.on("focus", function (a) { e.$search.trigger("focus") }), b.on("results:focus", function (a) { e.$search.attr("aria-activedescendant", a.id) }), this.$selection.on("focusin", ".select2-search--inline", function (a) { e.trigger("focus", a) }), this.$selection.on("focusout", ".select2-search--inline", function (a) { e._handleBlur(a) }), this.$selection.on("keydown", ".select2-search--inline", function (a) { if (a.stopPropagation(), e.trigger("keypress", a), e._keyUpPrevented = a.isDefaultPrevented(), a.which === c.BACKSPACE && "" === e.$search.val()) { var b = e.$searchContainer.prev(".select2-selection__choice"); if (b.length > 0) { var d = b.data("data"); e.searchRemoveChoice(d), a.preventDefault() } } }); var f = document.documentMode, g = f && f <= 11; this.$selection.on("input.searchcheck", ".select2-search--inline", function (a) { if (g) return void e.$selection.off("input.search input.searchcheck"); e.$selection.off("keyup.search") }), this.$selection.on("keyup.search input.search", ".select2-search--inline", function (a) { if (g && "input" === a.type) return void e.$selection.off("input.search input.searchcheck"); var b = a.which; b != c.SHIFT && b != c.CTRL && b != c.ALT && b != c.TAB && e.handleSearch(a) }) }, d.prototype._transferTabIndex = function (a) { this.$search.attr("tabindex", this.$selection.attr("tabindex")), this.$selection.attr("tabindex", "-1") }, d.prototype.createPlaceholder = function (a, b) { this.$search.attr("placeholder", b.text) }, d.prototype.update = function (a, b) { var c = this.$search[0] == document.activeElement; this.$search.attr("placeholder", ""), a.call(this, b), this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").append(this.$searchContainer), this.resizeSearch(), c && this.$search.focus() }, d.prototype.handleSearch = function () { if (this.resizeSearch(), !this._keyUpPrevented) { var a = this.$search.val(); this.trigger("query", { term: a }) } this._keyUpPrevented = !1 }, d.prototype.searchRemoveChoice = function (a, b) { this.trigger("unselect", { data: b }), this.$search.val(b.text), this.handleSearch() }, d.prototype.resizeSearch = function () { this.$search.css("width", "25px"); var a = ""; if ("" !== this.$search.attr("placeholder")) a = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered").innerWidth(); else { a = .75 * (this.$search.val().length + 1) + "em" } this.$search.css("width", a) }, d }), b.define("select2/selection/eventRelay", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b() { } return b.prototype.bind = function (b, c, d) { var e = this, f = ["open", "opening", "close", "closing", "select", "selecting", "unselect", "unselecting"], g = ["opening", "closing", "selecting", "unselecting"]; b.call(this, c, d), c.on("*", 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d.__super__.constructor.call(this) } return b.Extend(d, a), d.prototype.current = function (a) { var b = [], d = this; this.$element.find(":selected").each(function () { var a = c(this), e = d.item(a); b.push(e) }), a(b) }, d.prototype.select = function (a) { var b = this; if (a.selected = !0, c(a.element).is("option")) return a.element.selected = !0, void this.$element.trigger("change"); if (this.$element.prop("multiple")) this.current(function (d) { var e = []; a = [a], a.push.apply(a, d); for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) { var g = a[f].id; -1 === c.inArray(g, e) && e.push(g) } b.$element.val(e), b.$element.trigger("change") }); else { var d = a.id; this.$element.val(d), this.$element.trigger("change") } }, d.prototype.unselect = function (a) { var b = this; if (this.$element.prop("multiple")) { if (a.selected = !1, c(a.element).is("option")) return a.element.selected = !1, void this.$element.trigger("change"); this.current(function (d) { for (var e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) { var g = d[f].id; g !== a.id && -1 === c.inArray(g, e) && e.push(g) } b.$element.val(e), b.$element.trigger("change") }) } }, d.prototype.bind = function (a, b) { var c = this; this.container = a, a.on("select", function (a) { c.select(a.data) }), a.on("unselect", function (a) { c.unselect(a.data) }) }, d.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$element.find("*").each(function () { c.removeData(this, "data") }) }, d.prototype.query = function (a, b) { var d = [], e = this; this.$element.children().each(function () { var b = c(this); if (b.is("option") || b.is("optgroup")) { var f = e.item(b), g = e.matches(a, f); null !== g && d.push(g) } }), b({ results: d }) }, d.prototype.addOptions = function (a) { b.appendMany(this.$element, a) }, d.prototype.option = function (a) { var b; a.children ? (b = document.createElement("optgroup"), b.label = a.text) : (b = document.createElement("option"), void 0 !== b.textContent ? b.textContent = a.text : b.innerText = a.text), void 0 !== a.id && (b.value = a.id), a.disabled && (b.disabled = !0), a.selected && (b.selected = !0), a.title && (b.title = a.title); var d = c(b), e = this._normalizeItem(a); return e.element = b, c.data(b, "data", e), d }, d.prototype.item = function (a) { var b = {}; if (null != (b = c.data(a[0], "data"))) return b; if (a.is("option")) b = { id: a.val(), text: a.text(), disabled: a.prop("disabled"), selected: a.prop("selected"), title: a.prop("title") }; else if (a.is("optgroup")) { b = { text: a.prop("label"), children: [], title: a.prop("title") }; for (var d = a.children("option"), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) { var g = c(d[f]), h = this.item(g); e.push(h) } b.children = e } return b = this._normalizeItem(b), b.element = a[0], c.data(a[0], "data", b), b }, d.prototype._normalizeItem = function (a) { c.isPlainObject(a) || (a = { id: a, text: a }), a = c.extend({}, { text: "" }, a); var b = { selected: !1, disabled: !1 }; return null != a.id && (a.id = a.id.toString()), null != a.text && (a.text = a.text.toString()), null == a._resultId && a.id && null != this.container && (a._resultId = this.generateResultId(this.container, a)), c.extend({}, b, a) }, d.prototype.matches = function (a, b) { return this.options.get("matcher")(a, b) }, d }), b.define("select2/data/array", ["./select", "../utils", "jquery"], function (a, b, c) { function d(a, b) { var c = b.get("data") || []; d.__super__.constructor.call(this, a, b), this.addOptions(this.convertToOptions(c)) } return b.Extend(d, a), d.prototype.select = function (a) { var b = this.$element.find("option").filter(function (b, c) { return c.value == a.id.toString() }); 0 === b.length && (b = this.option(a), this.addOptions(b)), d.__super__.select.call(this, a) }, d.prototype.convertToOptions = function (a) { function d(a) { return function () { return c(this).val() == a.id } } for (var e = this, f = this.$element.find("option"), g = f.map(function () { return e.item(c(this)).id }).get(), h = [], i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var j = this._normalizeItem(a[i]); if (c.inArray(j.id, g) >= 0) { var k = f.filter(d(j)), l = this.item(k), m = c.extend(!0, {}, j, l), n = this.option(m); k.replaceWith(n) } else { var o = this.option(j); if (j.children) { var p = this.convertToOptions(j.children); b.appendMany(o, p) } h.push(o) } } return h }, d }), b.define("select2/data/ajax", ["./array", "../utils", "jquery"], function (a, b, c) { function d(a, b) { this.ajaxOptions = this._applyDefaults(b.get("ajax")), null != this.ajaxOptions.processResults && (this.processResults = this.ajaxOptions.processResults), d.__super__.constructor.call(this, a, b) } return b.Extend(d, a), d.prototype._applyDefaults = function (a) { var b = { data: function (a) { return c.extend({}, a, { q: a.term }) }, transport: function (a, b, d) { var e = c.ajax(a); return e.then(b), e.fail(d), e } }; return c.extend({}, b, a, !0) }, d.prototype.processResults = function (a) { return a }, d.prototype.query = function (a, b) { function d() { var d = f.transport(f, function (d) { var f = e.processResults(d, a); e.options.get("debug") && window.console && console.error && (f && f.results && c.isArray(f.results) || console.error("Select2: The AJAX results did not return an array in the `results` key of the response.")), b(f) }, function () { d.status && "0" === d.status || e.trigger("results:message", { message: "errorLoading" }) }); e._request = d } var e = this; null != this._request && (c.isFunction(this._request.abort) && this._request.abort(), this._request = null); var f = c.extend({ type: "GET" }, this.ajaxOptions); "function" == typeof f.url && (f.url = f.url.call(this.$element, a)), "function" == typeof f.data && (f.data = f.data.call(this.$element, a)), this.ajaxOptions.delay && null != a.term ? (this._queryTimeout && window.clearTimeout(this._queryTimeout), this._queryTimeout = window.setTimeout(d, this.ajaxOptions.delay)) : d() }, d }), b.define("select2/data/tags", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(b, c, d) { var e = d.get("tags"), f = d.get("createTag"); void 0 !== f && (this.createTag = f); var g = d.get("insertTag"); if (void 0 !== g && (this.insertTag = g), b.call(this, c, d), a.isArray(e)) for (var h = 0; h < e.length; h++) { var i = e[h], j = this._normalizeItem(i), k = this.option(j); this.$element.append(k) } } return b.prototype.query = function (a, b, c) { function d(a, f) { for (var g = a.results, h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { var i = g[h], j = null != i.children && !d({ results: i.children }, !0); if ((i.text || "").toUpperCase() === (b.term || "").toUpperCase() || j) return !f && (a.data = g, void c(a)) } if (f) return !0; var k = e.createTag(b); if (null != k) { var l = e.option(k); l.attr("data-select2-tag", !0), e.addOptions([l]), e.insertTag(g, k) } a.results = g, c(a) } var e = this; if (this._removeOldTags(), null == b.term || null != b.page) return void a.call(this, b, c); a.call(this, b, d) }, b.prototype.createTag = function (b, c) { var d = a.trim(c.term); return "" === d ? null : { id: d, text: d } }, b.prototype.insertTag = function (a, b, c) { b.unshift(c) }, b.prototype._removeOldTags = function (b) { this._lastTag; this.$element.find("option[data-select2-tag]").each(function () { this.selected || a(this).remove() }) }, b }), b.define("select2/data/tokenizer", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(a, b, c) { var d = c.get("tokenizer"); void 0 !== d && (this.tokenizer = d), a.call(this, b, c) } return b.prototype.bind = function (a, b, c) { a.call(this, b, c), this.$search = b.dropdown.$search || b.selection.$search || c.find(".select2-search__field") }, b.prototype.query = function (b, c, d) { function e(b) { var c = g._normalizeItem(b); if (!g.$element.find("option").filter(function () { return a(this).val() === c.id }).length) { var d = g.option(c); d.attr("data-select2-tag", !0), g._removeOldTags(), g.addOptions([d]) } f(c) } function f(a) { g.trigger("select", { data: a }) } var g = this; c.term = c.term || ""; var h = this.tokenizer(c, this.options, e); h.term !== c.term && (this.$search.length && (this.$search.val(h.term), this.$search.focus()), c.term = h.term), b.call(this, c, d) }, b.prototype.tokenizer = function (b, c, d, e) { for (var f = d.get("tokenSeparators") || [], g = c.term, h = 0, i = this.createTag || function (a) { return { id: a.term, text: a.term } }; h < g.length;) { var j = g[h]; if (-1 !== a.inArray(j, f)) { var k = g.substr(0, h), l = a.extend({}, c, { term: k }), m = i(l); null != m ? (e(m), g = g.substr(h + 1) || "", h = 0) : h++ } else h++ } return { term: g } }, b }), b.define("select2/data/minimumInputLength", [], function () { function a(a, b, c) { this.minimumInputLength = c.get("minimumInputLength"), a.call(this, b, c) } return a.prototype.query = function (a, b, c) { if (b.term = b.term || "", b.term.length < this.minimumInputLength) return void this.trigger("results:message", { message: "inputTooShort", args: { minimum: this.minimumInputLength, input: b.term, params: b } }); a.call(this, b, c) }, a }), b.define("select2/data/maximumInputLength", [], function () { function a(a, b, c) { this.maximumInputLength = c.get("maximumInputLength"), a.call(this, b, c) } return a.prototype.query = function (a, b, c) { if (b.term = b.term || "", this.maximumInputLength > 0 && b.term.length > this.maximumInputLength) return void this.trigger("results:message", { message: "inputTooLong", args: { maximum: this.maximumInputLength, input: b.term, params: b } }); a.call(this, b, c) }, a }), b.define("select2/data/maximumSelectionLength", [], function () { function a(a, b, c) { this.maximumSelectionLength = c.get("maximumSelectionLength"), a.call(this, b, c) } return a.prototype.query = function (a, b, c) { var d = this; this.current(function (e) { var f = null != e ? e.length : 0; if (d.maximumSelectionLength > 0 && f >= d.maximumSelectionLength) return void d.trigger("results:message", { message: "maximumSelected", args: { maximum: d.maximumSelectionLength } }); a.call(d, b, c) }) }, a }), b.define("select2/dropdown", ["jquery", "./utils"], function (a, b) { function c(a, b) { this.$element = a, this.options = b, c.__super__.constructor.call(this) } return b.Extend(c, b.Observable), c.prototype.render = function () { var b = a(''); return b.attr("dir", this.options.get("dir")), this.$dropdown = b, b }, c.prototype.bind = function () { }, c.prototype.position = function (a, b) { }, c.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$dropdown.remove() }, c }), b.define("select2/dropdown/search", ["jquery", "../utils"], function (a, b) { function c() { } return c.prototype.render = function (b) { var c = b.call(this), d = a(''); return this.$searchContainer = d, this.$search = d.find("input"), c.prepend(d), c }, c.prototype.bind = function (b, c, d) { var e = this; b.call(this, c, d), this.$search.on("keydown", function (a) { e.trigger("keypress", a), e._keyUpPrevented = a.isDefaultPrevented() }), this.$search.on("input", function (b) { a(this).off("keyup") }), this.$search.on("keyup input", function (a) { e.handleSearch(a) }), c.on("open", function () { e.$search.attr("tabindex", 0), e.$search.focus(), window.setTimeout(function () { e.$search.focus() }, 0) }), c.on("close", function () { e.$search.attr("tabindex", -1), e.$search.val("") }), c.on("focus", function () { c.isOpen() || e.$search.focus() }), c.on("results:all", function (a) { if (null == a.query.term || "" === a.query.term) { e.showSearch(a) ? e.$searchContainer.removeClass("select2-search--hide") : e.$searchContainer.addClass("select2-search--hide") } }) }, c.prototype.handleSearch = function (a) { if (!this._keyUpPrevented) { var b = this.$search.val(); this.trigger("query", { term: b }) } this._keyUpPrevented = !1 }, c.prototype.showSearch = function (a, b) { return !0 }, c }), b.define("select2/dropdown/hidePlaceholder", [], function () { function a(a, b, c, d) { this.placeholder = this.normalizePlaceholder(c.get("placeholder")), a.call(this, b, c, d) } return a.prototype.append = function (a, b) { b.results = this.removePlaceholder(b.results), a.call(this, b) }, a.prototype.normalizePlaceholder = function (a, b) { return "string" == typeof b && (b = { id: "", text: b }), b }, a.prototype.removePlaceholder = function (a, b) { for (var c = b.slice(0), d = b.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) { var e = b[d]; this.placeholder.id === e.id && c.splice(d, 1) } return c }, a }), b.define("select2/dropdown/infiniteScroll", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(a, b, c, d) { this.lastParams = {}, a.call(this, b, c, d), this.$loadingMore = this.createLoadingMore(), this.loading = !1 } return b.prototype.append = function (a, b) { this.$loadingMore.remove(), this.loading = !1, a.call(this, b), this.showLoadingMore(b) && this.$results.append(this.$loadingMore) }, b.prototype.bind = function (b, c, d) { var e = this; b.call(this, c, d), c.on("query", function (a) { e.lastParams = a, e.loading = !0 }), c.on("query:append", function (a) { e.lastParams = a, e.loading = !0 }), this.$results.on("scroll", function () { var b = a.contains(document.documentElement, e.$loadingMore[0]); if (!e.loading && b) { e.$results.offset().top + e.$results.outerHeight(!1) + 50 >= e.$loadingMore.offset().top + e.$loadingMore.outerHeight(!1) && e.loadMore() } }) }, b.prototype.loadMore = function () { this.loading = !0; var b = a.extend({}, { page: 1 }, this.lastParams); b.page++ , this.trigger("query:append", b) }, b.prototype.showLoadingMore = function (a, b) { return b.pagination && b.pagination.more }, b.prototype.createLoadingMore = function () { var b = a('
        • '), c = this.options.get("translations").get("loadingMore"); return b.html(c(this.lastParams)), b }, b }), b.define("select2/dropdown/attachBody", ["jquery", "../utils"], function (a, b) { function c(b, c, d) { this.$dropdownParent = d.get("dropdownParent") || a(document.body), b.call(this, c, d) } return c.prototype.bind = function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = !1; a.call(this, b, c), b.on("open", function () { d._showDropdown(), d._attachPositioningHandler(b), e || (e = !0, b.on("results:all", function () { d._positionDropdown(), d._resizeDropdown() }), b.on("results:append", function () { d._positionDropdown(), d._resizeDropdown() })) }), b.on("close", function () { d._hideDropdown(), d._detachPositioningHandler(b) }), this.$dropdownContainer.on("mousedown", function (a) { a.stopPropagation() }) }, c.prototype.destroy = function (a) { a.call(this), this.$dropdownContainer.remove() }, c.prototype.position = function (a, b, c) { b.attr("class", c.attr("class")), b.removeClass("select2"), b.addClass("select2-container--open"), b.css({ position: "absolute", top: -999999 }), this.$container = c }, c.prototype.render = function (b) { var c = a(""), d = b.call(this); return c.append(d), this.$dropdownContainer = c, c }, c.prototype._hideDropdown = function (a) { this.$dropdownContainer.detach() }, c.prototype._attachPositioningHandler = function (c, d) { var e = this, f = "scroll.select2." + d.id, g = "resize.select2." + d.id, h = "orientationchange.select2." + d.id, i = this.$container.parents().filter(b.hasScroll); i.each(function () { a(this).data("select2-scroll-position", { x: a(this).scrollLeft(), y: a(this).scrollTop() }) }), i.on(f, function (b) { var c = a(this).data("select2-scroll-position"); a(this).scrollTop(c.y) }), a(window).on(f + " " + g + " " + h, function (a) { e._positionDropdown(), e._resizeDropdown() }) }, c.prototype._detachPositioningHandler = function (c, d) { var e = "scroll.select2." + d.id, f = "resize.select2." + d.id, g = "orientationchange.select2." + d.id; this.$container.parents().filter(b.hasScroll).off(e), a(window).off(e + " " + f + " " + g) }, c.prototype._positionDropdown = function () { var b = a(window), c = this.$dropdown.hasClass("select2-dropdown--above"), d = this.$dropdown.hasClass("select2-dropdown--below"), e = null, f = this.$container.offset(); f.bottom = f.top + this.$container.outerHeight(!1); var g = { height: this.$container.outerHeight(!1) }; g.top = f.top, g.bottom = f.top + g.height; var h = { height: this.$dropdown.outerHeight(!1) }, i = { top: b.scrollTop(), bottom: b.scrollTop() + b.height() }, j = i.top < f.top - h.height, k = i.bottom > f.bottom + h.height, l = { left: f.left, top: g.bottom }, m = this.$dropdownParent; "static" === m.css("position") && (m = m.offsetParent()); var n = m.offset(); l.top -= n.top, l.left -= n.left, c || d || (e = "below"), k || !j || c ? !j && k && c && (e = "below") : e = "above", ("above" == e || c && "below" !== e) && (l.top = g.top - n.top - h.height), null != e && (this.$dropdown.removeClass("select2-dropdown--below select2-dropdown--above").addClass("select2-dropdown--" + e), this.$container.removeClass("select2-container--below select2-container--above").addClass("select2-container--" + e)), this.$dropdownContainer.css(l) }, c.prototype._resizeDropdown = function () { var a = { width: this.$container.outerWidth(!1) + "px" }; this.options.get("dropdownAutoWidth") && (a.minWidth = a.width, a.position = "relative", a.width = "auto"), this.$dropdown.css(a) }, c.prototype._showDropdown = function (a) { this.$dropdownContainer.appendTo(this.$dropdownParent), this._positionDropdown(), this._resizeDropdown() }, c }), b.define("select2/dropdown/minimumResultsForSearch", [], function () { function a(b) { for (var c = 0, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { var e = b[d]; e.children ? c += a(e.children) : c++ } return c } function b(a, b, c, d) { this.minimumResultsForSearch = c.get("minimumResultsForSearch"), this.minimumResultsForSearch < 0 && (this.minimumResultsForSearch = 1 / 0), a.call(this, b, c, d) } return b.prototype.showSearch = function (b, c) { return !(a(c.data.results) < this.minimumResultsForSearch) && b.call(this, c) }, b }), b.define("select2/dropdown/selectOnClose", [], function () { function a() { } return a.prototype.bind = function (a, b, c) { var d = this; a.call(this, b, c), b.on("close", function (a) { d._handleSelectOnClose(a) }) }, a.prototype._handleSelectOnClose = function (a, b) { if (b && null != b.originalSelect2Event) { var c = b.originalSelect2Event; if ("select" === c._type || "unselect" === c._type) return } var d = this.getHighlightedResults(); if (!(d.length < 1)) { var e = d.data("data"); null != e.element && e.element.selected || null == e.element && e.selected || this.trigger("select", { data: e }) } }, a }), b.define("select2/dropdown/closeOnSelect", [], function () { function a() { } return a.prototype.bind = function (a, b, c) { var d = this; a.call(this, b, c), b.on("select", function (a) { d._selectTriggered(a) }), b.on("unselect", function (a) { d._selectTriggered(a) }) }, a.prototype._selectTriggered = function (a, b) { var c = b.originalEvent; c && c.ctrlKey || this.trigger("close", { originalEvent: c, originalSelect2Event: b }) }, a }), b.define("select2/i18n/en", [], function () { return { errorLoading: function () { return "The results could not be loaded." }, inputTooLong: function (a) { var b = a.input.length - a.maximum, c = "Please delete " + b + " character"; return 1 != b && (c += "s"), c }, inputTooShort: function (a) { return "Please enter " + (a.minimum - a.input.length) + " or more characters" }, loadingMore: function () { return "Loading more results…" }, maximumSelected: function (a) { var b = "You can only select " + a.maximum + " item"; return 1 != a.maximum && (b += "s"), b }, noResults: function () { return "No results found" }, searching: function () { return "Searching…" } } }), b.define("select2/defaults", ["jquery", "require", "./results", "./selection/single", "./selection/multiple", "./selection/placeholder", "./selection/allowClear", "./selection/search", "./selection/eventRelay", "./utils", "./translation", "./diacritics", "./data/select", "./data/array", "./data/ajax", "./data/tags", "./data/tokenizer", "./data/minimumInputLength", "./data/maximumInputLength", "./data/maximumSelectionLength", "./dropdown", "./dropdown/search", "./dropdown/hidePlaceholder", "./dropdown/infiniteScroll", "./dropdown/attachBody", "./dropdown/minimumResultsForSearch", "./dropdown/selectOnClose", "./dropdown/closeOnSelect", "./i18n/en"], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C) { function D() { this.reset() } return D.prototype.apply = function (l) { if (l = a.extend(!0, {}, this.defaults, l), null == l.dataAdapter) { if (null != l.ajax ? l.dataAdapter = o : null != l.data ? l.dataAdapter = n : l.dataAdapter = m, l.minimumInputLength > 0 && (l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, r)), l.maximumInputLength > 0 && (l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, s)), l.maximumSelectionLength > 0 && (l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, t)), l.tags && (l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, p)), null == l.tokenSeparators && null == l.tokenizer || (l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, q)), null != l.query) { var C = b(l.amdBase + "compat/query"); l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, C) } if (null != l.initSelection) { var D = b(l.amdBase + "compat/initSelection"); l.dataAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dataAdapter, D) } } if (null == l.resultsAdapter && (l.resultsAdapter = c, null != l.ajax && (l.resultsAdapter = j.Decorate(l.resultsAdapter, x)), null != l.placeholder && (l.resultsAdapter = j.Decorate(l.resultsAdapter, w)), l.selectOnClose && (l.resultsAdapter = j.Decorate(l.resultsAdapter, A))), null == l.dropdownAdapter) { if (l.multiple) l.dropdownAdapter = u; else { var E = j.Decorate(u, v); l.dropdownAdapter = E } if (0 !== l.minimumResultsForSearch && (l.dropdownAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dropdownAdapter, z)), l.closeOnSelect && (l.dropdownAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dropdownAdapter, B)), null != l.dropdownCssClass || null != l.dropdownCss || null != l.adaptDropdownCssClass) { var F = b(l.amdBase + "compat/dropdownCss"); l.dropdownAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dropdownAdapter, F) } l.dropdownAdapter = j.Decorate(l.dropdownAdapter, y) } if (null == l.selectionAdapter) { if (l.multiple ? l.selectionAdapter = e : l.selectionAdapter = d, null != l.placeholder && (l.selectionAdapter = j.Decorate(l.selectionAdapter, f)), l.allowClear && (l.selectionAdapter = j.Decorate(l.selectionAdapter, g)), l.multiple && (l.selectionAdapter = j.Decorate(l.selectionAdapter, h)), null != l.containerCssClass || null != l.containerCss || null != l.adaptContainerCssClass) { var G = b(l.amdBase + "compat/containerCss"); l.selectionAdapter = j.Decorate(l.selectionAdapter, G) } l.selectionAdapter = j.Decorate(l.selectionAdapter, i) } if ("string" == typeof l.language) if (l.language.indexOf("-") > 0) { var H = l.language.split("-"), I = H[0]; l.language = [l.language, I] } else l.language = [l.language]; if (a.isArray(l.language)) { var J = new k; l.language.push("en"); for (var K = l.language, L = 0; L < K.length; L++) { var M = K[L], N = {}; try { N = k.loadPath(M) } catch (a) { try { M = this.defaults.amdLanguageBase + M, N = k.loadPath(M) } catch (a) { l.debug && window.console && console.warn && console.warn('Select2: The language file for "' + M + '" could not be automatically loaded. A fallback will be used instead.'); continue } } J.extend(N) } l.translations = J } else { var O = k.loadPath(this.defaults.amdLanguageBase + "en"), P = new k(l.language); P.extend(O), l.translations = P } return l }, D.prototype.reset = function () { function b(a) { function b(a) { return l[a] || a } return a.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007E]/g, b) } function c(d, e) { if ("" === a.trim(d.term)) return e; if (e.children && e.children.length > 0) { for (var f = a.extend(!0, {}, e), g = e.children.length - 1; g >= 0; g--) { null == c(d, e.children[g]) && f.children.splice(g, 1) } return f.children.length > 0 ? f : c(d, f) } var h = b(e.text).toUpperCase(), i = b(d.term).toUpperCase(); return h.indexOf(i) > -1 ? e : null } this.defaults = { amdBase: "./", amdLanguageBase: "./i18n/", closeOnSelect: !0, debug: !1, dropdownAutoWidth: !1, escapeMarkup: j.escapeMarkup, language: C, matcher: c, minimumInputLength: 0, maximumInputLength: 0, maximumSelectionLength: 0, minimumResultsForSearch: 0, selectOnClose: !1, sorter: function (a) { return a }, templateResult: function (a) { return a.text }, templateSelection: function (a) { return a.text }, theme: "default", width: "resolve" } }, D.prototype.set = function (b, c) { var d = a.camelCase(b), e = {}; e[d] = c; var f = j._convertData(e); a.extend(this.defaults, f) }, new D }), b.define("select2/options", ["require", "jquery", "./defaults", "./utils"], function (a, b, c, d) { function e(b, e) { if (this.options = b, null != e && this.fromElement(e), this.options = c.apply(this.options), e && e.is("input")) { var f = a(this.get("amdBase") + "compat/inputData"); this.options.dataAdapter = d.Decorate(this.options.dataAdapter, f) } } return e.prototype.fromElement = function (a) { var c = ["select2"]; null == this.options.multiple && (this.options.multiple = a.prop("multiple")), null == this.options.disabled && (this.options.disabled = a.prop("disabled")), null == this.options.language && (a.prop("lang") ? this.options.language = a.prop("lang").toLowerCase() : a.closest("[lang]").prop("lang") && (this.options.language = a.closest("[lang]").prop("lang"))), null == this.options.dir && (a.prop("dir") ? this.options.dir = a.prop("dir") : a.closest("[dir]").prop("dir") ? this.options.dir = a.closest("[dir]").prop("dir") : this.options.dir = "ltr"), a.prop("disabled", this.options.disabled), a.prop("multiple", this.options.multiple), a.data("select2Tags") && (this.options.debug && window.console && console.warn && console.warn('Select2: The `data-select2-tags` attribute has been changed to use the `data-data` and `data-tags="true"` attributes and will be removed in future versions of Select2.'), a.data("data", a.data("select2Tags")), a.data("tags", !0)), a.data("ajaxUrl") && (this.options.debug && window.console && console.warn && console.warn("Select2: The `data-ajax-url` attribute has been changed to `data-ajax--url` and support for the old attribute will be removed in future versions of Select2."), a.attr("ajax--url", a.data("ajaxUrl")), a.data("ajax--url", a.data("ajaxUrl"))); var e = {}; e = b.fn.jquery && "1." == b.fn.jquery.substr(0, 2) && a[0].dataset ? b.extend(!0, {}, a[0].dataset, a.data()) : a.data(); var f = b.extend(!0, {}, e); f = d._convertData(f); for (var g in f) b.inArray(g, c) > -1 || (b.isPlainObject(this.options[g]) ? b.extend(this.options[g], f[g]) : this.options[g] = f[g]); return this }, e.prototype.get = function (a) { return this.options[a] }, e.prototype.set = function (a, b) { this.options[a] = b }, e }), b.define("select2/core", ["jquery", "./options", "./utils", "./keys"], function (a, b, c, d) { var e = function (a, c) { null != a.data("select2") && a.data("select2").destroy(), this.$element = a, this.id = this._generateId(a), c = c || {}, this.options = new b(c, a), e.__super__.constructor.call(this); var d = a.attr("tabindex") || 0; a.data("old-tabindex", d), a.attr("tabindex", "-1"); var f = this.options.get("dataAdapter"); this.dataAdapter = new f(a, this.options); var g = this.render(); this._placeContainer(g); var h = this.options.get("selectionAdapter"); this.selection = new h(a, this.options), this.$selection = this.selection.render(), this.selection.position(this.$selection, g); var i = this.options.get("dropdownAdapter"); this.dropdown = new i(a, this.options), this.$dropdown = this.dropdown.render(), this.dropdown.position(this.$dropdown, g); var j = this.options.get("resultsAdapter"); this.results = new j(a, this.options, this.dataAdapter), this.$results = this.results.render(), this.results.position(this.$results, this.$dropdown); var k = this; this._bindAdapters(), this._registerDomEvents(), this._registerDataEvents(), this._registerSelectionEvents(), this._registerDropdownEvents(), this._registerResultsEvents(), this._registerEvents(), this.dataAdapter.current(function (a) { k.trigger("selection:update", { data: a }) }), a.addClass("select2-hidden-accessible"), a.attr("aria-hidden", "true"), this._syncAttributes(), a.data("select2", this) }; return c.Extend(e, c.Observable), e.prototype._generateId = function (a) { var b = ""; return b = null != a.attr("id") ? a.attr("id") : null != a.attr("name") ? a.attr("name") + "-" + c.generateChars(2) : c.generateChars(4), b = b.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, ""), b = "select2-" + b }, e.prototype._placeContainer = function (a) { a.insertAfter(this.$element); var b = this._resolveWidth(this.$element, this.options.get("width")); null != b && a.css("width", b) }, e.prototype._resolveWidth = function (a, b) { var c = /^width:(([-+]?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)(px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc))/i; if ("resolve" == b) { var d = this._resolveWidth(a, "style"); return null != d ? d : this._resolveWidth(a, "element") } if ("element" == b) { var e = a.outerWidth(!1); return e <= 0 ? "auto" : e + "px" } if ("style" == b) { var f = a.attr("style"); if ("string" != typeof f) return null; for (var g = f.split(";"), h = 0, i = g.length; h < i; h += 1) { var j = g[h].replace(/\s/g, ""), k = j.match(c); if (null !== k && k.length >= 1) return k[1] } return null } return b }, e.prototype._bindAdapters = function () { this.dataAdapter.bind(this, this.$container), this.selection.bind(this, this.$container), this.dropdown.bind(this, this.$container), this.results.bind(this, this.$container) }, e.prototype._registerDomEvents = function () { var b = this; this.$element.on("change.select2", function () { b.dataAdapter.current(function (a) { b.trigger("selection:update", { data: a }) }) }), this.$element.on("focus.select2", function (a) { b.trigger("focus", a) }), this._syncA = c.bind(this._syncAttributes, this), this._syncS = c.bind(this._syncSubtree, this), this.$element[0].attachEvent && this.$element[0].attachEvent("onpropertychange", this._syncA); var d = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; null != d ? (this._observer = new d(function (c) { a.each(c, b._syncA), a.each(c, b._syncS) }), this._observer.observe(this.$element[0], { attributes: !0, childList: !0, subtree: !1 })) : this.$element[0].addEventListener && (this.$element[0].addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", b._syncA, !1), this.$element[0].addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", b._syncS, !1), this.$element[0].addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", b._syncS, !1)) }, e.prototype._registerDataEvents = function () { var a = this; this.dataAdapter.on("*", function (b, c) { a.trigger(b, c) }) }, e.prototype._registerSelectionEvents = function () { var b = this, c = ["toggle", "focus"]; this.selection.on("toggle", function () { b.toggleDropdown() }), this.selection.on("focus", function (a) { b.focus(a) }), this.selection.on("*", function (d, e) { -1 === a.inArray(d, c) && b.trigger(d, e) }) }, e.prototype._registerDropdownEvents = function () { var a = this; this.dropdown.on("*", function (b, c) { a.trigger(b, c) }) }, e.prototype._registerResultsEvents = function () { var a = this; this.results.on("*", function (b, c) { a.trigger(b, c) }) }, e.prototype._registerEvents = function () { var a = this; this.on("open", function () { a.$container.addClass("select2-container--open") }), this.on("close", function () { a.$container.removeClass("select2-container--open") }), this.on("enable", function () { a.$container.removeClass("select2-container--disabled") }), this.on("disable", function () { a.$container.addClass("select2-container--disabled") }), this.on("blur", function () { a.$container.removeClass("select2-container--focus") }), this.on("query", function (b) { a.isOpen() || a.trigger("open", {}), this.dataAdapter.query(b, function (c) { a.trigger("results:all", { data: c, query: b }) }) }), this.on("query:append", function (b) { this.dataAdapter.query(b, function (c) { a.trigger("results:append", { data: c, query: b }) }) }), this.on("keypress", function (b) { var c = b.which; a.isOpen() ? c === d.ESC || c === d.TAB || c === d.UP && b.altKey ? (a.close(), b.preventDefault()) : c === d.ENTER ? (a.trigger("results:select", {}), b.preventDefault()) : c === d.SPACE && b.ctrlKey ? (a.trigger("results:toggle", {}), b.preventDefault()) : c === d.UP ? (a.trigger("results:previous", {}), b.preventDefault()) : c === d.DOWN && (a.trigger("results:next", {}), b.preventDefault()) : (c === d.ENTER || c === d.SPACE || c === d.DOWN && b.altKey) && (a.open(), b.preventDefault()) }) }, e.prototype._syncAttributes = function () { this.options.set("disabled", this.$element.prop("disabled")), this.options.get("disabled") ? (this.isOpen() && this.close(), this.trigger("disable", {})) : this.trigger("enable", {}) }, e.prototype._syncSubtree = function (a, b) { var c = !1, d = this; if (!a || !a.target || "OPTION" === a.target.nodeName || "OPTGROUP" === a.target.nodeName) { if (b) if (b.addedNodes && b.addedNodes.length > 0) for (var e = 0; e < b.addedNodes.length; e++) { var f = b.addedNodes[e]; f.selected && (c = !0) } else b.removedNodes && b.removedNodes.length > 0 && (c = !0); else c = !0; c && this.dataAdapter.current(function (a) { d.trigger("selection:update", { data: a }) }) } }, e.prototype.trigger = function (a, b) { var c = e.__super__.trigger, d = { open: "opening", close: "closing", select: "selecting", unselect: "unselecting" }; if (void 0 === b && (b = {}), a in d) { var f = d[a], g = { prevented: !1, name: a, args: b }; if (c.call(this, f, g), g.prevented) return void (b.prevented = !0) } c.call(this, a, b) }, e.prototype.toggleDropdown = function () { this.options.get("disabled") || (this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open()) }, e.prototype.open = function () { this.isOpen() || this.trigger("query", {}) }, e.prototype.close = function () { this.isOpen() && this.trigger("close", {}) }, e.prototype.isOpen = function () { return this.$container.hasClass("select2-container--open") }, e.prototype.hasFocus = function () { return this.$container.hasClass("select2-container--focus") }, e.prototype.focus = function (a) { this.hasFocus() || (this.$container.addClass("select2-container--focus"), this.trigger("focus", {})) }, e.prototype.enable = function (a) { this.options.get("debug") && window.console && console.warn && console.warn('Select2: The `select2("enable")` method has been deprecated and will be removed in later Select2 versions. Use $element.prop("disabled") instead.'), null != a && 0 !== a.length || (a = [!0]); var b = !a[0]; this.$element.prop("disabled", b) }, e.prototype.data = function () { this.options.get("debug") && arguments.length > 0 && window.console && console.warn && console.warn('Select2: Data can no longer be set using `select2("data")`. You should consider setting the value instead using `$element.val()`.'); var a = []; return this.dataAdapter.current(function (b) { a = b }), a }, e.prototype.val = function (b) { if (this.options.get("debug") && window.console && console.warn && console.warn('Select2: The `select2("val")` method has been deprecated and will be removed in later Select2 versions. Use $element.val() instead.'), null == b || 0 === b.length) return this.$element.val(); var c = b[0]; a.isArray(c) && (c = a.map(c, function (a) { return a.toString() })), this.$element.val(c).trigger("change") }, e.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$container.remove(), this.$element[0].detachEvent && this.$element[0].detachEvent("onpropertychange", this._syncA), null != this._observer ? (this._observer.disconnect(), this._observer = null) : this.$element[0].removeEventListener && (this.$element[0].removeEventListener("DOMAttrModified", this._syncA, !1), this.$element[0].removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", this._syncS, !1), this.$element[0].removeEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", this._syncS, !1)), this._syncA = null, this._syncS = null, this.$element.off(".select2"), this.$element.attr("tabindex", this.$element.data("old-tabindex")), this.$element.removeClass("select2-hidden-accessible"), this.$element.attr("aria-hidden", "false"), this.$element.removeData("select2"), this.dataAdapter.destroy(), this.selection.destroy(), this.dropdown.destroy(), this.results.destroy(), this.dataAdapter = null, this.selection = null, this.dropdown = null, this.results = null }, e.prototype.render = function () { var b = a(''); return b.attr("dir", this.options.get("dir")), this.$container = b, this.$container.addClass("select2-container--" + this.options.get("theme")), b.data("element", this.$element), b }, e }), b.define("select2/compat/utils", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(b, c, d) { var e, f, g = []; e = a.trim(b.attr("class")), e && (e = "" + e, a(e.split(/\s+/)).each(function () { 0 === this.indexOf("select2-") && g.push(this) })), e = a.trim(c.attr("class")), e && (e = "" + e, a(e.split(/\s+/)).each(function () { 0 !== this.indexOf("select2-") && null != (f = d(this)) && g.push(f) })), b.attr("class", g.join(" ")) } return { syncCssClasses: b } }), b.define("select2/compat/containerCss", ["jquery", "./utils"], function (a, b) { function c(a) { return null } function d() { } return d.prototype.render = function (d) { var e = d.call(this), f = this.options.get("containerCssClass") || ""; a.isFunction(f) && (f = f(this.$element)); var g = this.options.get("adaptContainerCssClass"); if (g = g || c, -1 !== f.indexOf(":all:")) { f = f.replace(":all:", ""); var h = g; g = function (a) { var b = h(a); return null != b ? b + " " + a : a } } var i = this.options.get("containerCss") || {}; return a.isFunction(i) && (i = i(this.$element)), b.syncCssClasses(e, this.$element, g), e.css(i), e.addClass(f), e }, d }), b.define("select2/compat/dropdownCss", ["jquery", "./utils"], function (a, b) { function c(a) { return null } function d() { } return d.prototype.render = function (d) { var e = d.call(this), f = this.options.get("dropdownCssClass") || ""; a.isFunction(f) && (f = f(this.$element)); var g = this.options.get("adaptDropdownCssClass"); if (g = g || c, -1 !== f.indexOf(":all:")) { f = f.replace(":all:", ""); var h = g; g = function (a) { var b = h(a); return null != b ? b + " " + a : a } } var i = this.options.get("dropdownCss") || {}; return a.isFunction(i) && (i = i(this.$element)), b.syncCssClasses(e, this.$element, g), e.css(i), e.addClass(f), e }, d }), b.define("select2/compat/initSelection", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(a, b, c) { c.get("debug") && window.console && console.warn && console.warn("Select2: The `initSelection` option has been deprecated in favor of a custom data adapter that overrides the `current` method. This method is now called multiple times instead of a single time when the instance is initialized. Support will be removed for the `initSelection` option in future versions of Select2"), this.initSelection = c.get("initSelection"), this._isInitialized = !1, a.call(this, b, c) } return b.prototype.current = function (b, c) { var d = this; if (this._isInitialized) return void b.call(this, c); this.initSelection.call(null, this.$element, function (b) { d._isInitialized = !0, a.isArray(b) || (b = [b]), c(b) }) }, b }), b.define("select2/compat/inputData", ["jquery"], function (a) { function b(a, b, c) { this._currentData = [], this._valueSeparator = c.get("valueSeparator") || ",", "hidden" === b.prop("type") && c.get("debug") && console && console.warn && console.warn("Select2: Using a hidden input with Select2 is no longer supported and may stop working in the future. It is recommended to use a `").text(r).html()+'" />'});i+="<\/form>";n("body").append(i);n("#"+r).submit()}return u(this,t),_.isEmpty(t.url)?console.log("doAjax.doPostData cannot find the URL!"):_.isEmpty(t.ask)?i():confirm(t.ask)&&i(),this.each(function(){})}})(jQuery,window,document); (function(n,t,i){"use strict";t[n]=i(n,t)})("EventBroker",typeof window!="undefined"&&window||this,function(){"use strict";function f(n){return function(){throw n;}}function e(n,t,i){try{n(t,i)}catch(r){setTimeout(f(r),0)}}function i(t,i,r){var f=n[i],u,o;if(n.hasOwnProperty(i))for(u=0,o=f.length;u=0;r--)if(n[i][r][e]===t&&(n[i].splice(r,1),f=o,u))return f;return f},t}); var Hacks={Telerik:{handleButton:function(n){n.each(function(){var n=$(this);n.hasClass("t-grid-add")&&n.find("> .fa").length===0?n.prepend('<\/i>'):n.hasClass("t-grid-save-changes")&&n.find("> .fa").length===0&&n.prepend('<\/i>')})},handleGridFilter:function(){if($.telerik&&$.telerik.filtering){var n=$.telerik.filtering.implementation.showFilter;$.telerik.filtering.implementation.showFilter=function(t){var r=$(t.currentTarget),i,u;n.apply(this,[t]);i=r.data("filter");u=i.parent();i.css({left:r.offset().left-u.offset().left+"px"})}}}}}; (function(n,t,i,r){var u=ResponsiveBootstrapToolkit;t.getPageWidth=function(){return parseFloat(n("#page").css("width"))};t.getViewport=function(){return u};t.setLocation=function(n){t.location.href=/n};t.openPopup=function(i,u,f){var e=n.isPlainObject(i)?i:{url:i,large:u,flex:f},h=e.id||"modal-popup-shared",o=n("#"+h),s="",c,l,a;if(e.flex===r&&(e.flex=!0),e.flex&&(s="modal-flex"),e.backdrop===r&&(e.backdrop=!0),e.large&&!e.flex?s="modal-lg":!e.large&&e.flex&&(s+=" modal-flex-sm"),o.length===0){c=['
          ").addClass("cw").text("#")); b.isBefore(this._viewDate.clone().endOf("w"));)a.append(e("").addClass("dow").text(b.format("dd"))), b.add(1, "d"); this.widget.find(".datepicker-days thead").append(a) }, k.prototype._fillMonths = function () { for (var a = [], b = this._viewDate.clone().startOf("y").startOf("d"); b.isSame(this._viewDate, "y");)a.push(e("").attr("data-action", "selectMonth").addClass("month").text(b.format("MMM"))), b.add(1, "M"); this.widget.find(".datepicker-months td").empty().append(a) }, k.prototype._updateMonths = function () { var a = this.widget.find(".datepicker-months"), b = a.find("th"), c = a.find("tbody").find("span"), d = this; b.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.prevYear), b.eq(1).attr("title", this._options.tooltips.selectYear), b.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.nextYear), a.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().subtract(1, "y"), "y") || b.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), b.eq(1).text(this._viewDate.year()), this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().add(1, "y"), "y") || b.eq(2).addClass("disabled"), c.removeClass("active"), this._getLastPickedDate().isSame(this._viewDate, "y") && !this.unset && c.eq(this._getLastPickedDate().month()).addClass("active"), c.each(function (a) { d._isValid(d._viewDate.clone().month(a), "M") || e(this).addClass("disabled") }) }, k.prototype._getStartEndYear = function (a, b) { var c = a / 10, d = Math.floor(b / a) * a, e = d + 9 * c, f = Math.floor(b / c) * c; return [d, e, f] }, k.prototype._updateYears = function () { var a = this.widget.find(".datepicker-years"), b = a.find("th"), c = this._getStartEndYear(10, this._viewDate.year()), d = this._viewDate.clone().year(c[0]), e = this._viewDate.clone().year(c[1]), f = ""; for (b.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.prevDecade), b.eq(1).attr("title", this._options.tooltips.selectDecade), b.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.nextDecade), a.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), this._options.minDate && this._options.minDate.isAfter(d, "y") && b.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), b.eq(1).text(d.year() + "-" + e.year()), this._options.maxDate && this._options.maxDate.isBefore(e, "y") && b.eq(2).addClass("disabled"), f += '' + (d.year() - 1) + ""; !d.isAfter(e, "y");)f += '' + d.year() + "", d.add(1, "y"); f += '' + d.year() + "", a.find("td").html(f) }, k.prototype._updateDecades = function () { var a = this.widget.find(".datepicker-decades"), b = a.find("th"), c = this._getStartEndYear(100, this._viewDate.year()), d = this._viewDate.clone().year(c[0]), e = this._viewDate.clone().year(c[1]), f = !1, g = !1, h = void 0, i = ""; for (b.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.prevCentury), b.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.nextCentury), a.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), (0 === d.year() || this._options.minDate && this._options.minDate.isAfter(d, "y")) && b.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), b.eq(1).text(d.year() + "-" + e.year()), this._options.maxDate && this._options.maxDate.isBefore(e, "y") && b.eq(2).addClass("disabled"), i += d.year() - 10 < 0 ? " " : '' + (d.year() - 10) + ""; !d.isAfter(e, "y");)h = d.year() + 11, f = this._options.minDate && this._options.minDate.isAfter(d, "y") && this._options.minDate.year() <= h, g = this._options.maxDate && this._options.maxDate.isAfter(d, "y") && this._options.maxDate.year() <= h, i += '' + d.year() + "", d.add(10, "y"); i += '' + d.year() + "", a.find("td").html(i) }, k.prototype._fillDate = function () { var a = this.widget.find(".datepicker-days"), b = a.find("th"), c = [], d = void 0, f = void 0, g = void 0, h = void 0; if (this._hasDate()) { for (b.eq(0).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.prevMonth), b.eq(1).attr("title", this._options.tooltips.selectMonth), b.eq(2).find("span").attr("title", this._options.tooltips.nextMonth), a.find(".disabled").removeClass("disabled"), b.eq(1).text(this._viewDate.format(this._options.dayViewHeaderFormat)), this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().subtract(1, "M"), "M") || b.eq(0).addClass("disabled"), this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().add(1, "M"), "M") || b.eq(2).addClass("disabled"), d = this._viewDate.clone().startOf("M").startOf("w").startOf("d"), h = 0; h < 42; h++) { if (0 === d.weekday() && (f = e("
          ' + d.week() + "' + d.date() + "
          ' + b.format(this.use24Hours ? "HH" : "hh") + "
          ' + b.format("mm") + "
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